Thrity seven

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Soyoung explained everything that happened during her time at St. Mary's and the boys listened carefully. "Shit. No wonder you're crazy." San said, sitting back. Everyone ignored his comment.

"So what are we planning to do about the threat?" Yeosang asked.

"Nothing." Seonghwa answered "we aren't going to retaliate unless they do first."

Jongho faced his Hyung "but we've already been threatened and by someone like Soyoung. We can't take that chance."

"I don't care." The boss snapped "I'm sorry boys but we need to think about the children now. If they do something physical within the next six months we will work on it responsibly. No acting out. From now on our full attention is making sure the twins are safe."

Soyoung noticed the seriousness in his voice, she hadn't seen him like that before. "Seonghwa, I don't think you understand how dangerous this is."

He pointed at her, his face showed only restraint "Please, Soyoung. I don't want any arguments. I've made my decision and that's final." That was the last thing he said before he stormed off into his room.

Those who he left, all exhaled loudly. Soyoung knew something had to be done, if this girl went to St Mary's then she was dangerous. If only she knew who she was. Determination overtook her. Soyoung picked her phone up and began calling someone who could help. "Who are you ringing." San asked

"My brother."

"You have a brother." They asked, shocked.

*on the phone*


"I need you to do some research for me."

"Sure, what about."

"Find out who survived from the St. Mary's fire."

"That's ridiculous, no one lived."

"Please. Just look into it."

Soyoung ended to call to face the members who glared at her, their mouths hung open. She was confused by their sudden shock. "What's with your faces?"

San pointed a finger in her direction with his lips pursed, "what else do we not know about you?"

His sudden question caught Soyoung off guard, although she knew that's not what he meant. Her response was rolling her eyes and waving off his comment and their intrigued stares. "We're going to forget what Hwa said. These people are dangerous and I think he's forgetting how many supporters BTS has."

Hongjoong sat forward, leaning his elbows on his knees "I agree with you. They have an whole army on their side"

"What's your plan and how does your brother come into this?" Yeosang added.

Soyoung couldn't tell them the whole truth, starting with her being a twin. Luckily, she was great a improvising. "He works for an underground gang as a hacker." She lied. The truth was that Jeonghan would get Wonwoo to do the technical work. Despite his skills with a bat, Wonwoo was one of the best hackers in the world and once hacked into the FBI. She had faith that he could find what she was looking for. "Trust me. He will get the job done but for now we wait."

"What are you going to do when you find out who it is?" Mingi asked.

Soyoung knew straight away, "I'm going to kill her." Her voice laced in nonchalance and her eyes became dark causing the boys to fidget in their seats.

"No offence Soyoung, but your not really at your best strength right now." Yunho spoke carefully, "you're 13 weeks pregnant. Anymore fighting and you could hurt the babies."

His friends nodded in agreement. Soyoung didn't want to admit it but they were right, her condition was painful despite her ignorance towards it. She would constantly get pains on the side of her stomach, piercing headaches, leg cramps and let's not forget the swelling. Worst of all was her libido going through the roof so she found it uncomfortable to be too close to Seonghwa, she had no clue where it would lead. Soyoung rubbed her temples and stopped protesting "fine. I'll give it a rest but as soon as I get that information you are coming with me." She stood up and stretched her arms "I'm going to check up on Moody arse before he starts going all angry bird on us."

Soyoung knocked on his bedroom door before entering. His back was facing her as he directed the window, his head in his hands. Soyoung approached him and wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her cheek on his back. Seonghwa's body tensed from her touch but soon loosened into her grip. He felt comfort and warmth in her touch.

"Have you calmed down?" She asked.

Seonghwa turned to face her, causing her hands to relocate around his neck. "I wasn't mad. Just frustrated."

Soyoung sighed before gazing into his dark eyes "listen: I know you're worried about the twins but you have to understand that ATEEZ is also a main priority. And I can look after myself, you know that."

His hands travelled to her bump, it was bigger due to their being two babies. A smile unintentionally crept upon his lips. Contentment filled him as he thought about his future with Soyoung. Their relationship had moved so fast within the last couple of months and he could still sense the hesitation that Soyoung felt when she was near him but he felt differently, he didn't want to wait anymore.

"I'm sorry." He apologised, his eyes not meeting hers "my only intensions are to protect you."

Soyoung cupped his face, forcing him to look at her "My life is full of fun and dangerous games. It's impossible to take that away. No matter where I go I will always be in danger and so will our children. Putting a stop to your revenge isn't going to make anything better or worse."

"But I don't want to lose you." He admitted.

It was Soyoung's turn to avert her gaze elsewhere, his sudden confession caught her off guard, "you won't." She replied eventually.

"Then promise me you will be careful until you're back to your full strength."

She hesitated before agreeing. She patted his chest and pulled away from his grip "I'm going to bed, I'll see you in the morning."

He gripped her wrist before you could walk away "you're mine now. You're sleeping in here."

"I don't think so. My Libido is out of control, wait till the 3rd trimester." She made her way to the door.

"What the fuck is a libido?" He called.

"It means I'm horny and I don't wanna have sex while I've got two babies inside of my belly!" She shouted back, loud enough for everyone to hear but she didn't care.

Seonghwa was left bewildered once she left him alone but his shock soon turned into laughter.

Soyoung smirked when she heard his laughter from down the hall and it stuck with her when she climbed into bed. As she walked in her room Mingi's eyes followed her from his bed as she tucked herself into comfort. "What are you looking at?" She asked, closing her eyes.

"You do realise everyone heard what you just said." He was still surprised at her openness.

She remained idle and ignored his comment "can you turn the light off please?"

Mingi rolled his eyes before doing as she asked. "You're a pain in the ass." He mumbled to himself but Soyoung heard him resulting in her throwing a pillow at his head but luckily he caught it. Mingi approached Soyoung and gave you a friendly peck on her head before chuckling and going back into bed.

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