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Again and again, San's head kept hitting the hard floor. Soyoung had his right leg held over her shoulder while his arms were trapped behind his back by her grip. "Get off me!" He screamed. Soyoung did just that. San stood up, rubbing his shoulders. "Why couldn't you do it to him?" He mumbled, pointing at Seonghwa.

Seonghwa was idle, his eyebrows were creased and his arms were crossed. His glare pierced through Soyoung. "Is there anything else you want me to do?"

At this point, Seonghwa couldn't help but admit she was skilled. He hadn't yet found her weakness but he was determined.

"Fine, you will join Ateez" he said. "But this doesn't mean I trust you."

Soyoung was bouncing with joy silently in her mind. Although her real mission was to gain his trust, she knew she still had a long way to go.

She walked up to Seonghwa, a slight smirk appeared on her face. "Then you're going to let me get my stuff? Because your boxer shorts are really uncomfortable"

Seonghwa sighed and crossed his arms "take San with you."

"No" she said, bluntly.

Seonghwa's head jolted backwards in shock. Before he could scold her she said "I want Wooyoung instead."

"Why?" Hwa questioned "If you think he's a weak link. Think again."

Soyoung placed her hands on her hips and leaned on her left leg. "I guess earning your trust will take a lot more than I thought." She uttered "but no. I wanted him because I think he's handsome" the smirk on her face was emotionless.

His finger ended up inches away from her face. "Leave my members out of your schemes" he warned. "And for the record, I will not hesitate to remove you from my life. If you really think you are worth something, you're wrong."

Soyoung began laughing in her head. 'If only he knew' she thought to herself. Her smirk remained intact despite the warning. No matter how much he threatened her, it didn't effect her state of mind or opinion on him.

She straightened her posture, picked up her heels, held them over her shoulder and glared into Hwa's eyes. "I'll wait in your office for him." She said before leaving the hall.

Truthfully she had no idea where she was going so she decided to wonder the warehouse until someone thought she was suspicious and took her to their boss themselves.

She allowed herself to be dragged through the empty halls and pushed into an office. The stranger held his arm around her neck, she just stood still.

Before her sat Seonghwa at his desk. He leaned back and crossed his arms as they entered to room. Soyoung grinned at him and gave him a small wave. On that note, she flicked her heel, dug the small blade into the strangers arm that was around her neck and sliced his flesh down to his wrist. He screamed, holding his fresh wound and finally released Soyoung. Meanwhile, Seonghwa had jumped out of his seat, his chair hitting the wall. Slamming his hands on the desk he yelled "What do you think your doing?!"

He ran over to his colleague and held his arm while giving Soyoung a death glare "who do you think you are?" He asked before calling a guard from outside the office, ordering to take the injured man to the infirmary.

Shutting the door behind them, he faced Soyoung with a face like thunder. Squaring up to her, he backed her up into the desk and looked down at her. Her straight face infuriated him. No matter what he did, he received no reaction not even a glint of hesitation or fear. "What is wrong with you?" His voice was taunt.

Looking up at him, she replied "not even I know the answer to that one". Her smirk resonated irritation through Seonghwa's body.

He slammed his hands onto the desk, trapping her. "You think this is a way to gain my trust?"

"I don't want your trust" she lied. "I just want you to see that I'm crazy enough to help you."

She grabbed his collar and pulled his face closer to hers. "And trust me 'boss' I'm crazier than you think" she murmured into his ear.

As if I'm cue, Wooyoung entered the room at that exact moment. He stepped back after witnessing the scene. "I'll come back later." He said.

"No need" Soyoung replied, still staring into Seonghwa's fuming eyes.

Eventually releasing her grip, she shoved him from her sight and walked over to Wooyoung. "I'm ready now."

She exited the office after throwing her shoes into Woo's hands. He just looked at his boss, his eyes wide and his eyebrows raised. Seonghwa adjusted his collar and shrugged. "Just keep a close eye on her."

Wooyoung nodded and followed after Soyoung, leaving Seonghwa alone and furious. He hated the fact that she had an odd effect on him. Although everything she did infuriated him, he couldn't help but remain intrigued about her. He sank into his office chair and stroked his forehead while releasing a loud sigh. "Who the hell are you, Lee Soyoung?" He asked himself.

Meanwhile, Soyoung sat in the passenger seat of Wooyoung's car. She leaned the side of her head against the window. "Why did you want me to come with you?" Woo asked.

She turned to face him "I think your good looking."

Wooyoung chuckled nervously. Honestly, Soyoung scared him. Her presence radiated psychotic and chaotic energy. Although he, himself was not normal, at least he was sane. Every since she willingly put her throat closer to a knife, he knew there wasn't something right with her.

He remembered when the 7 of them stood in the elevator, waiting to confront her, while she was with Yunho. Seonghwa faced them all before they entered "keep your eye on everything she does." He ordered "Whatever I do she won't retaliate, she will purposely put herself into danger."

"What kind of idiot would do that?" San asked.

"A crazy one." Mingi answered.

"Watch...She is more than crazy." Jongho said. "She had a freaking blade in her heel."

At that moment the elevator door opened and their points were proved within minutes.

Despite that, Wooyoung thought she was really fun to be around. That morning he had woken up, walked into the living room to find Soyoung sitting on the couch and watching TV alone. Hesitantly, he sat next to her. He almost jumped out of his skin when she turned to face him "what are you doing?" He asked, his voice became tight.

It took several seconds before she answered him. She smiled and replied "Wanna watch friends?"

Wooyoung was taken aback by the question. He was confused by how someone so psychotic could want to do something...normal. It was then that he realised that Soyoung wasn't threatening at all, just when you said the wrong thing or looked at her wrongly, that's all.

Bringing his conscience back to the present, the sat nav spoke "you have arrived at your destination"

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