Twenty eight

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As much as I tried to forget it, it still played on my mind the moment I saw Seonghwa. I betrayed him before he even knew my face. All he knew was my surname.


It happened only a month after I agreed to work with the CAU. It was my first mission as an assassin. I got called into his office. As I walked in, my posture was loose and my face was long. He glared at me with wide eyes and a smirk but I just glared at him. He slid a file in front of me. I opened it and scanned all the details. There was  picture of a young boy along with his information. Park Jeongwoo, born on September 28th 2004, blood type O, one older brother...Park Seonghwa. I closed the file and moved it away from me. "What do you want me to do with this?" I asked, clearly knowing.

"This is your first mission."

I leaned my elbows on the desk and inched closer to him. "You want me to kill a 13 year old boy?" He didn't reply, just grinned. "You're sick." I cussed.

He leaned back and crossed his arms. "You've done far worst. This is just another person on your victim list."

"But what has this boy done to deserve death?" I questioned.

"That's none of your concern." He answered. "Now I suggest you get ready or your mother will take her last breath."

I scoffed after charging out of the room. His constant blackmail angered me. As I prepared for the mission, my blood was boiling. I was raised to be a machine who doesn't feel physically and emotionally. Something as little as that wouldn't have bothered me if it wasn't Mr Ko asking.

3rd person POV

The house was dark and bodiless. After putting on her mask and cap,Soyoung loaded her gun as she sneaked into the building. The front door was open so she walked in. Her heeled boots connecting with the marble floor was the only sound to be heard. She held her gun with both hands and every time she entered a new room she would aim it in front of her but she had not yet come face to face with anyone. That was until she entered a study that was dimly lit by a fireplace. There were two people present. The older male, Mr Park stared at me with wide eyes, his hand travelling to his draw. Once the boys sitting opposite him turned around, Soyoung pulled the trigger, the bullet imbedding in between his eyes. His body dropped. Mr Park ran to his son, tears spilling from his eyes as he cradled his son's lifeless body. Eventually he looked up at unrecognisable, Soyoung. "Who are you? Why? Why have you done this?" He cried.

Not even a speck of guilt filled Soyoung. "You may know me as one of the Yoon twins." She confessed Before fleeing.

End of flashback

Jeonghan still held Mr Ko who laughed at the twins crazily. "Even if you kill me. I got my revenge. And even better, I'm the reason that Yoon Soyoung regained feelings."

Soyoung aimed her gun at his head, her finger slowly pressing the trigger. "Stop!" Jeonghan held his hand up. "Remember what we're really here for."

She held her position "where is she?"

Mr Ko over exaggerated as he shrugged "I have no clue who you're talking about."

Jeonghan pressed his blade deeper into Mr Ko's neck, causing his face to scrunch up and his teeth grit together. "You know who! Where is our mother?"

Once again he began laughing, causing the twin's blood to boil. Soyoung used the heel of her shoe and put pressure on his fingers, the clicking being music to her ears along with his screams. "Where is she?!"

Mr Ko groaned in pain. His vision panned between the siblings before grinning "she's dead."

Soyoung's instinct caused her to push Jeonghan off her enemy. She climbed on him and snaked her fingers around his neck, closing his throat. "Don't lie to me! Tell me where she is."

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