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I rushed to put my clothes back on while struggling to do so, Seonghwa was doing the same. As I was finished first I started returning all the stuff that was previously on the desk and cleaned the rest of the office. Hwa sat in his chair and leaned back in exhaustion. At that moment I placed both my hands on the desk and looked at him. It wasn't until I saw how unkept his hair was that I took my phone and checked myself in the camera. My hair was notty and all over the place while mascara streamed down my face. I licked my finger and tried to erase the eye makeup and tied up my hair in a messy bun.

I rubbed my face and proceeded to look at the man in front of me. "This was a mistake." I blurted out.

Seonghwa's head shot up, his eyes meeting with mine. "Do not tell the members." He said.

I slumped on the couch and buried my head in my hands. I didn't know how to feel about what had just happened, or how it even ended up happening. My mind was racing with different emotions but most of all regret. The fact that I would maybe have to kill this man in the near future only seemed impossible. I also thought back to Mr Ko, and his personal vendetta towards Seonghwa's father, that had just became my top priority.

We both agreed to never tell the members of what we done, ever and concluded that we should avoid the subject at all costs. I exited the office and almost sprinted into Wooyoung's car. Thankfully it was open. After climbing into the passenger seat, I leaned my head on the headboard and screamed as loud as my lungs would allow and continued to hit my head repeatedly until I felt a lump forming. What the fuck did I just do? I asked myself constantly.

I stopped myself when I heard a knocking on the window. It was Wooyoung who was gesturing me to roll down the window. I did as I was instructed. He leaned in and asked "why are you sitting in my car?"

I gave him doe eyes and pouted my lips. "Can you take me home please?"

"Did you just say please? What the hell happened to you?" He joked before taking his seat next to me and started the engine. He looked at me "seriously what's wrong?" He asked.

I took his hands in mine and held them up to my face as if begging "just take me home." I glared at him.

His eyes became large and started driving as if he was a robot who had been programmed. I leaned on the window and looked at the view as we drove through Seoul. It was the time where I could revisit my thoughts and clear my head.

Seonghwa's 1st person POV

As soon as she closed the door behind her I buried my face in my hands before pushing my hair back omfg what had just happened? Why? How? Why did I like it? Nope... I didn't... shit, I don't feel good. Why did my heart ache when she said it was a mistake? I wacked my head with my palm, trying to erase the thoughts from my mind. It wasn't the time to start allowing my emotions to get the best of me.

My thoughts were interrupted by Yunho suddenly bardged into my office. He practically skipped up to the desk and leaned on it. "Drinks tonight. All of us?" He asked.

I opened the file I was previously working on and started writing. "What's the occasion?"
Yunho stood up straight and slumped his shoulders "Other than the fact that we have no leads on the killer and the Moretti's have sent you a letter."

My head shot in his directions due his words. He handed me a brown envelope that addressed me. My eyes remained on him as I opened the letter., And read it aloud.

To Mr park.
You've made a bad move by sending me my son's body like that. I'm writing to informed you of the end of our alliance. I've also heard your men are going down one by one and you assumed it was me. Unfortunately it wasn't me but I do know who, and you would be shocked to find out.
Lastly, I'm inviting you to the annual ball that's will take place on the 17th of December, where settlement may be made.
Bring your best men.

I groaned due to frustration, scrunched up the the paper and threw it next to me. I looked up at Yunho who was no longer smiling. "That's in 3 months" he stated.
I sighed and span in my chair. I always knew something like this would take place I just wasn't expecting it so soon. "I know for a fact the night isn't going to go down well." I guessed. "But during these 3 months we are gonna train together. The 8 of us will go together and sort it out."

"What about Soyoung?" He asked.

"No." I replied instantly. There was no way that I'm allowing her to come with us. Just being around her made me anxious despite arguing with myself about how she made me feel, and I wasn't planning on confronting me, myself and I.

"We're gonna need her." Yunho argued. "Almost all our enemies will be there despite our allies. We're gonna need all the security we can and Soyoung would be perfect."

I lifted my hand, signalling him to be quiet. "Soyoung isn't an option. We will get better during training. There isn't another way."

Yunho continued to ignore my statements. He took a seat and placed his elbows on his knees as he leaned forward. "That's not what I mean. We should use Soyoung to get closer to Moretti, possibly one of his men. If he knows who the killer is then it's most likely they are a newly formed alliance. You know how scummy they are, they wouldn't hesitate to claim an innocent looking woman that just happens to be your date."
My mind began to think like clockwork as a plan formed. The corners of my mouth tugged upwards as Yunho continued to explain. "If you bring Soyoung as your date, someone who no one has seen before, there is no doubt Morreti would use her to get to you. We all know she can defend herself so she won't be put in any danger.

I waved my index finger in agreement. Everything was finally fitting into place. On that note I asked Yunho to gather the members back at home where we could discuss the mission.

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