Forty five

641 31 7

4 years later

Namjoon decided to take up residence at Soyoung's childhood home on the beach. She lived there with Seventeen Meanwhile BTS lived next door. She had spent the last 4 years working with them, doing their dirty work and some side gigs of her own.

Soyoung was back to her old self, the heartless cold bitch that everyone loved to hate. But this time she had Jeonghan by her side. Once other mafias had found out that the twins were back together again, they began racing to form alliances with them but she turned them all down so they went to BTS. Which is exactly what Namjoon had wanted. Although he couldn't get everything he wanted, which was Soyoung. No matter how hard he tried she constantly pushed him away. He thought that with Seonghwa out of the picture he would get a chance but it was the complete opposite. She felt nothing but hatred towards him.

Soyoung found comfort in her members, especially Mingyu but they had to set strict rules about getting too close. Mingyu never lost feelings for her but he wanted to be respectful towards her and who she really loved. That didn't stop him from being there for her and acting as a brother. But no amount of reassurance and love could tame Soyoung's loss.

She was currently sitting on her bed, scrolling through a news article: manic killer strikes once again. A grin appeared on her face once she read about her work. The police were trying to find a pattern in her victims but the truth was that there wasn't any. Not even her members knew how she was venting her anger.

She was disturbed by a knock on her door, Joshua popped his head through the door before walking in and taking a seat on the end of Soyoung's bed. She put her phone down and crossed her legs so she was facing the Blonde male properly. "Why aren't you getting ready?" He asked.

She sighed, "I don't want to go."

"Noona, you've missed out on the ball for 4 years now. Jeonghan can't keep appearing alone. People are expecting to see you." Shua reasoned.

Her head hit the pillow as she exhaled loudly, "You know why I don't want to go."

"You won't have to see them. Just come and say hello and then leave. I'll even come with you."

"But what if I do see them?"

Joshua pulled her up by grabbing her arms until she was sitting in her previous position. "We will make sure that doesn't happen." He assured. "We will get Mingyu to stand in front of you so no one will see."

His joke made her giggle. She knew there was no way she was going to get past Joshua's stubbornness. "Fine I'll come. But only for half an hour."

He clapped his hands excitedly. "I'm actually glad you said that because we already brought you a dress."

"Thanks but you didn't have to."

"I know but that was going to be my plan B on convincing you to come." He stood up and headed for the door, "Now go and shower and get ready. I'll put the dress in the bathroom"

"Thank you shua!" She called as he left.

She followed Joshua's instructions and stepped into the shower, allowing the water to drip off her effortlessly. Soyoung felt numb just by the thought of attending the annual ball. She would have to wear a false smile and prance around as if she was having a good time but most of all she would have to be on constant alert, trying to avoid a certain set of people. She couldn't face them, not yet. It still hurt no matter how much she tried to deny it.

She didn't realise how long she was taking until there was a loud knock on the door "Noona what are you doing in there. Hurry up." Jun shouted.

Soyoung quickly turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around her body before opening the door and apologising to Jun and going into her bedroom to get changed. While standing in front of the full length mirror in the corner of her room, she felt a sense of familiarity as she stepped into her dress. She was quite surprised at how nice the dress was. It was a nice baby blue colour that complimented her pale skin. She found it weird seeing herself in the mirror. Soyoung was so used to wearing dark colours that it never dawned on her how innocent she looked in paler colours. Why was she gifted with such a gentle face but the heart of a monster.

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