Twenty Four

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While we were in the minibus on the way home, everyone's eyes on me. Seonghwa slid his hand onto mine and brought his mouth to my ear. "You seem tense. Is everything okay?"

Truthfully I didn't know the answer. I had just found out that my twin brother whom I thought was dead is alive and I bumped into my first love and I was full of anxiety about Ateez finding out my secret. But I remained calmed and nodded.

"Did you find out?" San asked.

"What's your beef with BTS?" I asked. Seonghwa's grip on my hand tightened and his lips formed a thin line. As I looked at the other members individually, I noticed that concern was planted on there faces. "Did something happen?"

Hwa leaned backwards and stroked his hair. "I should have known." He chuckled. My eyes travelled between the boys and Hwa. "San contact SKZ and TXT, let them know."

San did as he was told, meanwhile I was staring at Seonghwa, searching for an answer. "So you're not going to tell me what the deal is." I asked.

He eventually met my eyes and sighed loudly. "Their leader, Kim Namjoon, he's my fathers bastard child."

My head jolted forward. I had no idea. Although I knew plenty about BTS. How could I not? They were by far the largest mafia gang who were known globally and had a large amount of supporters. I met them a few years back on business. In fact I was really close with their youngest member, Jungkook. That's why I hope there wasn't an interaction coming soon. "I'm sorry." I apologised. "I didn't know it was them giving me the orders."

Yunho patted me on my back. "It's not your fault. They are smart people. They would never leave a trace."

"Why haven't they contacted you since though?" Jongho just had to ask.

That wasn't the plan I thought. Mr Ko had dug me a deeper whole by not abiding to my plan. The call I made to him months prior was so I could ask him to fake a call, asking me to take out one of the members but I received no such instructions although he agreed. "Maybe they knew I was here." I lied. "If they called while I was with you, San could easily track the call."

Fortunately my assumption was believable. It was getting harder everyday to lie to them. I thought back to what Jeonghan said "I'm doing this for mother." Those words gave me motive.

"What's our next move then?" Yeosang asked.

"No. We're doing nothing until this baby is born." Seonghwa ordered.

"Oh come on Hwa. You can't allow this to stop you from getting your revenge." I said.

He leaned so he was facing my direction and fiddled with my hands, causing me to think back to the kiss we shared before I left them. "I want to be with you every step of the way." He noted. "I don't want my work to get in the way of this. Just like we are going to go to the scan tomorrow with no trouble."

I shook my head. "There will be trouble no matter where we go."

Those were the last words that were uttered before we arrived back home. Everyone scattered into their rooms or fought for the bathroom. I went straight to the kitchen and brought out a tub of Ben and Jerry's cookie dough ice cream and leaned up the counter as I ate in alone in silence. What the fuck had happened today? I thought to myself. As I took one spoonful after another. Until my phone started ringing. No caller ID. I answered it but whispered. "Who is this?"

"Yoon Soyoung, with Ateez? How times have changed. I wonder how they aloud you in their gang." A recognisable voice spoke on the other end.

My instant response was to laugh, a smile refused to leave my face. "And I thought my day couldn't get any worse."

"I spoke with your brother." He said. "I knew there was no way you were dead. No one kills the devil."

I studied my surroundings before whispered into the phone. "Yoongi, why are you calling me?"

"You may be with the enemy but you're still one of us. And I know our younger ones are on your their team too. TXT are strong but we don't care for traitors." He stated. "I'm calling to let you know we are keeping your secret. But that doesn't mean we are going to stop eliminating ATEEZ."

I sighed, creased my eyes and dug the spoon into the ice cream repeatedly. "Please Suga. Give us time."

"I'm sorry Angel. Use your time with them wisely." He joked before ending the call.

I slammed my phone on the counter and hit my head with my hands, trying to budge my head into the right mindset. I was torn. What have I got myself into? I rubbed my stomach, asking myself what would happen to my baby when Seonghwa finds out. I won't be able to protect them. I wouldn't have the guts to hurt ATEEZ. They were the only family I had until recently causing my mind to become frustrating resulting in a migraine. "Stress isn't good for the baby." Mingi said as he entered kitchen. "I noticed you didn't come to bed. What are you doing here alone?"

"I had a small craving for ice cream." I replied as I took large spoonful but instantly regretted it due to brain freeze, I didn't let Mingi know that. "You want some?"
"I do. But also want sleep. Come to bed."
I told him I would meet him back in our bedroom but instead my feet drew me outside Seonghwa's door. I knocked on the door and peaked my head inside. He was mid-way though putting his shirt on when he turned around to greet me. I shut the door behind me and approached him. "You okay? What are you doing in here?" He asked.

"In needed help with my zipper. I would have asked the others know." I replied, turning around and holding my hair up.

He unzipped me and assisted as I stepped out of the gown. I exhaled via the relief and re-faced him. "I'm actually glad you're here. I was hoping we could talk." I nodded while he hauled me over to the the edge of the bed and sat me down, him taking his spot next to me. "I meant what I said earlier." He started. "I'm going to be with you until the end."

"And when's that?" I asked, My head lowered. "What even is this between us? We're constantly going back and forth and look at us now. We are going to become parents. What happens when this baby is born, Aye? We're just gonna become strangers again."

Seonghwas POV

For the first time I could fully see how she felt. I may have seen her cry and reach full outrage but I still never understood her until that moment. It was hard to believe it but she was scared. I thought she was terrified about the pregnancy thats why I held her hands and tried to comfort her. Seeing her in a gloomy state made my heart physically ache, something that felt odd to me. Everything she did seemed so precious in my eyes. Although I do admit she was crazy but I never misunderstood the reason behind her actions. At the end of the day she was young and had been trapped in a repetitive lifestyle where she committed to dangerous acts. From the moment I first met her she kept me intrigued, she made me want to become more spontaneous and I didn't want us to become strangers once our child was born. I wanted us to be together and raise our kid together, but I struggled to tell her that. "You can't assume that's what's going to happen." I responded.

She finally looked at me with a straight face. "Can we just go to bed? I want to sleep here tonight." She said, putting our conversation to an end.

Not willing to push her further, we both climbed into my bed. She pulled herself into my chest, her touch made the blood rush to my cheeks, luckily it was dark so she didn't notice. I rested my chin on her head and wrapped my my arms around her. "I promise everything is going to work out." I assured before we both fell into a deep slumber.

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