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Soyoung's POV

As soon as we arrived back at the penthouse, we gathered the boys and sat them down. The pair of us agreed to let them in on our situation. "What did you want to talk about?" Hongjoong asked. I could feel Seonghwa's eyes on me as we struggled to allow words to form. My fingers fiddled with my ring unknowingly. Minutes seemed like seconds as Mingi spoke up "Why are you so quiet? This isn't normal."

I finally glanced at Seonghwa, we were making gestures with our eyes and the boys looked at us in confusion. "You tell them. It's your fault." I whispered.

"How is it my fault? Your the one who's carrying it." He hushed back at me.

"Your the one who didn't bother to use a condom." I poked his chest.

"You weren't complaining." He smirked, our faces were now only inched apart.

I groaned and re-faced the boys. Each one of them were leaning forward with intrigued faces. "Can someone tell us what's going on already." Yeosang moaned.

"Fine." I huffed as I glared at Seonghwa who was smirking at me. "I'm pregnant." Silence was the response.

"You don't look pregnant." Mingi stated, tilting his head as he revised me.

"Obviously not, I'm only 4 weeks in." I replied.

Jongho held Wooyoung's shoulders and scanned his eyes. "Please tell me your not the father."

Wooyoung's eyes became large. "No!" He pulled himself out of the youngest grip. "But who is?"

I span on my heel to look at Seonghwa. His lips were pressed together as he stared at his members. "It's me." He blurted out.

The boys didn't even blink and their mouths hung open. "Yunho, you owe me $10." San interrupted the still air.

Yunho proceeded to get his wallet out of pocket while moaning.

"You made a bet?" Hwa asked.

"Yep. On who Soyoung would end up with. I voted on Wooyoung." Yunho stated.

Wooyoung scoffed.

"I have not ended up with anyone." I said. "This... was just a mistake."

Seonghwa's POV

A mistake. It hurt when she said it. Slowly I was coming to terms with my feelings for Soyoung. After so long denying it, the moment I saw all of her, it was impossible to hide it. The fact that she was pregnant with my child didn't act as a catalyst, it was just another step closer to her. Although I was full of shock and fear, my emotions towards Soyoung was stronger than that, despite how painful it was to say.

"We need a replacement for Soyoung to go to the ball." I said.

Soyoung's attention shot on me. "What do you mean? I'm still going on that mission."

"Not while your pregnant. Who knows what will happen." I argued.

"I don't care. You aren't stopping me from going." Her stubborn comment irritating me. I only wanted to protect her and my child but she kept refusing my suggestions until I gave up.

"Fine!" I exhaled. "But if that baby gets hurt I swear..."

"You'll kill me?" She cut me off. Soyoung cupped my chin and pulled me closer to her. "Since I'm carrying your child I guess you could say you're in my command now." She smirked and left the 8 of us to gather our thoughts.

"Bro you're whipped." Wooyoung teased.

I whacked him on the head and took a seat on the coffee table. All of them were snickering at me "you think I'm the only one who's gonna get the worst of it?" I sneered at them. They soon came to the realisation and started complaining.

One day until the mission...

Soyoung's POV

I stood in my room, wearing only underwear as I stared at my new figure in the mirror. My breasts had become larger and my stomach had a tiny bump. The boys had been taking perfect care of me, although I think it was out of fear of retaliation but I accepted it gratefully. Specifically Seonghwa, there was no more tension or bad blood between us. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Who is it?" I asked.


"Come in."

He peaked his head through the door."can you put some clothes on?"

I walked up to the door and pulled him inside. "Stop being dramatic. What do you want?"

He placed a garment bag on my bed and pulled a bag from behind his back. "What's all this?" I asked as I undid the zipper. "Is this for me?" I pulled out a divine red ball gown.

"You wore red the night I first met you

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"You wore red the night I first met you." Seonghwa mentioned.

I looked up at him as I held it to my body. "Thank you."

He took the dress out of my hands and unzipped it "try it on." He assisted me as I stepped into the gown and helped me pull it through my arms. I turned around to face the mirror while he zipped me up. I felt as his hand rested on my stomach while he hugged me behind. "You look beautiful." He complimented.

I felt as blood rushed to my cheeks. His warm touch made sparks travel around my body. My heart began jumping rope when I felt a cold touch on my neck. He had placed an elegant diamond necklace on me. As he tied up the back I admired the jewellery. "You didn't need to do this." I said.

He held my arms and turned me so I was facing him. I watched as he scanned my eyes causing my stomach to spawn butterflies. He did that often. He made me feel things that were foreign to me and it sparked fear in me. I believed that his overly kind actions were because I was carrying his child resulting in me pushing away my feelings. He made me forget why I was really there. "It's for tomorrow." He said. "As much as I don't want you going, I know we can't do it without you."

I hesitated but continued to place my hand on his cheek. "Don't worry about me. I need to stay alive, we have a 12 week scan to go to." I smiled.

He kneeled and kissed my stomach. "I'm excited to meet my baby girl." He told my growing belly.

I pulled his head backwards by his hair so he was looking at me. "It's going to be a boy."

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