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As Soyoung opened the closet, Wooyoung's gasp filled the empty atmosphere. "What the hell?!"

The whole wardrobe was filled with weapons. From small knives to a bow an arrow. Wooyoung picked up a pair of nunchucks and started swinging them about "you know how to use these?" He asked.

Soyoung started packing all of it into a large suitcase. "Ow!" Wooyoung squealed. Soyoung faced him, her eyes widened, but sighed a soon as she saw what happened. Wooyoung had smacked himself in the face with the nunchucks. She snatched them out of his hands and shoved them in the suitcase.

"Stop touching." She warned.

He sat down on the bed and watched as she scrambled around the small apartment, pulling out random guns and blades in insignificant places. Wooyoung couldn't help but be intrigued by her lifestyle. He even admired her. "Why do you have weapons hidden everywhere?" He asked.

Soyoung was still scrambling to pack her belongings. "Being an assassin means you're inclined to have several enemies."

Wooyoung shrugged at the obvious answer. He laid down and rested his head on his hands and closed his eyes. Although his peace was cut short by Soyoung throwing a bag full of dangers on him. He instantly sat up and clutched his stomach in pain. "What the hell was that for?" He coughed up.

"Take it to the car for me, and come back for these ones." Soyoung ordered.

"Who are you to order me around?" He complained.

Due to his comment, Soyoung slowly walked closer to him and leaned over so her face was only inched away from his. Wooyoung had no reaction. Soyoung looked at his lips before licking her own. She pushed his chest causing him to re-claim his lying position and crawled on top of him while keeping her eyes locked onto his. She traced her finger over the mole under his eye "Since we are alone." She teased. Wooyoung's Adam's apple fidgeted. "There is no one here to stop me getting rid of you."

A deep crease in between his eyebrows appeared a Soyoung's face got closer. She located her lips to his ear. "I suggest you take the bags to the car."

While she sat up, Soyoung couldn't help but chuckle as Wooyoung rushed out the door. As soon as he was out of sight she lifted up the mattress and felt underneath for the burner phone taped to the bottom. Once she had her hand clasped around it, she ripped it off and immediately began dialling a number while keeping an eye on the door. She jogged her leg as the phone rang.

Finally a deep, familiar voice picked up. "Hello?"

Soyoung slightly shuddered at the sound of his voice. "Mr Ko. Its Soyoung."

She could hear a gasp from the other end. "Thank god you're still alive."

"Listen I have no time. But I have the address to their main warehouse." She claimed.

"Already?" Mr Ko asked. "Good work, Miss Yoon. Write the address on a piece of paper and hide it in the apartment."Songwoo will pick it up."

Soyoung began doing just that while holding the phone in between her cheek and shoulder. "I warn you not to do anything rash within two weeks from now. They won't hesitate to suspect me instantly."

Meanwhile, She pulled out the draw from the bed-side table and slid the piece of paper underneath. "The address is under the draw next to the bed." She explained. "I don't know when I will next hear from you but do as I say. Give it some time before you retaliate."

"I wouldn't do anything that would get you killed, angel." Mr Ko said.

Her blood boiled as he called her that name. It was a name that she had abandoned many years prior and yet he still let it remain. After that comment, Soyoung ended the call and re-taped the phone to the bottom of the mattress. In that exact moment Wooyoung came back. Soyoung quickly dropped the mattress and straightened her posture.

As if nothing had happened, she smiled and handed him the second bag while she held the suitcase. Thankfully he never suspected anything. She released a sigh once he turned around to leave the building. For a second time she took one last look at the apartment before shutting the door and making her way back into the passenger seat of Wooyoung's car.


San rushed into Seonghwa's office with his laptop in hand, Grabbing his attention instantly. He sped-walked around the desk and placed the PC down in front on Seonghwa who held a confused look on his face. "What's wrong?" Hwa eventually asked.

Meanwhile San continued to press buttons "I've finally found a link in the murders."

"We already know it was Soyoung."

San looked at his Hyung. "That's what we thought." Pictures of their deceased friend's dead bodies appeared on the screen. San's pinkie traced the wounded areas on the bodies. "Look where they are shot and compare it to where Soyoung shot the targets earlier."

"So what? she could have just chosen a different spot." Hwa said.

San raised his eyebrows at his boss. "You saw how she shot those targets." He pointed at the picture "She wouldn't make such a mistake by shooting in his stomach where there was a chance of survival."

Seonghwa nodded at the suggestion. "That's not the most important bit." San continued. Another photograph appeared on the screen but this time it was of two bullets. he pointed at the one on the left "That was the bullet that was fired at Lorenzo. There are the initials SY engraved on it." He focused on the next one "This one came from our members. That's a 10mm. A professional assassin wouldn't use a common pistol to shoot their victims."

"What your saying is that Soyoung lied about killing our men." Seongwha understood. "But why would she lie."

San slumped down onto the brown leather sofa in the corner of the room. "Maybe she wasn't." He suggested. "Let's be honest. He probably killed members from gangs all over the world. They wouldn't make a difference in her eyes."

Seonghwa's mind was swimming with possibilities. He understood what San was suggesting and he believed it, but he struggled to figure out if Soyoung lied or really did get confused. He assumed her knowledge on his world was very thin and tried to look at the situation from her point of view. He knew she wouldn't have said it out of fear due to her constant death wishes but the thought of her confusing her victims was also very unlikely unless she really was crazy.

He held his head in his hands before stroking his hair back and leaning back on his chair. Once again his head was full of questions about Soyoung and yet he had no clue how to get the answers.

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