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The next morning, Seonghwa woke up only to have noticed that Soyoung was missing. There was no sign or her sleeping in the bedroom either. He started to panic and rushed to search the penthouse. She wasn't in the bathroom or any of the member's rooms. Finally searching the joint living room and kitchen, he paused at the sight. Soyoung, Yeosang and Wooyoung at on the sofa watching the tv together. Seonghwa was mad at his dongsaengs for accompanying his prisoner, the scene looked as if they were a bunch of friends having a laugh together.

He marched up the the three of them and stood in front of them, blocking the tv. They all sighed and threw their arms up in depair. "Hyung! We were watching that." Wooyoung moaned.

Seonghwa gave Wooyooung a glare, warning him to shut up. He immedietly sunk into the couch. "What the hell are you two doing. You're not supposed to satisfy her." He said. "And you need to stop lounging around, comfortable is the last feeling your meant to feel." pointing at Soyoung.

He grabbed her arm and dragged her back to his bedroom, Soyoung just following. He pushed her on the bed and stood over her. "What do you think you're doing?"

"What is your problem? What did you expect me to be doing, watching you sleep until you woke up?" Soyoung replied.

Seonghwa sighed at her response and buried his head in his hands. "Leave my members out of your games." he warned.

In response, Soyoung stood up leaving only cenitmetres seperating them. She looke up at him, her eyebrows furrowed. "You think I'm playing games? You're keeping me trapped here and keep finding ways to crack me open because you think I'm hiding something. Well surprise surprise, I'm hiding fuck all!" She argued. "I've told you everything I know, you even did a background check on me. So what more do I have to do to get you to realise that I'm not someone that's looking to kill you."

Lies after lies came pouring out of her mouth. Soyoung was the type of person that made abominable decisions on the spot. In this case, she'd exploded with false statements. After she had gotten her point across, the pair of them stared at each other. Soyoung couldn't estimate the expression on Seonghwa's face.

"If you really want me to show how I play games, then I will. And Ateez will be the target of them." Soyoung stated. "You may think you have power over me but in all seriousness, you don't. There is nothing you can do to me that will hurt me, so trap me here all you like. But don't assume shit about me just because you're paranoid."

Seonghwa just observed her with empty eyes. It was silent for a while until he said "Follow me." and left the room.

Soyoung was left speechless. How could he just leave after that? She was surprised at how he had reacted. She was preparing to get a beat in, but was left dumbfounded at his response. After blinking a couple of times, she followed the boss. He guided her into the elevator. Soyoung stood in the elevator feeling stupid because she was wearing baggy black jogger shorts, a grey hoddie that stopped just above her knees and her heels she had worn the first night. She had hoped that they had took the stairs so she wouldn't have to go through the still silence lingering in the lift as they both stood next to each other.

The next thing she knew, Soyoung was sitting in the passanger seat of Seonghwa's car. He drove in silence until he rang someone on the built in system. The dial tone echoed through the quiet.

"San?" He called when the phone was picked up.

"Yeah, Hyung?" San answered.

"Meet me at the warehouse in 5 minutes."

"Okay." The call ended.

"Why are we going to your warehouse?" Soyoung asked.

"I told you yesterday that you're going to show me what you can do." Seonghwa replied. "If I'm impressed... Then you will going my gang."

Soyoungs heart stopped. Relief washed over her, knowing that the mission was finally going into place. The only thing she needed to do know was gain his trust, which she knew it was't going to be easy. As a response she remained silent throughout the rest of the drive.

Finally entering the warehouse, Both Seonghwa and Soyoung were greeted by San as he led them into a large hall full of gym equipment. At one end of the hall was a shooting range, an archery area and cardboard targets. And the other end was a weapon armory.

Soyoung was in awe of the place. Even though the agency had a training area, it wasn't half as impressive as Ateez's. She turned and faced the men. "So what are we trying first?" She asked with a smile on her face.

Ignoring her own question, she walked over to the cardboard targets. In a safe distance there was a table set out with different blades spread out neatly across it. Her fingers traced over them as if they were gold. Each one was polished clean and sparkled in every angle. Her hand stopped on a knife with a red handle and a silver blade.

Facing San and seonghwa, she grinned and stroked her middle finger over the sharp edge. San's face was full on confusion, meanwhile Seonghwa had fixed his gaze on her. In the midst of that moment, she rotated faster than the eye can see and threw the knife at her full strength. She stood with a straight posture while her arm extented after she had thrown the blade. Slowly lowering her arm, Soyoung spun to see the Boy's reaction. Seonghwa's eyebrows were raised and San's mouth hung open.

The blade was inbedded between the eyes of the carboard cut out, right on target. It was a peice of cake for Soyoung. From a young age she has been doing that move over and over until it landed where she wanted each and every time without fail. If she missed... she would regret it immediately.

Soyoung continued to throw the blades and throwing stars on all the targets until there was none left. After, she moved over to the shooting range. The set out was the same and the knives, all kinds of guns were lined out perfectly, waiting to be used. She picked up a glock pistol, a gun she recognised. It was the same pistols the FBI used. She didn't question how Ateez came to possess them, she knew exactly how. She loaded the gun and pointed at the target.

Surprisingly, she turned around and pointed the gun at Seonghwa. He showed no reaction, just crossed his arms. "I have to admit, you are quite impressive." He said. "I see St Mary's did a number on you."

At that moment, Soyoung was tempted to pull the trigger. But that wasn't her intention, not just yet. "I could pull this trigger right now..." She stated. "You said you want me in your gang? Then I have some conditions."

"You're in no place to make deals." Seonghwa replied.

"I would say otherwise." Soyoung said "Firstly, I want to live back at my place. Secondly, I want freedom."

"Considering you're pointing a gun at my face just proves that you are not trustworthy yet, So you will be staying with me until I know I can leave you alone." He explained. "Although I will let you go and get your stuff because you look ridiculous right now and I don't want you living in my clothes. I will also grant you freedom but with one of my dongsaengs with you."

Deeply, Soyoung knew that was the closest she should get to what she wants. And the thought of being around handsome men all day didn't sound so bad when she thought it over.

She grinned at Seonghwa then redirected her aim and pulled the trigger. Like many times before, the bullet had shot through the middle of the forehead. She dropped the gun and walked over to San, who was watching from behind his boss. "Wanna spar?" She asked while smirking.

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