Twenty three

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I scanned my brother repeatedly, still unable to believe he was standing in front of me. He hadn't changed one bit, only his long hair was gone. Although I got distracted by his straight face and furrowed eyebrows. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"You're with Ateez?" He asked. "After everything, your one of them?"

"You know about that? No you don't understand." I explained my mission to him and everything that's happened since. Not everything.

"Then I think it's time to finish the mission. Tonight." He suggested.

"No!" I replied quickly. I sighed at his stunned reaction. I tip-toed and whispered in his ear "Jeonghan... I'm pregnant with Seonghwa's baby. I need to stay with them until it's born or they will kill me. Please don't tell Moretti or expose me. It's the only way to get mum back."

I stepped down on my heels and faced him, his eyes were on my stomach. He nodded. "Okay." He agreed. "But this is for mother."

"There is just one thing I need to do first." I said, walking past him and in front of Moretti. "Tell me who it is."

"What makes you think I'm gonna tell you?" He replied.

I pulled the 'pin' out of my hair and swiftly held it up to his throat. "If you tell me. I'll tell you who really killed Lorenzo and Lena."

He just smirked. "Your not gonna kill me."

I dug the blade deeper into his throat, drawing a small drop of blood. "I put a bullet through your son and beat your niece to death. What makes you think you're any different. Now tell me who is killing our men!" I screamed.

His eyes became wide after squinting due to the pain striking through his neck. "You're the devil." Were the only words he could utter.

I clasped his grey hair in my hand, dragging him closer to me. "Don't make me repeat myself."

It took moments before he finally sighed. "It was BTS."

I shook him away from me, he dropped to the floor. I pushed his chest against the wall with my foot. "If you come anywhere near Ateez again, I will not hesitate to eliminate the rest of your lowlife family."

I released him, allowing him to scatter away, leaving me and my brother alone. "My sister is as ruthless as ever." He said, bringing me into a hug. I buried my head in his neck as I breathed in his familiar scent. "Congratulations on the baby." He said before breaking the hug.

I thanked him. "I know you may hate me for being with them. But we got it all wrong."

He fiddled with his fingers. "We are going to complete this mission together. I believe you have to go."

I nodded and gave him one more hug before I left him. As I was running through the hallway I bumped into a taller figure, causing me to fall to the floor. I held my stomach due to the impact of the hard floor. "Oh my god I'm...Soyoung?" A sweet voice spoke.

I looked up to whom the voice belonged to. Oxygen refused to surround me when I saw the familiar face "Mingyu?"

He helped me up and apologised. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"What do you mean? Everyone thought you were dead. I was so sad when you disappeared." He said. "When Jeonghan told all of us about what happened I felt so lost without you."

Seeing him again was a huge shock to me. We was dating throughout our childhood. Him and the other 12 members of 17 (it's was they liked to call themselves) were my only friends since there was no girls my age who were our gang's legacy. We spent every moment together until I got sent away when I was 8. When I returned at the age of 15, he waited for me and showered me with his love until I got sent away again. Our last moments together were brief. I was expecting him to forget me and move on but it was the opposite. He clinged on to the memories we shared together. As he spoke about how much he missed me I held my hand up to silence him. "Listen. I can't do this. I've moved fact I'm pregnant. So please stop." Those were the last words I said to him before leaving to find my members in the crowded hall. I needed to escape from from that part of my life and focus on my new one for the time being.

I scanned the hall looking for my members, I spotted Soobin's blue hair and ran in that direction. "Hey, hey, hey stop running." Seonghwa said. "Did everything go okay?"

I nodded. "We need to leave. All of us."

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