Chapter 221: Enter The Antechamber

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Chapter 221

June 18th 20XX

Yakuza Base

12:15 PM

The antichamber was much further underground, deeper than the base itself, it was a circular chamber with features that reminded Izuku of his training with All Might after the first villain attack. He remembered how he felt and he knew that he shouldn't push Eri like All Might did. He would teach her to use her powers without them going out of control.

Izuku and Eri stepped in as Overhaul turned around to leave, Overhaul's action annoyed Izuku who would have liked to know more. But he would make due for now.

Eri: So Izuku what is training?

Izuku: Uh that's hard to explain Eri... It's like controlling your powers to make you stronger

Eri: You really think I can control my powers

Izuku: Of course Eri I put my full trust in you

Eri: Okay Izuku I'm ready

Izuku thought about how he should start the training, thinking back to how he his armor kept disappearing he came up with an idea

Izuku: Okay Eri I have an idea, I am going to throw some glowing knives at you and you are going to your power to make them go away

Eri wasn't sure if she could do it, Izuku was nice to her but she still had the fear that she would lose control, she looked into Izuku's eyes, they were gentle but behind them she knew that he was hurting like her, they are alike after all. She decided to trust Izuku

Eri: Okay Izuku I trust you

Izuku: Good to hear

Izuku created some golden knives

Izuku: We'll start off slow okay

Eri: Okay

Izuku threw a knife which Eri put her hands out to stop, the horn on her head grew as the knife disapeared, the horn didn't stop as Eri began to freak out

Eri: I can't do it Izuku

Izuku: Your okay Eri just breathe

Eri: I don't want you to disappear

Izuku: I'm not going to disappear Eri, trust me, just take a depth breath and relax

Eri looked at Izuku and did as he said, her horn shrank down again as the time around her stopped reversing.

Izuku: See Eri I told you that you can trust me

Eri: *nods* Okay let's try again

Izuku: Are you sure Eri

Eri: I want to improve so let's continue

Izuku created another blade as he knew that Eri would have the drive to learn, something that reminded him of his younger self, always trying to become better, working harder and harder in every aspect of life. Memory is like fate, it can be ironic and whether or not this was true irony didn't change Izuku's mindset, he promised to himself that no matter what Eri would be able to control her ability.

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