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Soyoung's POV

I was woken up the next morning by a knock on the door. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, allowing me to see Mrs Park peak her head through the door. "Are you okay, dear?" She asked as she took a seat at the end of the bed.

"Yes, I feel a bit better now, thank you." I replied.

She rubbed my arm and handed me a glass of water. As I took a sip she said. "Seonghwa booked you a doctors appointment for this morning. Unfortunately he isn't here to escort you so I will." She patted my leg and stood up. "Get ready, I've made pancakes."

After she left I opened my suitcase and changed into clean clothes. Truthfully I felt fine, only tired but I still went to the doctors. When I sat at the table Mrs Park served me pancakes and I dug right in, she sat opposite me doing the same. "I heard you were an assassin." She said.
I almost choked on the food. "Erm...yeah." I replied, astonished. Why would he tell his mum something like that?
She must have sensed the worry on my face because she said "don't worry, I'm not going to judge you. I'm the wife of a former mafia boss, I've seen it all."
I forced a smile and filled my mouth with food so I didn't have to speak.

After at least an hour waiting, my name finally got called into the doctors office.
"So what's wrong?" The doctor asked.

"I'm having random episodes where I'm vomiting, and I'm constantly tired no matter how much sleep I get and my whole body feels swollen." I told him.

The doctor hummed and began tapping the keys of his computer. Mrs Park who sat next to me patted my hand and gave me a reassuring smile. "I'm going to need a urine sample."
I nodded as he handed me the tube. I did as I was instructed and handed it back to the doctor once I was finished. Mrs Park brought me coffee as we waited for the results. "How are you feeling?" She asked.

I blew on my hot drink. "I just feel a little nauseous." I replied.
Personally I assumed I had the a flu since it was the start of winter and I had been training non-stop for a month straight. Suddenly my phone notified me.

From: Seonghwa💀

How's the appointment?


I'm just waiting on results, I'll let you know.

As if on cue the doctor called my name again. I placed my phone in my back pocket and followed behind him and Mrs Park. Before I had even sat down the doctor refused to beat around the bush. "The test results came up that you're pregnant, Miss Lee."

My eyes almost dropped out of my skull, my jaw might as well have became unhinged. My only response was outrage. I slammed my hands on his desk and pulled him closer to me by his tie "don't lie to me." I yelled.

His forehead became wrinkled and his eyes became moist. "I-I'm not. T-that's what the results were. P-please don't hurt me."

Mrs park leaned back in her chair and lifted one leg over the other. "Who's the lucky man?" She asked, her mouth half open, and a huge smirk was painted on her face.

I pushed the doctor back down onto his chair, as soon as he was set free he ran out the room leaving me and Mrs Park alone. I leaned on the desk and buried my head in my hands and then gave Mrs Park a furrowed look. After a few seconds her eyes became wide and her hand flew over her mouth. "Seonghwa?" She whispered loudly.

I nodded. She exhaled loudly, standing up. She carefully took my hands in hers. I was struggling to hold back my tears, I never cried but I was on the verge of sobbing. This can't be happening. It's all a lie. I kept telling myself repeatedly but failing to be convincing. Mrs Park noticed my quivering lip. She pulled me into a tight hug and stroked my hair. "Let it out." She said. "Everything is going to be okay."

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