Thirty six

609 26 4

17 years ago... (the twins were 8)
A/N: 🔞- this is not what she's telling the boys. This is a filler chapter so you know what happened with her and Mingyu too😉

The twins were playing in their parents bedroom, jumping on the bed, raiding the closet and play fighting. Soyoung loved her brother, she had no other friends besides his. Children tended not to get along with Soyoung due to her blunt nurture, she was taught not to get close to people because they will only cause you pain. Her father would drill that into her head to the point she became too anti-social for people to approach. She was also Jeonghan's shadow, he was the perfect child whilst Soyoung would be the trouble maker. He always got complemented by strangers for his "cute eyes." And his "lovely smile." Meanwhile when they looked at Soyoung they tended to flinch at her dark aura. Although she was young, her intelligence outweighed everything else.

While the twins were playing they suddenly got called down by their parents, the pair rushed down the stairs and into the living room where their parents stood waiting for them. Their expressions were stern causing the siblings' smiles to be wiped off as they took a seat. Mrs Yoon crouched down and took Soyoung's tiny hands in her own "Sweetie, we have something to tell you." Her face suddenly became long.

Soyoung nodded "What's wrong, mummy?"

Both her mother and father's sorrowful eyes were on her, she sunk in her seat as she wasn't used to that much attention. "Your going to study abroad. In England."

"Is Jeonghan coming?"

Mrs Yoon caressed her daughter's rosy cheeks "No. Just you, Honey."

"I'm going alone?"

"Don't worry, very good friends of ours will be escorting you." Mr Yoon chimed

"Eomma, Appa why are you sending her away. She didn't do anything wrong."

Their mother stood back up and faced the pair "She's going because she's special. I went to school there. They will teach you how to be brave and scary just like mummy."

Soyoung jumped in her seat and gestured fighting movements with her fists "Am I gonna learn how to use your knives? Oooh and guns."

The parents chuckled at their daughter's sudden excitement. "But why can't I go too?" Jeonghan moaned.

"Because it's a girls only school and we need you here so you can learn to take over the gang eventually. You and your friends will be training with me and your mother." Mr Yoon explained.

Only weeks later Soyoung was perched on the breakfast island, waiting for her parents friends to pick her up. Mrs Yoon entered the kitchen with Jeonghan in her arms along with a bag. She placed him next to his sister and brought two small boxes out of the bag. She opened them and showed the twins their present. "What is it Eomma?"

She took out the necklace with a silver ring hanging off the chain. She moved it closer to the siblings so they could the the engravings. "These rings are for you two. They have your initials on them." She placed the first one around Soyoung's neck "this one has Y.J.H. On it for your brother." She did the same with Jeonghan "these are to remind you of each other and when you're big enough you can wear them on your finger."

The twins fiddled with their new jewellery when the kitchen filled with 12 other children. Mrs Yoon lifted the Them off the counter so they could greet their friends. Soyoung immediately jumped into Mingyu's arms "I'm going to miss you."

He eased into her cute hug "Me too. I'll wait for when you come home and I'll make sure I'll bring you you're favourite flowers." His high voice caused everyone to giggle at his comment.

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