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After spending several minutes coughing up my insides, I finally could breathe as I leaned my head on the bathroom wall, my hand still clutching the toilet seat. "What's wrong with you?" An earnest voice spoke.

My eyes were half open as I focused on who the voice belonged to. I froze when I was met with Seonghwa's sculpted face although his expression carried worry. I smirked and patted his shoulder. "Nothing, I feel better now. I think I ate too much." I assured.
He sat back and crossed his legs. I could tell he wanted to say something to but held it in "spit it out." I said. "You look like you need to say something."
He sighed and eventually looked me in the eyes. "Remember you said you wanted to speak with my father about the previous client." He mentioned. I sat forward becoming more interested, nodding encouraging him to continue. "Well I'm flying out to Japan tomorrow to meet my parents. Maybe you want to come?" He asked.

I hid my smile and excitement by nodding calmly. "I would like that."

He took a deep breath before standing up. "You should pack then, we will be gone for the weekend." he stopped once he reached the door "and clean up this mess." He ordered, pointed at the dirty toilet seat.

Once the door shut I began to clean while I let my mind wonder endlessly. If I was right about Mr Ko's personal vendetta that means he is using me and the agency board doesn't know about the mission I'm on. I could use this against him once I get the correct information from Seonghwa's father. But what could have happened?

The next morning 5:30am

Seonghwa's POV

I turned on their bedroom light, Mingi pulled the covers over his head and groaned meanwhile Soyoung's sleeping figure didn't budge. I walked over to her bed and took an unintentional moment to admire her features. Her elegant features became soft as she was buried in slumber, meanwhile her hair was chaotic and she had unwashed makeup on her face. Eventually, I nudged her shoulder but I gained no reaction, I held her shoulders and shook her. My heart almost stopped when I ended up with a blade in front of my face. Soyoung held me by my collar while holding a knife to my face but her eyes her closed and eyebrows creased. Once her eyes fluttered open she realised what had happened and released her grip on me. She held her chest as she sighed and threw the blade on the floor, Mingi groaned in the background. "You can't just wake someone up like that" she whispered loudly.
"That's how you wake a normal person up. What kind of person sleeps with a knife under their pillow." I argued back quietly. "Get dressed we have to leave in 20 minutes. I'll be waiting in the car."

And I did just that. The sun had not yet fully awoken. I watched the purple sky until Soyoung stumbled into the passenger seat holding a plastic bag with her toothbrush in her mouth. I looked at her with disgust once she eventually looked at me. She spat in the bag "What?" She shrugged.
I just shook my head and started to drive to the airport.
Once we were on the private jet, Soyoung struggled with air sickness. I sat next to her to make her feel better but it was no use. "When we land I will get you a doctor." I said. She nodded, unable to speak.

My arms ached as I carried both of our suitcases to the door of my parent's house. I knocked on the door after releasing my grip. Suddenly we were hauled inside my the grip of my mother. She held me tightly into a hug once we stood in the middle of the entrance. Mum held me by my shoulders and scanned me and then focused her attention on Soyoung. Her face lit up after setting her eyes on her. My mother cupped Soyoung's face and studied her. "My son brought a girl home?"
Soyoung's eyes became wide as my mother bombarded her with questions. Fortunately for her my father came down the stairs at that moment. "Welcome home son." He greeted.
Soyoung and I greeted my parents formally and she introduced herself.
My mother nudged me. "Why didn't you tell us you had a girlfriend?"

I felt my ears turn red meanwhile Soyoung remained stationary, her eyes half open as she clutched her stomach. I grabbed her wrist. "Do you still feel sick?"
She nodded with her eyes closed. "Excuse us." I said to my parents before guiding Soyoung up the stairs and into the bathroom. As soon as she got to the toilet she began vomiting. I tied her hair up and rubbed her back trying to make her feel better. Once she was finished I flung her arms around my shoulder and helped her to my bedroom and tucked her into my bed. She was half-asleep. Just as I got up to leave she grabbed my wrist, I turned to face her. "What's wrong?"

She held her chest. "My bra is feeling really tight." She moaned. "Can you unclip it for me?"

I was astonished by her question but did as she asked. She exhaled loudly as she slid her bra off through her shirt. I could help but chuckle at her reaction. On that note, I left her and fled downstairs, into the kitchen. I spotted my mum making food, "hey mum, do we have any medicine to treat the flu?"

As I raided the cabinets, my mother stopped what she was doing, crossed her arms, leaned against the counter and looked at me with a smirk on her face and one eyebrow raised. Noticing her expression, I scoffed and confronted her "what is that face for?"

"You've never brought a woman home." She stated.

"She's not my girlfriend. I brought her because she needed to speak with dad."

"What for?"

"I don't know, something to do with a former client of hers."

My mum rubbed her hands together. "What does she do for a living?"

Without pausing my task I answered "she's an assassin."

The unexpected response was mum squealing in excitement. I popped my head up from the island counter and eyed her. She leaned forward with a huge smile on her face. "A strong woman. I like her already." She exhaled and continued her chore. "Oh and the medicine cabinet is the corner one."

"Trust me mum you won't like her. The woman is more crazy than you." I replied.

"Every woman is crazy, especially in our world. It's how we survive. Then again what would you know? You've never had a girlfriend or even spoke more that a word to a girl."

I ignored her comment and left the kitchen after filling up a glass of water.

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