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As soyoung was about to put all of her clothes into the closet, her stomach dropped at the sight.

In the wardrobe was a long, silk, red dress. It was backless and showed a lot of cleavage, along with a large slit down the side, With it was also a pair of red heels.

She held the dress up in front of her and spotted a note that read:

You know what you need to do. Good luck

-K.M.D (Ko Min Doh)

Reading those words made Soyoung's teeth clench and her knuckles turn white. She threw the dress on her bed and buried her head in her hands. She wasn't miserable, she was livid. It took all her strength to contain herself, eventually she stood up and took two deep breaths.


Hours passed by, Soyoung stared at herself in the bathroom mirror as she leaned over the sink. She was beautiful. Although she never cared for her looks, her life involved more important things than whether or not her hair was a mess.

She'd applied conealer under her eyes and some mascara and bronze eyeshadow to give her monolids more depth along with red lipstick. That way she had looked more presentable; to cover up her under-eye bags and tired expression. Soyoung tucked her hair behind her ears, her dangling earings were showing and she fixed her posture.

Clutching her small black purse, that contained a gun, two matching throwing knives and her new ID, she finally exited her new apartment and probably her last.

Soyoung met Songwoo at the entrance of the building and he escorted her into the car. "Are you ready Miss Yoon?" Songwoo asked, looking through the rear-view mirror.

Even though his tone was neutral, Soyoung could see the sorry and sympathy in his eyes. She admitted to herself that she was nervous but she wasn't scared. Fear wasn't a feeling she'd ever felt, just thinking about all the people feeling sorry for her only motivated her and boosted her confidence in the mission.

She smiled at him lightly and replied "I've never been more ready in my life." And she meant it. Soyoung never gave up or belittled herself. if she was given a job to do, she never turned it down or did it sluggishly. Just because she was facing the mafia boss meant to difference to a normal asassination.


Soyoung stood at the entance of the bar and looked up at the large white sign at the top of the building that read 'The pirates den'.

She continued walking inside the club until she was stopped by two security guards "ID, miss?" They asked.

Straight away, Soyoung examined both men. She knew they werent gang members, as they weren't very composed. She got out her new ID that read 'Lee So Young' and held it up for the men to see. After a quick glance they gave her a slight nod and allowed her inside.

Soyoung entered the hot, crowded club. There were coloured lights all around the dark room. The bar lit up and everywhere she looked there were people dancing and spilling liquid all over the place.

As she walked past, she repeatedly had to barge people out of the way but stopped in her tracks when one woman was blocking her path.

The woman was taller and larger than her and was dancing next to a man around the same size.

Soyoung tapped the woman on her back but received no response, so she repeated her actions and yet she still had no reply.

Instead of trying again, she dug her heel in the back of the stranger's calf, turning her legs to jelly, causing her to fall on the floor. For the first time Soyoung was grateful that she was in a club because no one cared what she did, they were all drunk and and looking to get laid. The woman whimpered in pain until she looked at soyoung who was glaring at her.

Straight away, she got up from the floor and squared up to Soyoung. "Who do you think you are?" The woman asked, her face getting closer to Soyoung's by the second.

Although, as a response Soyoung just looked at her impassively. "You're in my way." She replied.

The next thing she knew, Soyoung was on the floor with a throbbing jaw. She felt her jaw and heard it crack when she moved her mouth. The stranger who hit her started laughing and joking with the people around her, Soyoung soon go up on her feet and walked closer to the person who crossed her. "What are you gonna do? Stab me with your heels?" The woman asked, sarcastically.

"You know what? What a good idea." Soyoung replied. She pulled the womans hair so her head hit Soyoung's knee, causing her to become dazed. Soyoung took off her right shoe and flicked it so a small blade popped out of the heel. She latched the blade into the strangers shoulder and yanked it out after hearing her painful cries. Soyoung looked around to find only the woman's company paying attention to her. The rest of the club were still dancing because the music was too loud for them to be able to hear the screams.

Soyoung finally put back on her shoe and continued to move her jaw bone, she watched as her victim laid painfully on the ground and smiled at her. "Next time I suggest you move out my way." She said, and gave her one last kick to the stomach with the point of her heel and left the scene, ignoring he hassel behind her.

She walked over to the bar, took a seat and ordered a bottle of soju. She sat there for a while with her drink and her head in her hands. Now that she was there, Soyoung no longer felt nervous, All she wanted was to get it over and done with.

As she was about to take another sip of her drink she was interrupted by a deep voice. "What's a pretty lady like you doing all alone?"

Soyoung located the voice and found that it belonged to a young man. He had long, brown hair and light hazel eyes and tanned skin. He had a large grin on his face, causing little creases by his eyes to appear. Soyoung caught a loud gasp in her mouth, she knew this man. Lorenzo Moretti. She hoped that he didn't recognise her. "Can I get you a another drink?" He asked.

Soyoung lightly chuckled, she didn't trust him but she played along. Lorenzo ordered their drinks and began to sit next to her. "Are you with anyone?" Lorenzo questioned, Soyoung took a full mouthful of her drink.

"No." She replied bluntly. She was confused, She had met Lorenzo when she was 15. His father was the leader of the Italian mafia. Their parents were friends and often came together. But did he really have no idea who she was?

"Shame. I came here to meet an old friend but he hasn't turned up yet. It's a good thing I can spend my time with you right?" He said.

She was almost sick inside her mouth. "Riiight."

For almost 20 minutes Lorenzo talked non-stop while Soyoung examined him continuously, trying to find some recognition in his actions. Eventually, she'd had enough. "I'm just gonna go to the toilet quickly." She said, giving him a small smile and instantly rushed to the bathroom.

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