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Once again, Soyoung was in a fight for her life. And once again she walked out alive. Injured, but alive. Soyoung dragged herself through the ruins of a former junkyard, exhaustion delaying her comfort. The wounds formed on her body stung her conscience.

As she walked through the darkness towards an abandoned hospital, her hands balled into fists and her pace became slower as if she hadn't entered the place many times prior.

From the outside, the building was wrecked. Broken windows and damaged bricks separating over time. She entered the hospital. Inside everything looked old and covered in in dust and blood. Soyoung wasn't sure what had happened to the place, she never thought to ask, but once she spotted multiple isolated bones she let the question fly over her head.

The only modern thing there, was an elevator. She stepped in front of the lift and pressed the button to her right. Almost immediately, it glowed orange. In response, Soyoung positioned herself so she was eye level with the button and pressed it again. Almost blinding her, a bright blue light escaped and scanned her eye.

Eventually, the button signalled green and gave Soyoung permission to enter.
Standing in that elevator made Soyoung feel uneasy. She had rode it many times before but each time her stomach turned more. It never got easier for her. She hated that place. The intoxicating chemical smell that surrounded the entrance, the solitary of the building and the lifeless damage only made her head swirl and her body fill with hatred. But she kept coming back. Although she didn't want to, she had to.

After several minutes of moving downwards, the large metal doors finally opened. Beyond the doors was the last thing anyone would expect. Underneath the hospital laid a secret agency headquarters. Soyoung stepped into the large room. The place was filled with desks on every row accompanied by faceless people sitting behind a vast computer screen, screaming orders over comms. Multiple strangers passing by wearing black suits and not saying a word. Occasionally, she would see an intern scrambling piles of paper or spilling black coffee over the printer. In Soyoung's opinion, it looked like a normal office workspace. But don't be fooled.

Soyoung's thoughts were interrupted by a shrill, jarring voice, followed by a petite woman with pale skin and straight, dark hair. Her hazel eyes stared at Soyoung, her face full of disappointment. "What do you want Kyungmin?" Soyoung finally blurted out.

There was no answer, only a finger telling her to follow it. She attended Kyungmin as she escorted her through the crowd, towards the end of a long hall. Soyoung knew where she was headed. Kyungmin stopped in front of the dark substantial doors.

"You are wanted, Miss Yoon." Kyungmin mocked. Soyoung wanted to give her a good hide in but suppressed the feeling. The two women had never gotten along. Soyoung hated the fact that that Kyungmin was the boss' pet and always followed the rules no matter how little. She often scowled at Soyoung whenever she has done the smallest thing wrong or dropped a piece of litter.

Just looking at her spiteful expression whenever Soyoung was told to do something she didn't want to, made her want to kill her there and then. Even the sound of her 6 inch heels whenever she walked across the building made her cringe.

Kyungmin opened the doors while, still smirking jokingly. Soyoung glared at her, daring her to carry on but she hurried along the hallway sounding like a horse galloping. Soyoung rolled her eyes and took a deep breath.

In front of her was him... the boss. He was sitting at his desk writing in a notebook and quietly talking to himself. Despite her feelings towards the boss, Soyoung couldn't deny that he was handsome. He had fair skin that suited his peppery, wavy hair that almost covered his dark eyes. Although, he always held a vexed expression with the bags under his eyes and stubble in his face.

Soyoung's admiration for the man stopped there.

To notify her her presence, Soyoung cleared her throat loudly.

Suddenly, the boss' head had forgotten about his work. When his eyes met with Soyoung's, she instantly felt uncomfortable. As soon as he laid his eyes on her he smiled ear to ear but not not in a nice way. He was like the Cheshire Cat, mischievous and crazy.

She lightly smiled back but holding no comfort. His kind expression quickly turned into unbelievable concern. He walked around his desk and stood before Soyoung.

"You look terrible" he said.

Soyoung was shocked for almost a second. She had almost forgotten about her injuries, which was typical. From a young age she was taught that pain was just an illusion. Nothing ever really hurts you, only emotion can truly wound mankind. It was a sad thing for a kid to learn, but necessary for survival.

Soyoung waved off his comment and replied "You wanted me, Mr Ko."

"Yes. I see your mission went well" he said, examining her state. Soyoung just nodded. "Well I hope you are capable right now, I have another job for you."

Of course he does Soyoung thought, rolling her eyes consciously. "What is it?" She asked.

Mr ko's posture straightened and he rushed back to his desk and began typing rapidly. Out of curiosity, Soyoung walked forward and leaned on the desk, watching her boss' face light up. After multiple seconds, he turned his computer so Soyoung could see.

On the screen was a picture of a man. He has smooth tan skin, plump lips, large dark eyes filled with strength and ambition. His hair was black and his bangs fell over his face darkening his expression. He was undeniably good looking but something at the back of her mind was telling Soyoung that she has seen him before.

She looked up at mr Ko who was staring at the photo with such hatred she thought he was going to punch the screen. Slowly, she took a step back. "okay I'll get my stuff ready." Soyoung said.

"Wait!" Mr Ko shouted before she could leave.

She turned to find him standing up "this isn't just a target. This is the most important mission you will go on yet." He continued with the crazed look in his eyes.

Something seemed off. She couldn't put her finger on it but Soyoung gathered it was personal.

"What's the mission then?" She asked.

The boss offered her to take a seat and she accepted despite feeling uneasy. He stood, leaning on the desk and crossed his arms.

"You will be going to back to Seoul for an undercover mission." He said.

(A/N: if you are from TikTok, you will know Mr Ko as JB from Got7 and Kyungmin as Joy from red velvet.)

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