Authors Note

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Hello readers!

Before you read, I would just like to mention that this story is currently unedited. Any mistakes will be corrected when I do my rewrite.

This book is copyrighted, so please do not use my work in any way without proper credit (you are allowed to share of course but remember the credit). As always, this book is completely fictional and any names related to places or people are entirely fictional as is the plot and ideas within.

I would quickly like to add a couple of warnings.

TW: Mental Health
This book may contain scenes with references to mental health such as anxiety, depression, and PTSD.

TW: Substances
This book includes alcohol use and may reference drug use.

If anyone had any issues or questions don't hesitate to get in touch either on here or on Instagram @addicreates and we can discuss it.

Other stories on my profile;

Sinful Hearts

Follow me on Instagram and on TikTok @lpmaddison and don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed! Add this story to your library to be reminded about updates!

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