Thrity Eight

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Soyoung's POV

3 days had past till the wedding and the boys had basically imprisoned me in the penthouse, allowing boredom to be my only friend. At least they trusted me enough to leave me alone. The boys had been extra busy with work since the threat, trying to figure out what BTS' next move would be. It was around 5:45pm, I had just made my self a cup of tea and was leaning against the counter when I got a phone call from a random number. I put my cup down and answered it instantly.

*Over the phone*

"Who is this?"

"Awh, you don't have my number saved Angel?"

I chuckled at the familiar voice, sudden warmth filled me.

"Wonwoo, I've been waiting for your call."

"I'm sorry, honey but you girls really have a tough firewall over your personal profiles."

"Well... did you find out who it was?"

"That's the thing, I could only find someone named IU. I assume it's a cover name but that's all. She's the only alive girl who attended St. Mary's the last few years you did."

"IU? I've never heard that name."

"Sorry princess, but I'll keep digging."

"Thanks Wonwoo."

I ended the call, unknowing of who the enemy is. IU? What kind of name was that. They must have changed it to cover their identity. I could only think of one way to find out, and that was to talk to my old friends. I grabbed my coat and shoes along with my gun and exited the building. I got in the first taxi that approached me and told him the address, Luckily I remembered it from the last time I was there. During the drive my hands unconsciously balled into fists by the thought of seeing the mystery old friend. While I attended the god-awful school, No one spoke to me, I was a foreigner-

An instant thought clicked in my head. I wasn't the only Korean girl who attended, there was one other. A very shy and problematic girl, there was no way. I ordered the taxi driver to go faster as the sudden realisation hit me while also calling Yeosang. My leg jogged up and down as I waited for him to pick up.

"What's up, Soyoung?" He eventually answered.

"I know who it is!" My words came out faster than I could process.


"The girl! Her name is Lee Ji Eun but she's going by the nickname IU."

"Okay, I'll tell Seonghwa Hyung instantly."

"We are here, Miss." the taxi driver announced.

I cursed in my mind when Yeosang questioned my location thanks to him "Soyoung? Where are you? Are you in a taxi?"

"No. You must be hearing things."


"Byeeee Sangie." I quickly ended the call and payed for the fare.

I stood outside the mansion, the white walls were blinding and the bushes that outlined the sides were now brown. I didn't bother knocking on the door, I walked straight in since it was open. I was greeted by an empty hall causing me to load my gun. The silence was heavy, only my footsteps echoed through the empty halls until I heard quiet voices, familiar voices. I followed the sound, it brought me into the kitchen, I hid behind the wall eve-dropping on their now clear conversation.

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