Twenty one

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The 9 of us sat in the minibus on the way to the venue. All the boys looked amazing in their black tuxedos and I in the gown Seonghwa had brought me along with the necklace. As we drove, we went over the plan multiple times. Luckily my sickness was wearing off but my achy body didn't hesitate to disrupt me. We were also completely disarmed, well I had a secret or two that the others didn't know about. 

"We're here boss." The driver announced.

Seonghwa who was sitting next to me was the first to get out, he stood in front of the door and offered his hand out. I look it and stepped out of the bus. Our arms linked as we walked to the entrance of the venue which was guarded by a single hunch male. Once we stood in front of him his eyes widened and his finger pointed at me. "Yoo..."

I quickly cut him off by pulling him closer to me, I put my mouth to his ear and whispered "if you mention my name I will not hesitate." As I let go he started nodding quickly and bowed, allowing us inside without a body search.

"Did you know that person?" Hwa asked as we continued walking into the main hall, the others trailing behind us.

"An old friend." I cut off his suspicions. The truth was I had never seen that man before then. But he knew my face.

Once we entered we were greeted with the presence of hundreds of people from all over the world. The most dangerous people you could meet.

"Ateez it's good to see you." The voice belonged to a familiar face. Bang Chan, the leader of SKZ. Following behind him were his members. Chan looked me up and down. "I'm guessing this is the lucky lady."

Seonghwa patted his friend on the arm "don't bother, she could kill you with a look." He whispered but loud enough for me to hear.

Chan chuckled. We followed SKZ to the corner of the hall where TXT were crowded. Each of them were extremely and tall but they held friendly faces. "Congratulations, you two." Soobin said to me and Hwa.

I dug my nails into Seonghwa's arm. "How many people have you told?" I whispered harshly in his ear.

"They needed to know, just in case anything happened." He answered.

I ignored his comment because a staff member came around with glasses of champagne. Everyone took one including myself but it wasn't in my grip for long. Yunho carried it out my hand and downed it, placing the empty glass back on the tray. He grinned at me. "Your carrying my niece. I don't think so." He teased.

My response was elbowing his stomach. As he groaned in pain I said "I think you mean nephew."

"Have you guys revised the plan?" Hongjoong asked our allies.

The leaders nodded. "I think we should get ready, Moretti and Ambrose has just walked in." He said raising his glass to take a drink.

No one in Ateez turned their backs, not making it obvious. "You sure you're okay with this?" Felix asked me.

I shoved my purse in his hands and patted down my dress. "Don't underestimate me." He warned, smiling.

Just as I was leaving I felt a strong clasp on my wrist. Seonghwa had pulled me into his chest. "I thought I told you not to..." I was cut off my his lips closing on mine. At first I was tense but slowly eased into the kiss. He held me by my waist, my hands were around his neck. I became careless about the eyes on us.

After letting go I said "I will be back." On that note I disappeared into the crowd, concealing my smile. It was action time, and I hadn't been more prepared in my life.

I acted as if I was searching for something until I 'accidentally' bumped into a tall figure. When he turned around I kept my head down low so he wouldn't recognise me. "I'm so sorry sir. I was just looking for my date." I apologised.

He looked down at me his eyebrows furrowed. "Who's your date?"

I smiled consciously. "You may know him, his name is Park Seonghwa."

I felt his body tense by the mention of his name. His low whispers could be heard as he spoke to the men around him. "Why don't I come with you to look for him? I may know a place." He said as he took my arm. I struggled to contain my disgust when he touched me.

I allowed him to lead me through countless hallways in silence until we reached a balcony. "Where are we?" I asked my tone laced in innocence.

"Raise your head, Angel."

Every muscle in my body tensed, My heart skipped a beat and my stomach turned as he called me that name. Yet I did as I was told. I faced him, the large smirk on his face made me feel sick. "Did you really think I wouldn't recognise you, my dear." He said. "You haven't changed since you were a girl. Everyone thought you died along with the rest of your family. You can imagine the surprise I felt when you appear here. And with Ateez? What a traitor."

"I'm not a traitor. My family died, there is no one left to carry that legacy." I argued.

"Moretti, what are you doing out here? I've been looking for you everywhere." A voice called from behind him, his body blocking my view.

Once I set my eyes on who the voice belonged to my knees became weak. He had not yet noticed me. He spoke again. "I though I told you to..." he cut himself off. "Wha...No way." He stuttered once he looked at me. "Soyoung?" He stepped in front of Moretti, his eyes fixed on mine. He took my hand and tapped my ring.

A single tear dropped down my cheek. "Is that really"

"Yoon Jeonghan." He read the initials on my ring. He had a matching one that had my initials engraved on it.

He caressed my cheek. "You're alive?"

I nodded. "So is mother, that's why I'm with them. I need to get mother back." I confessed.

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