Chapter 1

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(aHeM. before i start just wanna say that this is based off of a fnaf rp i did with my amazing girlfriend smartieAnimationsyt.make sure you check out her stuff k? shes an awesome artist and a talented writer. I was Michael in this and she was William uwu. without further ado heres the story!! hope you enjoy and dont forget to go check out my gf!!)

"Moldy rotten ...fluffy bunny furry," the speaker smiled.

The other person in the room frowns in slight annoyance before he comes up with another insult.

"Meat skin," the other figure shoots back.

The first person frowns angrily at this, while the second figure smiles smugly. The original speaker was wearing a purple button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, black finger-less gloves, and black ripped jeans. He had semi long brown hair pulled back into a small ponytail, one blue eye, the other black with a bright purple iris. There were small scars and openings all over his skin, a Band-Aid on his cheek, and there were purplish splotches on his skin. A closer inspection would show that they were rotting areas. He looked withered, but young; late twenties or so. The young man looked incredibly similar to the second figure. The other guy was a tad taller than the younger, darker brown graying hair, blue eyes, a five o clock shadow forming, and was much older than the first. His face was sharply pointed, his cheek bones a prominent feature. He was wearing a purple suit with a black tie, black pants, and there was a small gold yellow badge on the shirt. The two were very obviously related, they looked so similar anybody could tell they were father and son. The older man's name was William Afton, the young man standing across from him was his oldest son, Michael.

"You- you're an IDIOT, you ran away from ghosts, GHOSTS! You could've just run through them!!" the younger said, clearly aggravated.

"YOU trusted a fucking fat bitch-ass animatronic with the creepiest vibes!" The older growled. "One that YOU create-,"his father cut him off.

"Hey, I didn't ask for you to trust her,"

The boy continued, ignoring the interruption"-AND had murder your own kids!! You sent me to my death!!!" he sounded upset and angry.

"Look- I didn't even know they still worked, well I mean I suppose I had guessed they did...but I didn't think they would bloody scoop out your insides!!"

"You sent me to find Liz and I ASSUMED she wouldn't attempt to kill me!"

"I didn't think she would EITHER, that's why I fucking sent you down there in the first god damn place!!" the older man was shouting as the argument heated.

"Why did you even build a murder robot for Liz in the first place?!" Michael asked his father.

"It wasn't FOR Liz, I didn't intentionally send her to her death – shut the hell up anyhow. I'm the adult, well the oldest and I'm your father."

"You murdered children, I don't believe I should listen to you. You weren't really much of a father to me anyways... "His tone seemed saddened at the last sentence.

"Don't forget, so are you. You're a murderer too, so don't be a hypocrite, Michael." William smiled.

Mike looked a little taken back by this, his face suddenly distraught at Will's statement. "I...I didn't- I didn't mean to-"the boy stammered.

"That's exactly what any murderer says. Doesn't necessarily mean that it's true."

"Just- just because you murdered people on purpose doesn't mean that I did!! I-I'm not like you!" the young man's previous angry tone was giving way to an upset and fearful one.

"Well...let's think about this, shall we?" his father smiles and comically crosses his arms and put a hand on his chin. "You murdered someone that was a child, like me...and At the hands of an animatronic, like myself, AND I just so happen to be your father too! So yes, yes you are like me in many, many ways! Looks like that murderous streak runs in the family." William looks back at his son, eyes glinting with satisfaction.

The boy's courage rises with his defensiveness and tone. "Let's get one thing straight old man. I am NOT, in ANY way like YOU." Michael glares at William.

Will puts his hands up in a shrugging gesture. "Sure, whatever you say son! Said I wasn't gonna turn out to be a murderer either, but here we are." His smile widened. William seemed to be causing his son to have a mental crisis, and he seemed to be enjoying it.

"N-no I-I'm not like you!!!!!" he squeezes his eyes shut, as if trying to block out his father's words.

The older man didn't seem to notice, and if he did he didn't care. If anything Michael's reaction pushed him to keep talking.

"People don't get born and immediately want to kill people. They will take one life and once they have, they'll start thinking about it more and more. So they then take another to remember how powerful they felt, and then another and another."

"No- no that's how INSANE people think. NORMAL people realize that's wrong!" Mike was angry.

William shrugs again. "Either way, you are a murderer. Tell me, how often do you think about the death of your brother Michael?"

The boy stops and looks down after staring in shock at Will for a second. That had been a traumatizing experience for him, and the start of his broken relationship with William. After a few moments he decides to speak again.

"...ok, ok maybe I did deserve to have my organs scooped out. Maybe I deserved to die...but those kids, they didn't! Not Liz or the five kids you murdered in cold blood!"

He sighed sadly as he said the next words. "Not- not Chris...Chris..."

"Hmm? What's this? Are you finally realizing that maybe you are insane, and a murderer?" the older man's grin was frightening and cold.

His son's gaze hardens again, glaring at his father.

"Shut. Your goddamn mouth."

William laughs a little. "Why should I? I'm only telling you the truth. Don't you like the truth Michael?"

Mike stops, looking slightly fearful. "The- the truth? I..."

"It's a little scary at first, I know, but you'll come to terms with it eventually." He's still grinning madly as he looks at Michael.

The young man struggles for a minute to come up with a response "The truth is that-that I at least have a consciousness to tell me that killing people is WRONG. Especially children!!"

He was practically screaming at his father.

"Well that little "conscious" of yours never told you to stop when Chris was clearly upset and in danger, now did it?" he pointed out.

"That was- it was an accident!! I didn't want to kill him!!!" he's starting to tear up, raking his hands through his hair.

"Well that doesn't stop you from what you did. You're a murderer." William doesn't stop smiling. He seems to be enjoying taunting his son.

"Maybe I am! What I did was wrong...I wanted your attention... I just wanted for you to be proud of me." Mike trails off, muttering the last part under his breath.

Maybe You're Not so Bad - William and Michael Afton (FNAF AU)Where stories live. Discover now