Thirty Five

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Soyoung lowered her head at his question, she knew exactly what was about to come out of his mouth. They continued to dance for a few more seconds before she answered. "I've heard about them. Why?" She refused to look at him.

"One of them killed my younger brother right in front of my father."

She closed her eyes shut at his confession, she now knew what emotional pain felt like "I'm so sorry." She managed "I guess it's a shock to them."

He hummed in response "so was I. Me and my brother were really close. He was only 13."

"Do you want revenge?" She asked, eventually meeting his gaze.

He shrugged "I did at the start..."


"As the years went by the more I realised that it was impossible. The twins are presumed dead."

"But what if they turned up? What would you do?" She cursed herself for invading but curiosity almost killed her.

Seonghwa stared at her for a moment, the silence making Soyoung uncomfortable. "I would kill them in an instant."

Her heart stopped. What was she expecting? Him to forgive her? She thought that maybe he would excuse her but the tone of his voice was laced with such hate and vengeance that she was too familiar with. She leaned her head on his chest so he couldn't noticed the pain in her expression. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that."

He cupped her face and kissed her forehead lightly "It's a wedding, stop making it drowsy."

Soyoung chuckled when she saw his smile and poked his cheek. "I wouldn't be drowsy if you let me have a small drink."

He stopped the dance by bear-hugging her, "I will drink for you." He said "I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared to see you drunk"

She pulled away, a brow raised "why?"

"You're the most frightening woman I've ever met. Who knows what alcohol does to you." He said as if it was obvious.

She pushed him away, carrying a smirk on her lips "you will find out in 6 months because once these babies are born I'm getting smashed and you have to look after me."

On that note. she jogged off and met with Felix and Jongho, leaving Seonghwa bewildered. He went to the bar and ordered a drink, taking a seat next to Soobin. "How's it feel to be a married man?"

"I can already feel the exhaustion." He joked.

Catching everyone off guard, Soyoung sprinted to Seonghwa and pushed him to the floor whilst crouching himself. At that moment a blade hit the wall where Hwa was sitting only seconds before. The party became silent, everyone's eyes were on the couple. Seonghwa's eyes were on his wife's as she helped him up. "What the hell was that?" He asked.

Her eyes widened when she spotted the blade. She bent over the bar and pulled it out of the wall. The blade was clean with a black leather handle but what caught her eye was the crimson ribbon tied around the leather, ignoring the note that came along with it. "Soyoung?" Soobin asked, wearily.

All eyes were on her as her face filled with fury, that ribbon wasn't apart of the knife, it was a symbol. A symbol she once used. Pulling her attention away from it, she took off the note and read it out loud. "This is only the beginning -Kim Namjoon"

She imbedded the blade harshly into the bar, startling everyone. "I need you to do a full check up on all your members." She ordered Seonghwa.

He placed his hand on hers, the one that gripped the knife. "Soyoung what are you talking about? It's just a petty threat."

Her eyes bore into his. "No it's not!" She argued "that ribbon isn't just red, Hwa it's blood."

"That's ridiculous."

"San please to a check in, now." She continued.

Seonghwa held her shoulders, forcing her to calm down from her blazing rage. "Talk to me. What's wrong?"

"That ribbon is a symbol that the St Mary's girls use." She explained "That means they have someone with my training on their side, meaning their revenge is also aimed at me. No one hates me more than those girls Seonghwa and they will not hesitate to kill the people close to me. Today was just a threat." Panic was laced in her tone. Not because she was scared of being killed but because of her secret coming out sooner than hoped.

"Let's go home, okay?" He said.


The night was cut short. Soyoung had gotten out of her dress while the boys changed into more comfier clothes too. They gathered in the living room, they sat on the sofa while Soyoung took her seat on the coffee table, facing them. "Right before anything starts, I have to ask...what the hell happened to you there?" Yeosang asked.

Soyoung had hoped to keep that part of her life at the back of her mind, never to be touched again but after seeing that crimson ribbon again, she knew her past was going to be the death of her, literally. "Start by explaining about the 'symbol" Jongho added.

She exhaled loudly before leaning on her knees. "To score our kills, we would paint a white ribbon with the blood of our victim. It was like some kind of medal. Whoever threw that knife used it as a sign to let them know who we're dealing with."

"Is there anyone in particular who you think would join with BTS?" Hongjoong asked.

She massaged her temples "I can only think of like 50 girls, that concludes the whole school."

"We're you really that hated?" Mingi questioned.

Soyoung glared at him before sighing "They were jealous that I was the top of the class. I was better than them so they took their jealously out on me."

"Wait. Didn't you burn the school down." San assumed.

Her head shot in his direction "how did you know that."

"It says that it was burned down only months after you left. Seems pretty obvious." He shrugged. "Did you?"

"Killing everyone inside too." She sighed "I didn't think anyone survived though"

"You must have done something for her to want to kill you." Yunho prodded.

"I can't think of anything."

"But everything you do makes people want to get rid of you." Seonghwa instantly regretted saying that when Soyoung's eyes blazed through his. "Uh...I didn't mean it like that."

She pointed her index finger in his direction "learn to watch your mouth, Honey." Her voice dipped in dare.

"On a serious note. What actually happened in that school?" Yeosang asked again.

Soyoung rubbed her eyes, her mascara spreading throughout her face. "Buckle down kids because this is a long ass story."

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