Thirty two

653 25 2

Soyoung's POV

Rage took over me the instant I set my eyes on her, the woman who tortured me silently. The smug smile she once held had been stripped by cries and screams. Her breathing got heavier as I approached her slowly. I admired the beauty in her pain before taking a dagger out of my belt. Kyungmin's eyes got wider as she tried to escape the ropes. Mingyu's chuckle only boosted my satisfaction. I stroked my blade under her chin, just light enough to scratch her. The petite woman forced her eyes shut and groaned. I removed the cloth from her mouth and forced her to face me. "I'm going to have a lot of fun with you." I smirked.

Her tears caved into her mouth as she spoke "P-Please, Soyoung...I-I'll do anything."

"But I don't want anything from you. I want you to suffer like I did all those years." Words refused to leave the victims mouth as her lips trembled. I grinned before imbedding my dagger in her thigh, screams echoed through the condensed walls. Tears streamed endlessly down her face as pain surged through her. "I would like to know one thing though." I twisted the blade, her call for help was left unheard "where is her body?"

"W-Who?" She cried.

I pulled the dagger out of her skin, leaving blood to stream down her leg. I wiped the blood off using her shirt and lifted it to her neck. "My mother. Where is her body?"

She gasped when the sharp edge touched her throat "T-they buried her on the agency grounds." Kyungmin stuttered. "There is a plaque there so it should be easier to find."

I gave her a false, friendly smile. Stroking her hair, I pouted "I can't thank you enough." Soon after I bent her fingers in the wrong direction until I heard them crack, one by one. "This one is for being a smug bitch... and this one is for being close with Ko... and this one is for the six inch heels."

I continued to inflict unworldly pain on my old enemy. Hearing the agony in her cries didn't feed the hunger for revenge I craved. The loss of my mother that I hadn't grieved eventually struck me. The only way I could let go was releasing the anger that I held back all those years. Mingyu ended up pulling me off the now dead woman. Her face was unrecognisable due to the blood and wounds that covered it. Mingyu held me by my shoulders and scanned my eyes. "It's over. She's gone. Calm down." I took deep breaths as I listened to his words, the rage slowly draining from me. He patted my back "Come on. Let's go back upstairs."

I sat down at the bar, my face in my palms until I felt arms around my shoulders. "Cheer up." I lifted my head to see Seungcheol, his face scrunched up when he saw mine. His finger wagged in front on me. "You have a little- no a lot of blood on your hands and face." I hadn't even realised myself.  "I see you've had a lot of fun."

I took a sip of my lemonade that Joshua had served me. "You should have been there."

"Did you get what you wanted from her?"

I nodded. "Yep." I looked at him "fancy going to dig up a couple graves, Oppa?"

He raised an eyebrow before smirking and raising his pint "For old times sake."

Hoshi soon came over and swung his arms around the pair of us "did I hear graves? Can I come?"

I patted him on the head "grab the shovels then."

He gave me and Coups a kiss on the head each before skipping away to grab the equipment meanwhile we were left to haul Kyungmin's body in the boot.
"You really shouldn't be heavy lifting whilst pregnant." He grunted and he tried to regain his grip on the legs.

"This is nothing." I replied "we did this a couple times back in the day."

A boost of relief washed over us once we chucked her in the trunk. Bodies were heavy when they weren't alive, he shut the boot and we climbed into the car and watched as Hoshi chucked the shovels in the back before he got in himself. "I told the others where we were going." He threw a bag of chips on my lap. "Your welcome, Princess." He winked and sat back, opening a pack of chocolates for himself.

"So where are we off to?" S. Coups asked.

"To the CAU."

I allowed the men to do the heavy lifting while we walked across the familiar ruins. The cold winter air brushed through my hair and turned my nose rudolf red, the fur inside my boots failed to give warmth and the leather gloves that covered my fingers prevented me from frostbite. I turned around to see the boys struggling with the corpse so I decided to grab an arm and help drag her through the icy cobbles. "Look for a plaque." I said. "I can't Imagine it being that big so keep an eye out."

It was a couple of minutes before Hoshi called out "It's here!"

We dropped the body and released an exhausted sigh in sync, my eyes finally spotting the memorial to my mother. I fell to my knees and traced my fingers over the bronze plate, she was lucky she even got that. My mother was special to the CAU, she was the most feared woman in the mafia. Before her influence, women were just servants in the mafia world, objects even. Thanks to her being a bad ass, mobsters became envious of a women's skill. It was also the reason my father fell in love with her. "This is where your mothers buried?" Seungcheol asked, his tone low.

I looked up at them. They too loved my mother, she treated Seventeen as her own, especially the foreign line. I took their hands "She deserves so much more than this. Let's give her a proper funeral."

After much digging and heavy lifting, Kyungmin now had a resting place she deserved and my mother was in the back of the boot in a bag. They dropped me off at the penthouse and was going to text me the funeral details. It felt as if a weight was lifted off my shoulders once I stood into the shower and watched as the blood sink down the drain. Finally all the grief had passed as well as vengeance.


After I got back to the original plan of binge watching the hunger games and eating ice cream, I suddenly reminisced my conversation with Mingyu "I also know you well enough to know that you're resisting your feelings." He knew everything about me and I thought maybe it was about time that I listened for once.

In the moment, the elevator door opens and half of the boys that left now came practically crawling in. Wooyoung and San were tripping over each other with Mingi behind them, Hyunjin, Felix, Jisung and Minho literally fell as soon as the door opened meanwhile Huening Kai and Taehyun were crawling on the floor. They were hammered. "Soyoungggggg I think I'm dyingggg" Mingi slurred.

"My head hurts." Taehyun moaned

"Water... I need water." Lee know began gagging.

I had to spend the rest of that night looking after 8 drunk men who couldn't even keep their head straight, I continued to shove water in their mouths until I got a phone call. I balanced the phone between my ear and my shoulder, while holding San's head back "What the hell did you fill these people with?"

"It's the one time I let them get loose, I couldn't stop them. That would be heartless." Seonghwa's tone was playful.

"Yeah well it's easy for you to say, you got Joong, Chan and Soobin with you meanwhile you left me with the idiots."

"Sorry princess but if only you had given me a kiss before I left then I would have spared you the mess." He teased "take this as your punishment."

I swear to god. What do I even see in this man. "You better hope we're not alone before this blows off tomorrow because you won't see the light of day!" I yelled before ending the call.

"Noona...I feel s..." Hyunjin vomited all over the sofa.

"Right! All of you in the shower one by one! And then bed!." I ordered.

Yes. I made each one of them clean up their own puke and have a shower before I tucked them into bed with a little help from sleeping pills. Oops.

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