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Soyoung's POV

I could not believe that I was getting married in 5 days. I told myself that it was just for the sake of Seonghwa's claim on ATEEZ and our children but I couldn't help but want this. I wanted to be with him and stay beside him but I knew that was impossible.

Yunho, jisung and Yeonjun had taken me out shopping for the wedding. Jisung insisted that the ceremony had to be huge along with my dress. As much as I tried to disagree he still insisted. Yeonjun grabbed my hand and hauled me into the dress shop.

I felt at a loss when I walked in. The whole place was filled with glitter and diamonds, not really my forte. Yunho walked up to the lady at the counter and greeted her politely. From the outside you would never guess that these men are the mafia. "An appointment for Miss Lee." He said.

There goes that name again. The lady bowed and guided us into a different section. Before I even walked in, the whiteness almost blinded me. All different kinds of wedding dresses filled the room. How the hell am I supposed to pick. The boys looked more excited than me. Jisung grabbed my shoulders and pushed me into the glamour so I awkwardly skimmed through the dresses. "What kind of dress are you looking for?" The staff asked.

I thought for a moment. "Something I can move about in."

Yunho began clicking his tongue and wagging his finger. "I hope your not expecting to be fighting on the wedding day." He faced the woman helping us and smiled "she wants something radiant. The dress has to be unique and maybe hides the bump." He whispered the last part.

I spent a good 20 minutes sitting on the couch while the boys looked for my dress. They told me that my taste wasn't good and that I had no sense of fashion. If we weren't accompanied by strangers then I would have twisted their ankles already. Jisung jogged up to me and pulled me from the couch. "We have a few dresses racked up for you. Go and try them on." He pushed me into the dressing room where the worker helped me get into the first gown.

"I must say... I've never witnessed the men being the one to choose." She said.

I forced a giggle "they sure are something."

"So which one of them is the fiancée?"

Honestly, I just wanted the woman to shut up. "None. My...partner is elsewhere."

Finally she opened the curtain to reveal to the boys the result but their faces scrunched up. "What's wrong with it?" I sighed.

Yeonjun tilted his head "It's too frilly." The others agreed.

Comments like that continued on after every dress I tried on. "Too bland."

"Not white enough"

"Could use more diamonds."

"Way too short."

"She is drowning in that dress."

Eventually I threw the fake bouquet of flowers at them "you picked these out and now you don't like them?!" I yelled causing the worker to flinch. I climbed out of the dress and put my clothes back on before storming to the front of the shop.

"Wait!" Jisung called.

I turned around, fury plastered on my face. His attention was on something else. "We want that one." He pointed at garment bag that held an elegant dress that even I found impressive.

"I'm sorry sir but that dress is on hold." The worker said.

"I want it." I announced.

"But you can't. It's someone else's."

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