Forty four

608 31 2

Soyoung's plan was going okay. Did they really think she would come alone? She also knew that keeping her in ropes was practically useless. A few minutes after they tied her up, she began fidgeting her fingers, slowly releasing her wrists from the burning friction of the rope. Once she was free, Soyoung remained stationary, not letting anyone know what was happening.

Namjoon started panning between the eight of them, the flat end of a blade hitting his palm. His steps stopped when he stood in front of Jongho and crouched down so he was eye level with the youngest. "You're supposed to be dead." He sighed, tapping the blade on Jongho's thigh. "I guess I really do have to do everything myself." He said before imbedding the knife into Jongho's thigh .

The youngest's screams mixed in with his members. This caused Soyoung to stand from her seat, the ropes falling numbly down her body. "Namjoon!"
Everyone's attention was on her, their eyes widened. Soyoung ignored this and approached Namjoon, pulling the blade from her boot. "I told you not to hurt them and hurt me instead." 

Namjoon stood up properly and faced her, she was now squaring up to him. "How did you get out of the ropes?"

She grabbed his shirt and pulled his body lower so their faces were almost touching and then brought her mouth to his ear, "After all the time we spent together. You really know nothing about me." She whispered.

She chose to use his feelings for her as an advantage. Soyoung stared at the leader's lips whilst licking her own. Namjoon gulped as his heart began to race faster. "And the ropes were just a distraction."

He pulled away from her grip and tilted his head, "What do you mean-"

She placed her index finger over his mouth, shushing him. "That's for you to find out later. Now tell me what I need to do for you to let them go."

Namjoon chuckled, attacking Soyoung's confidence. "The only thing I want more than them...Is you."

"Soyoung don't you dare." Seonghwa urged.

But she couldn't think of any other way to help them. "I'll do it. I'll go with you but you have to let them go and the twins."

"I don't think you see the point." Namjoon chimed "How can I love you when my brother does?"

Soyoung stepped back "He doesn't love me. You don't need to worry about that." She looked at Seonghwa "tell him." Seonghwa faced the floor, avoiding her gaze. "Hwa? Tell him you don't love me!"

His head shot in her direction "I can't!"


"Because I do love you, Soyoung!"

Her whole body froze for a moment. He loves me? She never thought that they would get to the point in their relationship where they would say those words. She assumed she would be gone by then, and he would have felt only hatred towards her. But when he uttered those words, it felt as if her surroundings melted around her. But it also affirmed her that she knew what she had to do, she couldn't let him die.

Unfortunately, Namjoon beat her to it. He approached his brother "if that's the case, then I just have to make her your worst enemy."

Soyoung gasped "Namjoon don't!"

"That's impossible." Seonghwa insisted.

"Hyung you said you wasn't going to do it." Jungkook stepped in.

Everyone had almost forgotten about the audience. "I don't care anymore."

"This is ridiculous, Joon. Its going to kill her." Jin said.

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