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Seonghwa sat in his office, allowing his mind to wonder. Was the woman crazy? he thought to himself. Why would she hold a blade like that? The more he reminisced it, the more odd Soyoung came across. She showed no symptoms of pain due to the gunshot neither. But he couldn't help but admire her, everything she did was strategical and courageous. Not to mention the skills she had.

His mind was put on pause as San entered the office and sat in the seat opposite Seonghwa. He placed his laptop down on the desk and leaned forward. "You would not believe what I found."

Due to interest, Seonghwa sat up straight and gestured for him to carry on. "You would think that finding information on an assassin would be hard, right?" San said. "But not in Lee Soyoung's case."

"That's her real name?" Seonghwa asked. He always suspected that she has used a fake name, like any person would.

"Yep." San continued "Turns out she's actually from Busan." He turned his laptop so it faced Seonghwa and moved he chair so it was next to his.

"Lee Soyoung. Age 25. She has a brother that passed away at a young age. Her parents also passed the same year. This is the best part." Said explained. "At the age of 5 she went to a school abroad in London called St. Mary's academy."

"What's so good about that?" Seonghwa asked.

San looked at him in the eyes. "I searched the school up online and found nothing."

"So there is a fake profile of her." He replied, finally putting the pieces together

Until san said "No." Seonghwa looked at his friend in confusion. "St Mary's is a cover up of what's really going on. It's an assassins training school for young girls. Soyoung attended until she when she was 8 and left at 15 but went back again that same year, Then she officially left when she was 22. The weird thing is... within the same month she left, the building burned down."

Seonghwa sat back in his chair and stroked his hand through his hair. Soyoung had spent half of her life being trained to kill people. Seonghwa looked at San with a smile on his face.

"Why are you looking at me like that. Smiling doesn't suit you. Stop." San said, glaring at his Hyung.

"I think we are going to gain a new member of Ateez." Seonghwa said.


Soyoung stood in the shower, watching the red water go down the drain. She had now faced the reality that there was no backing out of the mission. Though it didn't feel like a forced task, It was much different than she was expecting. She was looking forward to waking up in a dungeon and freezing to death but instead she had woken up in a king-size bed in a room that was bigger than her apartment.

While speaking with Seonghwa, she had noticed that he couldn't be farther than from what she expected. Soyoung was someone who liked playing games, yet no one ever cooperated her teasing, although Seonghwa did. It was shocking to her how much she saw herself in him. It was almost scary. She could see the isolation he felt in his eyes, yet he had many people around him who cared for him.

After Seonghwa had left, Soyoung turned to face the handsome stranger that stood before her. "Who are you?" She asked.

He bowed his head and said "Yonho." He continued to drink the coffee that wasn't even his.

"Why are you here?" Soyoung questioned.

"To make sure you don't escape." He answered.

"So I'm a prisoner." She sighed.

Yunho put down the coffee mug and said "If you are then you're the most privileged prisoner I know. You can pretty much do what you want, just with me to keep an eye out."

"Even in the shower?" Soyoung teased.

Yunho's face became flushed as he shook his head. "Good, because I'm going to have one."

As she stood in the shower she had noticed a new scar on her leg, it was the gunshot wound from the previous night. She doubted her thoughts but she told herself Seonghwa was the one that had stitched her up. She wanted to laugh at the fact The leader of a mafia helped her but she only accepted it. It had also explained the blood all over the kitchen that she didn't take a second glance at.

Her original plan was to seduce him, gain his trust and then kill him. But her plan had instantly changed the moment she grabbed the blade of that knife. She could see in his eyes that he was shocked, Soyoung wanted him to know what she could do to the point where he would want her on his team.

Soyoung had gotten out of the shower and went into the room she had woken up in. The first thing she did was rummage through the wardrobe to find some wearable clothes. She picked out a pair of black jogger shorts and a grey hoodie. She made her way into the living room to find Yunho sitting on the sofa with a mop and bucket on the floor beside him. Once he had noticed her, she stood up, picking the bucket up with him. Yunho walked over to Soyoung and handed her the equipment "Your blood, you clean it."

Soyoung remained stationary while blinking faster than usual. "My arms are aching from holding this can you take it already." Yunho nagged. She was contemplating whether or not to knock him out but quickly concluded to remain calm. Smiling sarcastically, She grabbed the bucket and took it into the kitchen, Sticking up her middle finger at Yunho when he turned around but smiled at him when he faced her.

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