Chapter 256: What Is Sealing

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Chapter 256

June 26th 20XX

Yakuza Throne Room

12:25 PM

Everyone was surprised to hear this, however out of everyone the most surprised at hearing this was the Elder Yakuza, he had never expected to hear that technique uttered by anyone in the new generation, but even more surprising was that Izuku knew nothing about that legend. The elder knew that he had to ask Izuku how he knew that.

Elder Yakuza: Only one person has that ability and even that was but a myth, you shouldn't know that technique

Izuku: What do you mean? Why shouldn't I know that technique? Do you know something about Tenshi?

Elder Yakuza: It's a legend from long ago, forgotten by time. Some people say it was a myth. Even I don't know much about it. All I know is that it was called Tenshi and it had abilities that were beyond our understanding. One such power being a powerful sealing, however it was that sealing power that led to his demise.

Izuku: What led to his demise?

Elder Yakuza: I don't know, no one knows, however I can find more about the legend if you wish

Izuku: I'd appreciate it if you could, I need to know everything I can about sealing

Elder Yakuza: Of course, however finding these records could takes weeks, however I will do everything in my power to do so *bows and leaves the room*

Izuku: Himiko call Shigaraki for me, we need to talk

Himiko: Okay Izu anything for you

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