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Seonghwa's POV

My blood was boiling once Soyoung spat those words. How could she be, I can't even describe how mad she made me, not only that, her words hurt. It felt as if she'd stabbed my heart with her own dagger. There was no way this was my Soyoung. I chose to believe that she was lying to cover up her own feelings. She was like an open book that was just difficult to read, I understood that she'd been through a lot, starting from a young age. But now that she had a family, a husband, I don't see how she could still be so defensive.

Once we walked into the ball, we were greeted my disguised faces. The only people we recognised were ourselves and that made me timid. With Soyoung clinging onto my arm, we merged with the crowed whilst keeping an eye out. I guided my wife onto the dance floor and took one hand in hers and the other around her waist. Her eyes were scanning our surroundings, trying to find a hint of familiarity, I did the same. "Ambrose has blonde curly hair." She stated "Look for that."

My eyes met her busied face, "Who's Ambrose?"

She looked at me as if I had just asked her what day it was, "Moretti's youngest son. He's next in line for the Italian mafia."

"I've never heard of him and why would he be at a Korean ball?."

"Yeah, well he's a bit of a bore. His father insists he's going to take over but refuses to step down." She re-focused on what was going on around her, "And I don't doubt that they will let an opportunity like this to get to us go."although my attention remained on her. Her eyebrows creased before she looked at me again. "How did you know I was carrying weapons?"

Because I was trying to hold up my stern interior, I resisted the urge giggle at her confusion. "I know you. There was no way you were coming here without some sort of defence."

"You think you know everything."

"Was I wrong though?"

She rolled her eyes and continued to dance until a masked man approached us and bowed "May I dance with the lovely lady?"

Soyoung's POV

I knew that voice, the corners of my mouth lifted. Before I could accept his invitation, Seonghwa pulled me closer to him, harshly, and glared at the man before us. "She's with me." He spat, his tone was cold.

I tapped him lightly on his shoulder, causing him to look at me so I gifted him a smile "I'll be fine." I assured before taking the man's hand.

We began dancing, Seonghwa's eyes didn't leave us. We kept moving further away so he couldn't hear our conversation. "What are you doing here, Dokyeom?"

His large smile revealed itself. "Glad to know you recognise me, even in a mask."

I mirrored his expression. "It's that voice of yours. You used to sing to me when we were younger. How could I forget it?"

"You seemed a bit cautious over there. Is everything okay?" He asked, spinning me around.

I sighed and looked around us before confessing to him, "I went back to BTS' house."

His grip tightened around my hand "You what?!"

I hushed as unknown eyes glued to us "Don't worry, they didn't see me."

He exhaled loudly "Why did you go back there?"

I explained about the threat we received from them and how they've developed an alliance with a former St. Mary's student. My heart hurt a little when I told him about their plans on getting rid of Jongho tonight but I chose not to show it. He looked at me with sorrow in his eyes, it was likely that he knew how I felt. Those boys knew me more than anyone. "Is that why you're on edge. Are they here today?" He asked.

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