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Soyoung didn't like where it was heading. "I'm not one of your spies, you know. You give me a target and I kill them. That was the agreement"

"It's just once, Yoon Soyoung" Mr Ko urged. "These people are becoming a real problem for us. They are bad people. We need to do everything we can to take them down."

Something was definitely off. Not only Did Soyoung grow up in Seoul, but she knew about all the bad people. She just wished it wasn't going where she thought.

"Fine, give me the details." She gave in, as if she had a choice.

Ko let out a huge sigh and then rubbed his hands together. "you have to let me say what I have to, before you comment back, okay?" he warned.

That comment caused Soyoung's whole body to go numb. She was right...

"you are going to go undercover into the Korean Mafia. The person in that picture is Park Seonghwa. He is the leader of the gang. For decades they have been illegally importing and exporting drugs and weapons to other Gangs all around the world. They kill whoever dares to cross their paths. So I need you to help out and put a stop to them." Mr Ko explained.

There was silence. Soyoung was as still as a statue. Every bone, muscle and nerve in her body refused to communicate with her brain. Her eyes stung from the lack of moisture. At one point she swore she stopped breathing. She wanted to run, run and never return to that god awful place. But she was forever trapped there with no escape, only to cooperate and do as she was told. Mr Ko stood still, waiting for a reaction. Soyoung was livid. He knew why this would be difficult for her and yet he still chose her out of a whole agency full of trained spies.

Her anger got a hold of her actions causing her to get out of her seat swiftly and grabbed the knife out of her belt and held it up to Mr Ko's neck quicker than the speed of light. "Why me? If you want me dead so badly why not just kill me right here, right now?" She yelled.

Mr Ko held up his hands in surrender but held the same scornful smile on his face that she had seen many times before.

"you said it yourself, they kill anyone that crosses their path" She continued.

"But not you" Mr Ko said.

"The possibility of one of them noticing me is higher than one of your agents getting killed." Soyoung replied.

"Do any of my agents have the guts to put a knife to my neck? Can any of them aim a gun or knife spot on every time? The last time I checked none of them knew multiple types of combat styles or knew how to withstand pain the way yo do. There is a reason I didn't kill you all those years ago. You are my most valuable object." Mr Ko said, slowly moving the knife away from his neck.

Soyoung stood in silence. she knew she was good, she had been training to be the best since she could walk. But to be someone's object? That took away her pride.

"Now tell me Miss Yoon." He continued. "What made you think you have a choice? don't forget that I could make you more lonely than you already are."

Suddenly, Soyoung dropped to her seat in surrender. She wasn't living this life because she wanted to. They blackmailed her, either do what they say or they take away the only thing she loved in the world.

It took every ounce of her restraint to stop a tear from streaming down her face. She was taught not to feel, but sometimes she just told herself that she was human, and all humans have something they live to fight for. Yet, Mr Ko took it all way from her. "Okay..." She said, finally. "What do I have to do?"Mr Ko's Cheshire smile returned. Sometimes being the best can only bring you down.

Soyoung worked for the C.A.U (Criminal Assassination Unit.) When she was only 19, the C.A.U had caught her after searching for many years. They were going to kill her. But before they could, she escaped. Although she was weak and vulnerable, she still managed to fight off most of the guards.

Soyoung was so close, So close. By the time she had reached the exit, her whole body ached, she was covered in wounds from head to toe and carried a bullet in her left calf. She had managed to get it out and wrapped a piece of her shirt around it to stop the bleeding.

Unfortunately, it only made her weaker. Pressing the elevator button rapidly, she hadn't noticed she was being watched. Behind her stood the one and only, Mr Ko.

Just as the door opened, she noticed his eyes focused on her. A lough gasp escaped her mouth. Mr Ko quickly charged towards her and grabbed her aggressively by the hair. Soyoung struggled to release herself from his grip, blood spilling from her nose and she lost all feeling in her legs. Soyoung's eyes became wide as Mr Ko pulled out a small knife from his pocket and held it above her face alarmingly.

Despite that, Soyoung just laughed. "Go ahead." She said. "You really think I'm afraid of death?" She chuckled and then spat in his face, Her entire face showed only rage.

Surprisingly, Mr Ko just smirked, he tightened his grip on Soyoung's scalp, bringing his mouth to her ear. "I have been searching for you a long time, Yoon. Do you really think I am going to let you go that easily?" Slowly, he re-located the blade to the top of her left eye, as he dragged the knife Soyoung clenched her teeth until she stopped just below her cheekbone. Blood poured down her face like a waterfall. Mr Ko finally released her by pushing her onto the floor. He looked down at her and giggled to himself. "I'm quite disappointed actually. I thought the dangerous Yoon Soyoung would put up more of a fight." He said.

In response, Soyoung glared at him as if looks could kill. He crouched down to her level and cupped her chin, she tried to pull away but his force was too strong. "You will make a fine agent." He prodded.

"I will never work for you." She argued through gritted teeth.

"That's fine, But I'm sure your friend wouldn't agree." He said, with a selfish smile.

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