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A small part of Soyoung shivered by Seonghwa's expression. His eyes were darker and slightly squinted, his lips tightly shut and his nostrils were flared.

She stood in the middle of the living room in a towel. She had just gotten out of the shower when Seonghwa's heavy footsteps approached her. She remained idle as he crossed his arms while he glared at her.

Soyoung was clueless as to why he was looking at her that way. She tilted her head. "Who pissed in your Cheerios?" She asked.

Seonghwa eventually moved closer to her. He look down at Soyoung, his fierce expression remaining. "Do you want to die?" He questioned.

Soyoung didn't know how to reply. What kind of stupid question was that. "Not necessarily. No. I have something to live for. But I'm also not afraid of death." She answered.

"Then why did you lie to me?"
Soyoungs heart stopped, her palms became sweaty despite being wet from the shower and her muscles became tense as he asked that question this is it She thought. Her mission had failed. She tightened her grip on the towel and clenched her fists, ready to defend herself. Just before she was about to swing, Hwa spoke. "It wasn't you who killed my men."

Her nerves became calm and she released a quiet sigh. That wasn't what she was expecting. Although it worried her that he found out so quickly. Who knew how quick he would unveil her real secret? Soyoung decided to push that thought away. "What do you mean?" She asked. Pretending to be clueless.

"The bullets didn't match the ones you shot Lorenzo with and the aim was off"

Soyoung sighed and un-tensed her body visibly. "Do you think I'm an amateur?" She began. "I'm not the type of person to use the same tactic more than once. I have a lot more enemies than you could imagine and having my initials on a bullet would lead them straight to me. And as for the loose shot, I like the extra bad ones to suffer a little more." She smirked.

Seonghwa clasped his large hand around her tiny wrist and pulled her closer, her hand in the air. "You better not be lying to me Ms Lee."

Soyoung snatched her hand out of his grasp. "I already have nothing to loose. So what would I gain from lying?" She asked, her eyebrows raised.

Soyoung pulled her towel up higher and she fixed her gaze on Seonghwa who took a step back, realising his doing. Her talent for lying wasn't nearly as good as her acting skills. She scoffed and crossed her arms. "Look I get it. You have trust issues. But don't reflect them on me, someone who has willingly offered to help you. It was your decision to take me in, actually I had no say in the matter. So quit treating me like an outsider." Soyoung argued. Just as she was about to walk away she spoke again. "Believe it or not, but these past few days that I've known you all... I've become more committed to help you. And I'm going to do exactly that to prove you wrong."
She turned around and strutted off out of sight.

Seonghwa was left bewildered. He threw himself on the couch while allowing a loud sigh to escape his mouth as he rubbed his tense face. Her words replayed in his head repeatedly, pushing him to eventually believe her. Everything she mentioned was valid, yet it irritated him. It jarred him that she held and imperceptible control over him that was unexplainable. She made him question himself and his actions. All the things he should like about her formed into hate. Her fierceness, independence, skill, bravery and ambition. He feared that with those qualities, he may dig himself in a deeper whole than imaginable.

His train of thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the elevator doors opening. He quickly sat up and was greeted by San and Yeosang standing over him. "So... what did she say?" San asked, rubbing his hands together.

Seonghwa leaned his elbows on his knees and massaged his temples. "She wasn't lying." He stated.

Yeosang jumped over the couch and into the space next to his Hyung. "But we had evidence."

"Yeah well we seem to forget she was probably killing people before she could speak." Hwa replied, his teeth gritty as he sat back. He explained to his members what Soyoung had said to him. The pair of them were now both sitting beside him in disbelief. Seonghwa slapped their thighs with both hands and took a deep breath. "Maybe she really isn't a threat to us." He claimed after standing up and facing his dongsaengs. "From now on she is one of us."

San and Yeosang's wide eyes met one another and then greeted Seonghwa's who raised his eyebrows. "Your being serious?" Sang asked.

"You've been trying to dig dirt up on her for days now. And you decide now is the time to accept her?" San added.

Hwa rolled his eyes. "I know." He sighed. "But you saw what she can do and she always seems to have an explanation for everything. Let's be real, the only odd thing about her is the fact that she went to a sketchy boarding school that teaches you how to be an assassin." He threw his arms in the air before placing his hands on his hips. "We have a bigger mission than to worry about her and honestly she is a good addition to the team."

Soyoung's 1st person POV

As soon as I reached the bedroom I shut the door and placed my ear on it, validating the level of privacy I would receive. After confirming, I rushed over to the closet and pulled out my black duffel bag full of weapons. I dug inside until I pulled out a burner phone and immediately began to push the buttons meanwhile keeping my eye on the door.

My body tensed as the familiar gruff voice spoke through the phone. "Miss Yoon?"

"I need you to do me an urgent favour..." I pleaded. I explained the plan to him. Luckily he agreed.

"How is it going anyway?" He asked. "Have you found a way to finish that scumbag. After what his father did to me I want him gone ASAP."

His response shocked me. What his father did to him? It was then that I realised this mission wasn't assigned. It was personal. My blood started to boil as I remembered him calling it as Secret mission. I wasn't sure what it was but I was determined to find out and the only way to do that was to talk to Seonghwa's father.

After the call ended, I returned the phone where I had gotten it from and changed into some comfortable clothes. I then proceeded to go into the living room where Seonghwa, Yeosang and San sat, talking amongst themselves. Their heads snapped in my direction as I entered. Surprisingly Seonghwa stood up and approached me. He grabbed my injured wrist and pulled me into the kitchen, me following reluctantly. I jumped out of my skin when he grabbed my waist and lifted me up onto the counter. My eyes remained widened as he pulled out the first aid box from the cabinet and gently held my hand as he pulled the bandage off. My gaze was fixed on him as he silently addressed my wound. Something about him was different, his expression was oddly calm and tender. Eventually I asked "what are you doing?"

Without refocusing his attention he answered "isn't it obvious. Your bandage needed changing."

Worry flooded me due to his kind gesture. "But why? I thought you hated me?"

He paused, finally meeting my eyes. "I don't hate you. I just didn't trust you." He continued his task "and when I don't trust people I tend to shut them out."

What did this mean? Did he trust me? Was it finally time my mission was fixing into place? I succeeded in containing my joy. "So does this mean you finally trust me?"

He stroked the bandage onto my cut and threw the rubbish in the trash can before re-facing me. "I've come to the conclusion that not everything you say is a lie. I'm taking baby steps. But I've also accepted you as one of my own."

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