Forty three

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Another week had passed with zero retaliation from the enemy. They all became anxious as to what their next move would be. They knew it was going to be long until they find out the twins were born, and signalled it as an action plan. Soyoung continued to train the newcomers who have made a lot of progress while Seonghwa decided that paranoia was his new best friend.

Soyoung decided to go home early because she didn't want to leave Yunho alone with the twins for too long. Once the elevator doors opened she was greeted with emptiness. She travelled into the living room, searching her surroundings "Yunho!" She called But received no answer. Maybe he took them out for a walk. She brought out her phone from her pocket and began calling the babysitter.

Only seconds after the dial tone rang, Yunho's ring tone echoed from another room. Soyoung jogged to her and Seonghwa's bedroom, the phone still ringing and opened the door. "S-Soyoung." Yunho managed. He was sprawled on the floor, a puddle of blood spread beneath him.

Soyoung sprinted to his side and hovered her hands over the injury in his lower abdomen. "What happened?"

He didn't answer, he just pointed at the wardrobe. Soyoung's eyes followed his finger. Fury boiled in her blood as she spotted the red ribbon. A knife was immersed in the wood of the wardrobe. She forced her rage away when Yunho began grunting through the pain. "Everything is going to be okay. Just hold tight I'll call Seonghwa."

Just as you were about to stand up, he grabbed your wrist, "T-the twins. They took them."


Soyoung hole body was practically shaking with anger. "I'm so sorry. I tried to stop her but she took me by surprise I-"

Soyoung shushed him "it's not your fault. We will get them back. Let's get you to the hospital first."

She continued ringing Seonghwa, he picked up almost immediately.

"Baby, it's really not the right time"

"You need to come home now! Yunho is wounded and the twins are gone."

"What?!" She could hear as he grabbed his stuff and began running.

"Just hurry up!"

Seonghwa ran through the warehouse and quickly stopped by the gym where his members were. Since he caused a racket going in, all of their attention was on him, their expressions soon became worried when they noticed his. "Follow me." That was all he had to say to get the members to follow him out of the building.

They all jumped into the van, Seonghwa driving. "What's happened?" San asked as his Hyung began speeding.

"Yunho is injured and the twins are gone." He rushed.

"How can they be gone?" Yeosang asked.

"I don't fucking know! But I know who has done it."

His knuckles were white as they wrapped around the steering wheel. Furious was an understatement of how he felt. He had enough of the waiting, the anticipation of what was going to happen next was killing him. Seonghwa just had faith that Namjoon wouldn't hurt his children. He was almost begging.

Yeosang's phone began ringing so he answered it immediately, everyone else in the van fell silent as he put it on speaker.

"Soyoung? Is everything okay?"

"Are you with Hwa?"

"Yeah, we are on our way to the penthouse."

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