Forty six

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Soyoung's POV

All I could feel was the coldness of the floor as my eyes fluttered open. Greeting me, was a dull stone ceiling. Realising that I didn't know where I was, I sat up immediately and scanned my surroundings. I was in a box room, every wall was built with grey stone. There were no windows, just a large metal door on the north wall. Although my head was pounding, I stood up and tried to gain my balance. I refused to allow myself to panic when I felt that all my weapons were missing, even the hair pin. Now my locks were draped over my cold and exposed shoulders. I thought back to when I was knocked out, trying to remember who hit me but I hadn't a clue. As I went to bang on the door, I noticed that my wrists were trapped in handcuffs. I didn't know how to escape from those. I clasped my hands together and proceeded to bang the large, metal doors, "Let me out!" I called.

My knuckles began to bleed due to spending unknown hours trying to grab someone's attention from the outside. Eventually I had given up, I walked to the back wall and slid down so I was sitting on the frozen tiles. There was no way out. I brought my knees to my chest, trying to warm my shivering arms. Luckily my dress was keeping my legs warm. I closed my eyes, hoping to maybe fall into slumber to waste time but the fates weren't on my side. As soon as my eyes finally felt heavy. the metal door noisily opened. I didn't even bother to lift my head,  I was too fed up to be dealing with my kidnapper at that moment. "I thought I told you what would happen if I ever saw you again." A deep, recognisable voice spoke. Although his tone was dipped in hatred and disgust.

My body froze before I slowly lifted my head up to meet the eyes of the last person I ever wanted to see. "Seonghwa." I spoke, my voice cracking.

He scoffed and  leaned up the wall, crossing his arms "It really is you."

I stood up instantly, tears threatened to fall the moment my eyes set eyes on him. I thought I would be stronger but him being right in front of me only made me feel fragile and weak. I knew I couldn't stand to fight him. "Why am I here?"

"Don't you get it." He brought his gun from the back of his belt and loaded it, "I'm going to kill you." My body remained frozen as he aimed his gun to my head. I tried to believe that he wouldn't hurt me but the look in his eyes was telling me the opposite. I stood there in silence with my head lowered. I became speechless. "Wow, you have nothing to say? You really have changed."

His harsh toned pulled the lever to my waterworks. He approached me, the gun touching the side of my head, forcing me to look at him. "Just do it. Stop wasting time."

"You're not even going to ask how they are? Its been four years."

I knew who he was talking about but I couldn't bring myself to think about them. "Just kill me, Seonghwa!"

"You know they call for their mother at night."

"Stop it."

"They had no one to feed them."

"I don't want to hear it."

"Why? You are their mother after all."

I ended up pulling the gun closer into my skin, my cheeks became stained with tears. "I beg you."

Seonghwa's POV

The way she begged for me to take her life only made it harder. Seeing her again was hell. I thought I would be able to take my revenge like I have been saying I would all those years. But seeing the face of the woman I loved made it impossible. She was now on her knees with her eyes closed. "Soyoung stand up."

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