Forty one

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They were right about the enemy's plan. They hadn't been seen or attacked or even sent a message to ATEEZ, although they continued to remain cautious. The 9 of them continued to work as they did before all the commotion due to Seonghwa's insistence. Whereas Soyoung attended  her mother's funeral and was finally able to be at peace. She no longer grieved, just treasured the limited memories they shared together. Soyoung also used that time to thank Dokyeom for helping them out the night of the masquerade ball, Apparently Jeonghan sent him to keep an eye out for his sister. Sweet. Jeonghan feared losing her again, he once grieved her and he didn't plan on doing it again.

After the couple went to the second ultra sound, they decided they wanted to keep the babies' genders a secret, it was all a matter off pride really. Soyoung's pregnancy went faster than they had imagined, before they knew it her her bump had grown insanely and her hormones meant that they would most likely be receiving beating every now and again. Soyoung had also realised that the boys were right, she couldn't even lift her leg up high never mind be in combat so she decided to take their advice and rest. She had finally accepted their care and gifted them with hers too, she was exhausted due to ignoring what she felt so she chose to embrace it.

Currently, she was sitting on the brown leather sofa that sat in the corner of Seonghwa's office, playing her phone while her husband worked. As they sat in silence, just enjoying each other's company, Soyoung begins to develop cramps. They felt like strong menstrual cramps. She began massaging her enlarged stomach, trying to calm the pain but it only got stronger. She tried to sit up but the agony on her back caused her to struggle. Seonghwa noticed as her face scrunched up and abandoned his unfinished work, rushing to her side. "What's wrong?" He asked, worry laced in his tone.

"I'm fine." She assured "it's just cramps. Help me up." He grabbed her hand and assisted as she stood up her two feet. "I need the toilet."

"Okay, I'll take you."

Soyoung looked at her husband absently. "Are you going to watch me-"

Suddenly she felt a rush of liquid run down her legs. Her eyes widened and her grip tightened around Seonghwa's arm. "What? What's wrong."

"I think my waters just broke."

Seonghwa stood frozen for a few seconds before gathering his thoughts. He began nodding his head before running out the door and screaming for his members. He ran to the gym where they were, they all glared at him as if he was a crazy man "Soyoung! She's going into labour!"

It wasn't long until all 8 of them hauled her into the van. The contractions began to worsen as Soyoung practically broke Seonghwa's fingers. She was seated at the back of the van, her husband next to her, trying to calm her down. It was the worst pain the woman had ever experienced, she felt as if her stomach was ripping open. Beads of sweat greeted her face and her teeth clenched together. "Drive faster!" She screamed at Wooyoung, who was driving.

"Yah! I'm going through red lights here!" He shouted back.

Luckily ATEEZ was logical about locating their base close to a hospital. It was around 10 minutes before they reached their destination. The pregnant woman held onto Mingi and Yunho as they helped her walk into the building. San grabbed an unoccupied Wheelchair from the entrance and sat her down in it. He wheeled her through to the reception. Seonghwa leaned over the desk "My wife's in labour!"

The nurse immediately stood up and gestured the men to follow her into a private room, a midwife following them soon after. "Pass me my phone." Soyoung ordered through deep breaths as she sat on the hospital bed.

Yeosang rammed through her bag and brought out the device, handing it to the sweaty woman. She struggled to scroll through her contacts so she could call her brother. He breaths were deep as she listened to the dial tone, trying to ignore the pain.

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