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Hours passed, the sky became sleepy and the stars had woken up. Soyoung had spent the entire day trapped in the penthouse with only a hyper man as company. Despite his crackhead explosions, the pair of them actually got on well. Although Soyoung had kept her business to herself. They watched films, played board games and had take out together. Soyoung was confused about what was going on. Why was he treating her like a friend? Shouldn't he be torturing her? She had gotten the totally wrong idea about these people. They were different from her...

The pair of them sat on the large leather sofa, Yunho half asleep while Soyoung lazily watched the TV. Everything was silent until the elevator notified that the doors were opening. Both Soyoung and Yunho looked behind them where the lift was located. 7 men entered, causing Soyoung to put up all defences. She didn't know who they were or what they were planning.

Seonghwa stood in front of the others, his hands in his pockets and his face blank. Soyoung had recognised three of the other men, the ones who where there the previous night. But the other 3 men where strangers to her. They approached her. Soon, Seonghwa stood in front of her, looking down at her as she was seated. She couldn't read his face, it showed no indication of how he was feeling.

Almost instantly, she felt a sharp dent on her neck. Seonghwa had swiftly gotten a knife out of his blazer pocket and held it up to her throat. Soyoung didn't react, she remained stationary as if nothing had happened. "So you've made the decision to try and kill me." she said, smiling. "The keyword in that sentence being 'try'."

To their surprise she moved her neck closer to the blade, almost  piercing her skin. "Or are you ready to see what I can do?" She asked.

Seonghwa removed the blade away from Soyoung and placed it calmly back in his inside pocket. "I told you, she's crazy." he said.

Soyoung was taken aback by his comment 'crazy? I'll show him crazy.' She thought to herself but remained calm. He crouched down to her level and smirked but not in a nice way. The look in his eyes was the gaze of a schemer. She just glared at him, showing no reaction. "You're going to show me exactly what you learnt at St Mary's, I heard you were the top of your class."

Soyoung's eyes widened and her heart almost stopped at the mention of that place. It was the source of all her nightmares, the reason she was the way she was... But the main thing that was going through her mind was 'How did he know about that?' She didn't have an online profile, so it was impossible to find that information. Even if he had found that out, she would be dead due to them finding out her real name.  The only conclusion she came to was that Mr Ko had put a fake profile up.

Seonghwa stared at her, waiting for a response. He could sense the discomfort from her. "Tomorrow you will be coming to the warehouse with me, I want you show me everything." He said. "Wooyoung will be your target."

The man at the back with a mole under his eye called "I don't think so!"

Seonghwa just rolled his eyes and stood up. "There isn't a spare room so you will be sharing mine."

Choking on her own phlegm, Soyoung said "What do you mean? there are like five rooms."

"Those are our rooms." Yunho mentioned.

Soyoung took that moment to fully examine all the men, each one of them extremely handsome. "You all live together?" She asked, dumbfounded. They all nodded as if it was obvious. "And I have to stay here?" They replied with the same action. "I don't even know you people and you want me to stay in the same house as you for god knows how long."

"Pretty much." said Seonghwa.

In response, Soyoung chuckled and sunk into the sofa. The mission was going in the complete opposite direction than she imagined. She had prepared herself to get beaten and starved, yet she was living in a penthouse with eight handsome men that were all part of a mafia gang. Soyoung sighed at the realisation and accepted the situation.

All of the men had introduced themselves individually, Hongjoong was the smallest and had a mullet, Mingi was tall with cute small eyes and a pointy nose, Yeosang had brown hair, dark eyebrows and a birthmark on his eye that was oddly attractive, San had black hair with a white streak through it and he tensed his mouth a lot when he spoke and lastly there was Jongho, apparently he was the youngest but he looked the most manly out of them all, he had a cute bear-like face with soft tan skin. Looking at them all together made Soyoung realise that they were a family, not just mobsters. She envied that.

She followed Seonghwa into his room. As soon as she had walked through the door, he slammed it behind her and backed her up against it. She looked up and him, who was glaring at her. "What are you doing?" She asked.

"Why am I so curious about you?" He responded, leaving Soyoung speechless. "For some reason I want to know more."

Soyoung smirked and stroked his cheek. "I've told you already, I like to be mysterious."

She slid under his arm and tucked herself in the bed, Seonghwa still standing in the same position. "By the way, I think I like it here. Maybe I should stay." she said. "It's not like you can kill me since I'm your only connection to finding the person killing off your gang. And secondly, You could use someone like me on your side. Especially after everything that's happening between the Italian and Japanese mafia."

Seonghwa became still. Slowly walking towards Soyoung he asked "How do you know about that?"

"I know that you have an alliance with both the Ghouls (Italian mafia) and the Zuru Hito's  (Japanese mafia). Although, you refuse to take either side making both of them turn on you because they think you are not loyal." Soyoung explained.

Shock overwhelmed Seonghwa. He walked over to her and sat right next to her. "Did Yunho tell you that?" He asked, his eyes larger than usual.

"No." She said. "Whenever I get a job I receive background information on the target. I believe Kim Minsoo was apart of your gang before he got eliminated. That's how I gained the info."

That was a lie, she knew exactly who was giving her the orders. Although she didn't know they were apart of Ateez. The real reason why shew knew all of that information is that she always kept tabs on the mafia world. In hope she would find what she's looking for.

"And you still don't know who gave you the order." Seonghwa nagged, he was desperate for answers.

"I've said already that it's anonymous." Soyoung said.

Suddenly a light bulb lit up in her mind. "I've just thought of another reason why you could use me on your team." she stated, with a smirk painted on her face.

Seonghwa just glared at her blankly. Soyoung sighed and began to explain. "There is a high guarantee that they want to kill you all, right?"

He nodded.

"And who do you think they will call to do it?" She continued. "Obviously me, I have already killed 3 of your men. There is no doubt they will ask me again."

"You know, when you say you've killed three of my men... It doesn't sound good." Seonghwa said, his eyes emotionless.

"Do you blame me for their deaths?" She asked, Soyoung was expecting him to snap yet he just sat there, staring at her as if she was a picture.

"It's not your fault." He sighed. "It's your job and you didn't know anything like this was going to happen."

He laid back on the bed and said. "You're on the floor."

Soyoung sat up instantly. "Why can't I sleep on the bed? you're the man, you should be on the floor."

Seonghwa faced her while leaning on his hand "The last time I checked you were my prisoner and this was my bedroom. Now get on the floor."

Sulking, Soyoung threw herself on the floor and Seonghwa chucked a pillow at her "Sweet dreams." He said sarcastically before falling into a deep sleep.

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