Thirty Four

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Seonghwa's POV

I wish I could have seen her reaction to my little 'surprises'. Then again, she probably kept straight face but a man can dream. I had been thriving all morning, the minute I woke up, I craved to hear voice. When I heard her cute husky tone over the phone I immediately became more excited. I couldn't understand how people got cold feet on their wedding day, they were going to marry the love of their life...

The love of my life? Do I love her? my feelings became muddled after overthinking. They way she talked about the wedding was as if she didn't want it to happen but that woman was impossible to read. Although lately her walls have been braking, she often smiled and laughed which was something that never came from her mouth unless it was sarcasm.

My train of thoughts was put to an end by Hongjoong tapping me on my back. "You ready Hyung?"

I took a deep breath before nodding and following my best man into the ceremonial area. I stood under the flower arch, Hongjoong, Yunho, Yeosang and Jongho standing behind me. I looked forward where rows of seats were placed and were accompanied by familiar faces. The wedding officiator a.k.a Bang Chan, took his stand while we waited for the bride. My heart rate increased when I saw The boys that stayed with Soyoung the previous night, despite Wooyoung. She was here. San and Mingi patted my back as they walked past and took their places with the rest of ATEEZ. The music eventually started, signalling The bridesmaids that it was time. The girls walked down the carpeted isle, step by step until they reached the first row of seats.

Gasps filled the air when all attention was on her. She looked like an Angel. Every nerve in my body refused to communicate with my brain, I couldn't move. I felt as if ice had spread throughout my muscles when I set my eyes on her. She was wearing the dress I brought, I thought it was gone. The veil covered her face but Wooyoung's bright smile highlighted the isle. The closer she got to me more rapidly my heart began racing. Hongjoong brought his mouth to my ear "You're whipped." I elbowed him, my smile fixated.

Soon enough she was in front of me. I lifted the veil over her head and was greeted rudely by her beauty. She was wearing a light but noticeable layer of makeup, the large scar imbedded in her cheekbone was still visible along with the same red lipstick she wore the day we met. Red always looked good on her. She looked up at me with her light eyes, her face was unsurprisingly blunt. I took her hands in mine, I grinned "you wore the ring." I whispered.

She nodded slightly "I'm ready to accept you." She mumbled back.

Once again she made the corners of my mouth float. Chan cleared his throat and began the speech, "Dearly beloved, we are gathered her today..." he greeted everyone, explained the reason for gathering and then prayed for God to bless our marriage. "Do you, Lee Soyoung take Park Seonghwa to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

She looked be dead in the eye before handing me a sincere smile "I do" My stomach fluttered.

"Do you, Park Seonghwa take Lee Soyoung to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

I gave her hand a gentle squeeze "I do."

Chan then goes on to read a passage of scripture and delivers a brief message directed toward us. Has he done this before? I repeated his words as we exchanged the traditional vows "I, Seonghwa, take thee, Soyoung, to be my wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to...Love and to cherish, till death do us apart, I pledge thee my faith and pledge myself to you."

Soyoung paused before repeating the same words back to me. The word love unlighted the mood but we pushed through the awkwardness. "May I have the rings, please." Chan ordered.

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