Forty eight (Finale)

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The car ride was silent throughout, but it wasn't awkward. The pair of them felt comfortable with each other. She didn't know why, but Soyoung felt kinda nervous about Seonghwa meeting her family. They could be a little...intense. Although he had met Jeonghan previously, they never talked properly and Soyoung was pretty sure Jeonghan would threaten him. Whereas the others were just plain out crazy but that's why she loved them. Whilst thinking back on childhood memories, a minor detail popped into her mind. She faced Seonghwa, "There is one thing that I forgot to mention."

He kept his eyes in the road, "What have you done now?" He tone was sarcastic.

She sighed before confessing "I never told you what happened to Namjoon after I left."

His eyes fixed on her for a split second. "Please don't tell me you slept with him."

"What?! No!" She yelled in disbelief, "How low do you think of me?"

"You have done a lot of questionable things."

"Do you want to know what your brother has been up to or what?"

"I'm sorry, carry on." He chuckled.

Soyoung sat back and crossed her arms as she began explaining, "Namjoon knew that I wouldn't come back to you so he asked me to do jobs for him."

"What kind of jobs?"

"Just small missions to help with his gang, like threaten alliances and take out minor inconveniences."

"And at night time you were a serial killer." He teased.

Soyoung nudged him. "I was grieving. I can't even imagine what you were doing."

"I was too busy looking after two children. At least I found out where the twin gene came from."

Soyoung felt at ease when he joked around. "Anywayyyy...." she dragged out the word. "He was using me and my brother to become stronger but we refused. Since he had nothing else to blackmail me with, there was no way he was getting us on his side. It didn't help he was our neighbour."

"What? He's your neighbour?" Seonghwa asked, "stalker much?"

"Well he did ask me to marry him." She blurted out.

Suddenly the car stopped. If it wasn't for the seatbelt, Soyoung would have flew through the front window. Seonghwa turned to face her slowly, his face exclaimed only fury. "He...What?" He was trying hard to contain the anger in his tone. "Please tell me you're joking."

"I'm not."

"I'm going to kill him."

Soyoung placed a hand on his shoulder "obviously I didn't say yes."

"That's not the point. He still went after my wife." His volume raised a little.

"He thought you were out of my life forever." Soyoung reasoned. "And he had feelings for me before we even met."

"Are you defending him?"

"Ew. No. If you will let me carry on then you would understand why I'm being reasonable." She explained.

He started driving again and looked ahead, "Go on."

"He's with another woman."

"Who was that unlucky to end up with him?"

"Her name is Wendy. She's from an all women's gang."

Seonghwa tilted his head "their are women gangs?"

Soyoung nodded, "After my mother became known as a strong woman in the mafia, women all over the world took over from her influence."

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