Chapter 240: London Airport

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Chapter 240

June 20th 20XX

World Government London Airbase 

8:00 PM

Shiro knew his assignment and as much as he didn't want to work with Zeke he had too. Shiro turned to see Zeke flirting with the airline attendant, the third one in the last hour and the plane hadn't even taken off yet. This assignment was already tricky enough but Zeke was a complication. He rested his head on his left arm annoyed at Zeke's actions.

 He rested his head on his left arm annoyed at Zeke's actions

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Shiro: Zeke we need to talk for a second

Zeke kissed the airline attendant's hand and told her he would talk to her later. He put a rose in her hair and caressed he cheek before letting her go. She giggled and left to go to the cockpit.

Zeke: Shiro why are you being so uptight?

Shiro: I am not being uptight, you are causing us to be late

Zeke: You know time is relative

Shiro: *growls* Seriously you need to stop flirting with every woman you meet, it could blow our cover than what?

Zeke: Don't be so negative

Shiro: Can we at least try to focus on the task at hand

Zeke: Yeah yeah I know

Shiro: Well what are our plans

Zeke: Well first you should be honest between you and me

Shiro: What do you want to know?

Zeke: What is Izuku's relationship with Tenshi

Shiro: What do you...

Zeke: If we are going to do this we need to trust each other so you can at least tell me

Shiro: *sighs* Fine I'll tell you but you have to promise to stop flirting with anymore women on this plane

Zeke: I promise on my honor

Shiro: I believe that Izuku is the "hero Tenshi", but even if he is not it would be best to keep Izuku calm

Zeke: Hmmm so he has a bloodline ability?

Shiro: He may be the bloodline ability but without proof what are we going to do

Zeke: So we just have to keep a kid calm how bad could that be?

Shiro: Izuku is heavily influenced by his friends with one such being the son of a hero. It seems like Endeavor, or Enji Todoroki's son has hospital records that were covered up as well as family issues stemming from his need to be the top hero in Japan. It seems like he is planning to remarry

Zeke: Your branch really likes stalking

Shiro: It get's the job done right, espically when we are going to a place full of "heroes" and "Villans" in a twisted battle. Everything and everyone is on edge and this needs to be done with good results.

Zeke: *Leans back in his seat* Well if result are all that matter to you then you won't succeed.

Shiro: You maybe right but until you can prove it we will do things my way

Zeke: *yawns* Eh whatever floats your boat Shiro

*Author's Note*

*Bloodline abilities are basically abilities that aren't quirks or a zen mode boost. These are passed down via family bloodlines, and they can't be learned by anyone else. Imagine a Kekki Genki from Naruto but not a clan mutation. This is the 3rd type of power in the hero society Universe so far*  

This is the start of something that I have wanted to add for awhile now and I will add more details as we see more of these abilities as they appear. 

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