Forty two

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Soyoung was finally aloud home after a night at the hospital, with help from the boys. Jongho and Mingi carried the twins in their carrycots and placed them in the living room. Luckily they were both sleeping. The boys offered to watch the babies while Soyoung rested for a few hours, she was still exhausted. She gifted San, who suggested the idea, a kiss on the cheek before going to Hwa's bedroom with him following behind.

Seonghwa slid in to bed next to her. They laid facing each other, admiring one another's features. He tucked her hair behind her ear, "I'm so proud of you."

Soyoung's eyes were half closed but she still gave him a smile "You should be. That shit hurt more than a bullet."

He pulled her closer, his arms wrapped tightly around her waist. After taking a minute or so of gazing at her he finally spoke again "I know you would want some work to do once you've recovered."

Her eyes were now fully open and that familiar smirk sat on her lips. "Yes."

"Well we have some newcomers joining us and I would like you to train them."

She cupped his face and planted a passionate kiss on his lips fore pulling apart and snuggling into the warmth of Seonghwa's chest. "I would love that."

He stroked her hair and rested his chin on her head. Seonghwa finally felt at ease now that she was with him. "But for now, you're going to stay with me until you're all better."


It took around 6 weeks until Soyoung was back to her usual strength, In fact she had never felt better. Although the exhaustion from having to get up in the middle of the night to attend to the infants, was over powering.

It was her first day training the newcomers, they called themselves ENHYPEN. She was finally glad to be doing some work that wasn't sitting and watching a f.r.i.e.n.d.s marathon. She got to the gym earlier than everyone so she had extra time to train with herself. That was until Hongjoong guided the newcomers to her station, Soyoung stopped what she was doing and faced them. When Joong saw her absent expression, he bent down so his mouth was in line with their ears "all I have to say is good luck."

Soyoung patted Joong on the back and gifted him a kiss on the cheek "don't scream them off."

"Me? You can do that yourself." He commented. Before easing into her grip and accepted the kiss. "But I know you will train them well, Noona."

"Bye Joongie." She called as the former jogged out of the gym.

She was finally left alone with ENHYPEN so she introduced herself formal and they did the same."So all of you are going to have something you will excel in. It could be combat, guns or archery. Whatever it is, you will still work on the others." She explained "I'm going to give you a choice, though. What would you like to learn first?"

It took a couple seconds until they decided "We want to go to the gun range first." Jungwon announced.

Soyoung placed a hand on Sunoo and Hessung's shoulder as she led them to the gun range "This is one of my favourites."

She asked the boys to stand at their stations and show her what they could do. Overall they weren't bad, since they had been training with the members previously, but she they wasn't at their best. Soyoung knew she would be going easy on them. Once they had used up their first pack, Soyoung gestured them to step back, it was her turn. When she juggled the firearm in her hands, It felt comfortable, even when she aimed. She clicked her round with the roof of her mouth and tilted her head a little bit before pulling the trigger. Just like many times before, the bullet landed in the middle of the target each time. The sounds of the shots echoed through the hall. She unloaded the weapon and placed it back down on the table, a slight chuckled was pulled from her lips when she saw the boys reactions. She gave them a little bow and hauled them back to their stations. "Don't focus too much on the middle. If your calm, it will be easier." She noted as she helped Sunghoon position himself properly. "If you aren't comfortable holding the gun with one hand, don't bother. Focus on having a firm grip first otherwise your aim will be off." She said as Jake struggled with his hands.

Soyoung continued to give the boys pointers and instructions, and they all listened. Obviously they wouldn't be able to get to her standards straight away but they were faster than she expected. While she was watching their actions, she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her waist. She knew who it was just because of his cologne "What are you doing here, Hwa."

He rested his chin on her shoulder and pouted, "I've just come to see how my baby is doing."

Soyoung didn't change her position. "She is working, now go away."

She felt as his grip released her, although his presence still lingered behind her. Eventually she turned around to face him, his expression was dark. Soyoung rolled her eyes, it was her turn to snake her arms around his waist. "Why are you getting all pouty?"

"You never give me any attention."

"What do you mean? I've been glued to you for 6 weeks?"

He rested his arms around her, "I know but you're always busy."

Soyoung looked up at him and smirked, grabbing his ass "Or is it something also that you want?"

Seonghwa eyes widened because of her stern grip. "Well if your suggesting-"

His wife moved away and faced her back to him before he could finish his sentence. She walked up to ENHYPEN and continued to work whilst Seonghwa stood there, frozen and empty handed. "Park Soyoung, I swear to god!"

Due to being ignored, Seonghwa stormed out of the gym, leaving Soyoung to chuckle to herself. She loved to tease her husband, now that she accepted that he was hers and she was his. They belonged together and they didn't plan on letting anything get in the way.

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