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3rd person POV

After Yunho and Seonghwa explained the plan, all 7 of them sat on the couch looking up at them with wide eyes. Soyoung crossed her leg and leaned forward "So basically you want me to seduce them?"

Seonghwa pointed at her with his eyebrows raised. "Don't bother arguing. You're doing it."

Soyong shrugged. "I wasn't going to. I'm up for it."

A small tug on Seonghwa heart caused him to ball his hands into fists. How could she be so up for it? He thought to himself. He internally shook his head and forced himself back to reality. "I've also spoke on the phone with SKZ and TXT They will be there too, I've informed them of the plan and they are in."

Soyoung silently choked on her own saliva at the mention of the other gangs. Although she never met them, she knew a lot about their activities. SKZ was knows for their ruthless combat, many feared confronting them. Meanwhile TXT were logical people, they weren't as strong but they held power and good connections. It was also affirmative that they have heard her real name. "Who else will be there?" She asked.

"Mafia gangs all over the world, from Korea to the UK. San informed. "This ball happens every year where we donate to charities and it's when we all lay down our weapons and forget about alliances and enemies.

That knowledge was already imbedded into Soyoung's mind. She felt as a bead of sweat dripped from her forehead. She was becoming nervous. She had attended the ball many times and she wasn't too keen on seeing everyone there. What if someone notices me? She thought.

A month later

Training had started immediately. They all assisted each other on the things they weren't confident in. Soyoung and Yeosang worked together in teaching the boys basic archery and knife throwing/combat meanwhile Seonghwa and Jongho helped everyone with combat training while Mingi and Yunho was helping with guns. This went on every day for at least 8 hours and then they would treat themselves to a meal together afterwards.

Seonghwa and Soyoung struggled to avoid each other at all costs to the point that it was getting uncomfortable to be in the same room resulting in Soyoung moving into Mingi's room since it was the biggest. She did propose to stay with Wooyoung but Seonghwa immediately shut her down without hesitation.

4 says after the 'moment'

Soyoung laid on the bed playin her phone until the door opened causing her to drop her mobile on her face. She sat up instantly with her eyes closed while rubbing her nose. "Do you not know how to knock?" She called.

"Not when it's my room." Seonghwa mentioned.

Seonghwa's 1st person POV

I walked up to her as she leaned backwards on the headboard. It was getting more impossible everyday to remain calm around her. I sat on the edge of the bed, refusing to look at her. "We need to talk." I blurted out.

She sat up and crossed her legs, I noticed how she fiddled with the ring on her thumb. not cute. "I thought we agreed not to talk about it." She uttered.

"I know but being around you just..." I mumbled to myself and sighed. "I don't think it's a good idea for you to sleep in here anymore." I met her bewitching hazel eyes and took a visible gulp. Her natural expressionless face stared at me with emptiness until a small grin appeared on her lips, the face she made when she was planning something and it's never anything pleasant. She leaned closer to me, now on her hands and knees. "There is space in Wooyoung's room." She stated, biting her lips.

My breath became heavy and my palms were sweaty as she moved closer to me until there were only centimetres between us. Her eyes were fixed on my lips. I caught a glimpse of hesitation in her as she quickly pulled away and returned to her crossed legged position.
Butterflies filled my stomach resulting in me retaliating. I gently pushed her down, her head hitting the pillow as I pinned her arms up. I laid on top of her, only a small space separating us. Repeating my regretful decision, I pressed my lips against hers and once again sparks electrified my body. I ran my fingers through her soft platinum hair as the kiss became laced with passion. What felt like minutes only was a few seconds before she pushed me off her. The sound of our heavy breathing was the only thing to be heard. I climbed off her and walked over to the window and looked at the bright view of the city. I lowered my head, not facing her. "Not Wooyoung's room."

End of the flashback.

Soyoung's POV

The next morning, I laid alone in my bedroom with my eyes closed. I had barely slept for days yet my eyelids failed to become heavy. I shut them tighter, my eyelids creasing, wishing for dreams but failed. My head was pounding and my stomach was turning. I sat up in frustration and threw my pillow at the wall. I was exhausted but my thoughts weren't. My mind was constantly racing with flashbacks of my moment with Seonghwa. I was so stupid I kept telling myself. But the angel on my shoulder was telling me but you enjoyed it, why hide it? Internally flicking the deity away, I chose to find the others to distract me. Proving my luck,as I opened the door Seonghwa just happened to be walking past. He flinched as he heard the door open. It was my cue to act careless. Our gazes locked unintentionally, his large eyes glistened, compelling me. My eyes began to sting from lack of moisture causing me to blink back to reality. I quickly rushed past him and sped-walked into the living room where Hongjoong sat. I snatched his bag of chips and started shoving them in my face. I ignored Joong's pouting stare as I munched on his food. "What's wrong with you?" He asked, seizing his chips back.
I faced him and pouted "I just feel ill and tired but I can't sleep." I moaned.
Hongjoong patted my head a furrowed his eyebrows, his worried expression comforting me. He leaned his head on mine and rubbed my arms. Suddenly I felt a strong tinge at the back of my throat. I rose from my seat and looked at my friend. "What's the matter?" He asked worriedly.
Instead of answering, I dashed through the hallway to the bathroom but the door was looked. I began to knock the door repeatedly until I almost fell in the room once it opened. I sprinted to the toilet and hauled my head over the seat. My throat hurt as I vomited. I felt someone pull my hair back and rub my back although I was too busy to check who.

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