Twenty five

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Soyoung's POV

I was woken up by a series of harsh taps on my cheek. Once I eventually opened my eyes, I saw Seonghwa's face hovering over me. "What are you doing?" I asked, pushing him away from me as I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"We need to leave soon. For the scan." He reminded me.

I dragged myself out of bed and jotted to the bathroom. As I stood in the shower I gave myself I moment to think. Jeonghan's really alive. It seemed like he got the old band back together too. Seeing Mingyu made me feel nostalgic. I remembered all the fruitful moments we shared together. He was my first everything. When I went away he was the last person I said goodbye to and the first person I greeted when I returned. He was the first person who gave my heart a reason to beat and when I saw him the previous night my heart ached. I would be lying if I said I hadn't thought about him for years on end but I assumed I would never see him again. I instantly became torn between him and Seonghwa. Seonghwa...I spent every second denying my feelings towards him, only to protect myself. I wanted him to look at me with joy before I took that away from him, before it turned into hatred.
knock knock "Soyoung! Hurry up. You've been in there for 15 minutes." San called.

I instantly hopped out the shower and wrapped a towel around me. When I opened the door I was faced with a flustered San. "I meant you could take however long you want." He lowered his head.

I chuckled at his reaction and ruffled his hair before leaving him and entering my room. Mingi was lying on his bed as he watched me raid his wardrobe. "Don't you have your own clothes?" He asked, his eyes not leaving his phone.

"Yes but I only own tight clothes so barely any of it fits me." I pulled out a hoodie and held it up for him to see. "Can I wear this?"

He rose up from his seat and nodded at me "do I really have a say ?" He asked before patting my head and leaving me to change. I wore that hoodie with some leggings and tied my hair up in a messy bun.

I met Seonghwa in his car. As soon as I sat down he placed a bag on my lap. "What's this?" I asked, digging through the plastic bag.

"Food. I know you didn't have time to eat breakfast." He replied as he began driving.

Yet another sweet gesture that made butterflies develop in my stomach. "Thank you." A smile refused to leave my face.

"Are you nervous?" He questioned.

"About what?" I replied, my mouth full of chocolate buns.

"Seeing the baby. Hearings it's heart beat?" He took a quick glance at me before re-focusing his eyes on the road.

I shrugged and stared at him. "You've never really told me how you feel about all this. You just said you'll be here." I noted. "What are your actual thoughts?"

"Honestly..." he trailed off "I don't really know. All I do know is that I wouldn't want anyone else being the mother of my child."

Lord have mercy on my soul. I became speechless in that moment. I started asking myself if my feelings weren't one-sided but when I looked at his emotionless face and his careless body language, I assumed he had said that to many other woman. Which brought me to my next question "how many women have you actually been with? I assumed you've slept with half or maybe all the strippers at your bar?"

He chuckled at me with his eyes expanding. "You assumed wrong."

I sunk deeper into my seat with a smirk painted across my lips "yeah right." I murmured, quiet enough so he couldn't hear.

Yet again I was waiting almost an hour before my name got called by the doctor. "Lee Soyoung?" The midwife called and lead us into the room. She instructed me to sit on the bed and lift up my shirt. Seonghwa sat on the chair next to me. I watched as he hesitated to hold my hand so I slid my fingers through his causing him to look at me. The sonographer rubbed the cold gel onto my stomach and began the ultrasound. "So how is she?" Seonghwa asked.

"He." I corrected.

The doctor looked closer at the monitor, I watched as her eyes scanned the screen. "More like they." She stated.

"Right, it's too early to say the gender." I said.

"No I mean there are two heart beats, two babies." She faced us with a large smile on her face. "Congrats, you're having twins."

Seonghwa's grip on my hand tightened and his body tensed as he stared at the doctor with bug-eyes. "T-twins? Are you sure?" He asked, his face muscles refusing to move.

"Yep. Listen..."

Silence fell upon us, the only sound to be heard was the beating of hearts. Dread filled me as I came to accept it. So it runs in the family I thought to myself. It made me feel even worse that I didn't know what was going to happen to them babies.

After wiping the gel off me and explaining that the baby was healthy and everything was fine she began taking off her gloves. "You will need to come back in another 6 weeks to check for some physical abnormalities and see the gender of your babies if you wish." She bowed and left us alone.

Neither of us had moved an inch since she announced the news and we remained in that position moments after she left. Finally blinking again I said "Twins. You have to be kidding me."

Seonghwa sat back in his chair and stroked his hair out of his face. "It's fine. We can handle it as long as we're together right?" A tinge of worry stirred in his expression.

I stood up "Why don't we go for lunch and talk about his then?" I suggested.
He agreed and we made our way to the car. Unfortunately, once we got in the car I felt a strong impact on the side of my head, causing me to black out.

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