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I panned Seonghwa's bedroom as I played with the ring on my thumb. I wouldn't be surprised if I was sweating bucket loads. I took deep breaths trying to calm myself down but failed miserably. I jumped out of my skin when the the door was pushed open with Seonghwa barging in. His eyes were large and his face was full of worry. He walked up to me and held my shoulders, fixing my attention on him. "What did the doctor say?" He asked.

Seonghwa's POV

Her body language was foreign to me. She suddenly became fragile and scared? Her lip was trembling is she going to cry? I traced her red, tear stained cheeks after scanning her face. "What happened to you?" I asked. "I've never seen you so scared. Mum wouldn't tell me neither." Her eyes were suddenly wet, a single tear slipped down her cheek as her eyes remained on my mine. "Speak to me Soyoung."

"I-I'm pregnant." She announced.

If she wasn't in such a delicate state I would have thought she was joking but the fear on her face told me a different story. My emotions became a mess as I processed the information. "Are you sure it's mine." I asked.

She released herself out of my grip and plopped herself on the end of the bed, she held her head in her hands. "I wasn't with anyone before or after you." She said. "This isn't what's supposed to happen." She kept muttering to herself and she rocked back and forth.

I stroked my hair back and held my hands on my hips. I didn't know what to do. Soyoung looked at me again "we can't keep this baby, Seonghwa." She said, her expression grim.

My head jolted forward. "No." I said. "I know it's your choice but I don't want to get rid of it." I walked up to her and kneeled so I was at her level. I cupped her chin forcing her to look me in the eyes. "I know with everything going on this is the last thing we need but don't give it up. I'll be there for you."

"You know that's not how it works in our world. The child will be branded as a bastard. He will have no claims to anything and be a beacon for enemies."

"We don't have to worry about that yet." I held her hands, stopping her from fidgeting with her ring. "I'm trusting you now Soyoung."

"If I'm doing this then I need to speak to your father." She said, shocking me.

"What is this about?" I asked. I had been intrigued by her need for my fathers word. But she refused to let me know.

" if you really trust me then have faith in what I'm doing. I know this may sound untrustworthy but I can't tell you why. This is something I need to do alone."

I was weary about the situation but she was carrying my baby, I had no choice. She may have struggled with empathy but once I had seen her in that state I knew she held in a lot. In conclusion, I took her to my fathers study. As we stood outside, I wiped her tears with my sleeve and opened the door for her, watching her disappear inside.

Soyoung's POV

Once I entered I bowed respectfully and approached his desk and took a seat. "My wife told me." He admitted causing me to lower my head. "She also told me that your a strong woman." I bowed my head and gave him a small smile. " I also believe you have been itching to speak with me."

I sat toward in my chair and began to explain. I told him about the Ko family and judging by his expression I was right. He took a deep breath and clasped his hands together. "Ko Min Doh or as you know him Mr Ko, was just a kid when I knew him. His father was the second hand man of the leader of a mafia gang that went exile decades ago." He began to explain. "Our families had bad blood resulting in a mob war. It just so happens that we won, resulting in his fathers death. He died right in front of his eyes and it was my doing."

I was right. "Could it be possible that he would seek revenge on you?" I asked.

"Definitely." He replied. "He tried and failed many years ago. I haven't heard off him since."

With the new information I received I needed to come up with a plan but I had no idea what to do. First it was the pregnancy and now this. I came to the conclusion that I would focus on the baby first and discover what's really going to happen. If Seonghwa said he would be there for be then I chose to believe that and wanted to take the advantage. My new plan was to scrap me mission and choose which side I wanted. And that was Ateez

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