Twenty six

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The darkness faded as my eyes began to open. It took me a while to gather my surroundings. I figured out that I was lying on a couch in a large living room, possibly in a mansion. Ignoring the headache I had, I sat up and fixed my posture. It was then that I noticed I was surrounded by men. 7 men. "Finally you're awake." A familiar voice spoke.

I threw my head forward as laughter escaped me. I could feel the confusion in those around me. Once I lifted my head again I faced them. "Kidnapping me. Seriously?" I chuckled.

"I knew you would be happy to see us again." Namjoon said.

I pointed my index finger in his direction. "No. Happy is the last word I would use." I stood up and walked closer to them. I approached Namjoon and swung a punch into his jaw resulting in him bending over in pain. The others stepped backwards. "Have you people lost your minds? Where's Seonghwa?"

"He's in his own private room." Jimin replied with a grin on his face.

"Take me to him."

Namjoon straightened his posture whilst holding his jaw. "No can do little one. I need to teach my brother a lesson."

"Why did you bring us here?"

"Thanks to you he now knows it's us that's been killing off his men so now its time for retaliation." Yoongi explained.

"Isn't this what you wanted. This is your mission." Hobi added.

"I'm done with the mission!" I blurted out. I slouched back into the couch and held my head in my hands.

"Is she crying? Omg she's crying. Taehyung get the camera." Jungkook said.

I lifted my head and glared again them "I'm not crying. I'm thinking." I leaned forward "what even happened between you and your brother?" I asked RM.

"He stole my legacy. The gang was suppose to be mine but he took that away the moment he was born." He replied. "That's the fate of a bastard in the mafia. We get tossed away as if we were nothing."

"It isn't his fault. You don't have the right to take your anger out on him. You should be taking it out on your father." I argued.

He approached me and kneeled to my level. "Those boys mean more to my father than I ever did. I am taking it out on him. I'm stealing everything he ever loved. And that's ATEEZ."

"You have BTS. You've built a massive empire that includes many gangs. Why do you want his."

"Because it's mine!" He shouted, grabbing my shirt.

I wrapped my fingers around his wrist and imbedded my fingernails into his skin and glared at him as his face scrunched up. "Don't you ever lay your hands on me." I warned.

"What are you gonna do?" He teased "I heard you've gone soft since you've become one of them." He smirked at me.

This caused me push his wrist in the wrong direction, he cried in pain . He rocked on the floor as he cradled his hand. The others refused to interfere. "Just take me to Seong..."

I was cut off by being swept of my feet, literally. Namjoon slid his foot under mine causing me to fall to the floor. I held my stomach and groaned from the cramps that developed. "What's wrong with her?" Jungkook asked, worry laced in his tone.

The pain was excruciating. It was like an enhanced period cramp. My lower stomach was stopping me from moving. I tried massaging where it hurt the most but it did nothing to help. Jungkook ran to my side "what happened? Is it an old wound?" He questioned.

"Are you joking? That wouldn't affect her like this." Jin stated.

I lifted up my hoodie, showing my small bump. "I'm pregnant you idiots. It's just cramps. Didn't Jeonghan tell you?"

Namjoon jumped up "Soyoung, I'm sorry. I didn't know."

Jungkook held my hand as I climbed to my feet. "Well say hello to your nephews." I joked.

"Awh, I knew she thought of us as family." Taehyung cooed.

"No. They're literally his nephews or nieces."

"What?! And they?!" They all yelled in sync.

I rolled my eyes then focused my attention on RM. "Seonghwa is the father. And they're twins." Silence fell upon us. "Now take me to him. Now!"

"I don't think you should." Jimin uttered.

What have they done? I ran through the large house, checking in every door, ignoring the pain in my stomach. "Soyoung. Don't!" Hobi called, running after me.

Eventually I reached the basement. Of course. I ran down the stairs into the grey room. I gasped when I saw the scene. Seonghwa was tied up into a chair, knocked out. His face was swollen as bruises painted his skin and wounds were leaking but what surprised me the most was who give him those injuries. "Jeonghan!" I ran up behind him and forced him to face me. "What are you doing?!"

"You slept with the enemy Soyoung! You said they were keeping Mum hostage and get you still choose to defend him?" He argued.

My left eyebrow raised at his assumption. My body became loose as I began to understand his behaviour. "You thought it was ATEEZ who killed father? Who took me away?"

"Who else could it have been. They threatened us when we cut off our alliance all those years ago. You said it was your mission to kill him to get mum back!"

I chuckled as I stepped backwards. "You've got it all wrong. They had nothing to do with it. It was the CAU who took us. That's who I'm working for." I explained everything to him, I told him about Mr Ko's personal vendetta and how I planned to take him down. "Why don't we go tonight? We can march in there together, bring Seventeen and we will get mum back."

He searched my eyes, not knowing what to say. Once realisation had hit him, he held my hands and furrowed his eyebrows making his eyes darker. "Will I get you back too?"

I sighed and fixed my attention on an unconscious Seonghwa making my heart ache. "Jeonghan...I can't leave him. He's the father of my children." I looked back at my brother.

"Your gonna hide who you really are for the rest of your life? He will kill you the moment you utter your surname."

He had a point. I didn't know what was gonna happen. All I knew is that I wanted to be with him during the pregnancy. The kids deserve to know their father. "Just let me have him. And I'll meet you later."

"No. He's staying here. Namjoon has business to sort out with him." He said. "Don't worry I'll make sure he doesn't get hurt."

"If that's the case then I'm staying here too until we leave."

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