Chapter 207: Meeting Eri

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Chapter 207

June 17th 20XX

Yakuza Hideout

2:45 PM

Izuku walked with Overhaul, Izuku had no idea why but Overhaul was acting more approachable if that is even the right word for it. It threw Izuku off and it scared him more than Overhaul normally acts. Izuku didn't want to imagine Overhaul as a sadistic man but still Overhaul's mood was throwing him for a loop. Izuku however didn't bring it up, he knew to just leave it be, there is no point in asking questions that lead to a pointless argument. Izuku didn't need more tension between him and Overhaul and it was best to keep everything as calm as possible.

Overhaul turned another corner which made Izuku question how long it was going to take. It was as if he was walking through a labyrinth and that was probably the point of making such a base. Izuku kept a mental note of the pathways and turns Overhaul took, he would slowly build a mental image of how this place was built.

Eventually he and Overhaul stopped at a door and knocked on it

Overhaul: Eri are you awake?, you have a visitor

Overhaul waited ten seconds before opening the door, the door opened to a dark room, it was of medium size, not too small. Overhaul turned on the light switch to see a room with bright blue walls with drawings of what seemed like a young girl and Overhaul, however one detail in these pictures bothered Izuku was that the girl never smiled, in fact she was always frowning. He didn't know much about child art and psychology but he knew to be alert.

There was a small bed in the room but no one was on it, Izuku looked around until he saw in the corner of the room a young girl crouched up into a ball with her hands holding her knees. She was trembling in fear. Overhaul seemed unaffected by the girl's behavior which angered Izuku. She looked like she had been crying for hours.

Izuku: What happened to her?

Overhaul: It's a necessary operation... for me of course

Overhaul said this nonchalantly, Izuku was pissed, he knew that whatever Overhaul's operation on Eri was it was sick and twisted. Izuku would have beat the ever living shit out of Overhaul if not for the metaphorical leash around his neck.

Overhaul's eyes turned to Izuku looking at the boy's anger, he knew that he had Izuku on a leash and the fact that Izuku was his little puppet made Overhaul smile. He knew that Izuku wouldn't lay a finger on him as long as Overhaul held the upper hand and that was something that would never change.

Overhaul: Well I'll leave you two to get acquainted

Overhaul walked out the room closing the door leaving Izuku and Eri alone.

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