Thirty one

673 30 8

~Christmas Eve~

3rd person POV

Soyoung sat in the living room when a sudden burst of screams and Woos starting ringing through her ears. She leaned on the back of the sofa and faced the elevator where the boys entered along with SKZ and TXT. "Sounds like your ready for the bachelor party." Soyoung said while smiling at the joyful men.

Seonghwa patted her head and crouched to her level. "We are. How are you spending your bachelorette?"

"Right here with a tub of ice cream and the hunger games." She replied. He held a long kiss on her forehead before she slapped him off "stop with the skinship and go spend time with the strippers."

"Are you jealous?" He grinned.

Soyoung took this opportunity to tease him. She cupped his chin and brought his face closer to hers, leaving barely any space and ignoring the others around them. She glared at his lips while licking her own. She held in a chuckle as his cheeks turned a light pink shade. She bit her bottom lip and combed his hair with her fingers before tightening her grip and pulling his head backwards, making him groan. "I'm not yours yet, love. So don't try and tease me because it won't work."

He chuckled, despite the threat. "Wait till tomorrow. I'll show you that you are mine."

She pushed him away and sat correctly on the couch, hauling the blanket over her. "Use protection!" She teased. Seonghwa laughed with his friends, their giggles filled the air until the elevator door closed. She waited a few minutes before rushing to her room to get changed and loaded up. It was her first time being left alone since in a while so she used that to her advantage.
She knocked on the door to the abandoned club and waited for an answer. "Who is it?" Spoke a voice on the other side.

"Open up Dino, it's Soyoung."

The door instantly swung open and revealed a smiley Maknae who held his arms out. Soyoung got him in a headlock and closed the door with her foot. "Yah! Noona let me go."

She ruffled his hair "who's baby are you?"

He groaned "Why do you two always make me say it."

"You better say Jeonghan's baby or you will regret it." Jeonghan teased, leaning up the wall and watching them play. Soyoung let go of Dino and embraced her brother. He rested his chin on her shoulder. "It's good to see you."

She pulled away. "You too. Now where are the others?"

They guided her into the main room where a bar was, accompanied by Minghao and Joshua. Once she entered the room the atmosphere became still. The last time they had seen her, she had lost her mother. "Loosen up people." She said before sitting down on the table where Mingyu, Wonwoo, Dokyeom and Vernon sat, her brother following. "Minghao can you get me a vodka please" she called.

"Are you joking?" Wonwoo laughed.

"No. You lot are going to need it after you hear the news I have."

Minghao soon came and placed a glass on the table full of clear liquid. He looked Soyoung dead in the eye "it's water." He smirked and gave her a friendly kiss on the cheek "lovely seeing you again." He winked before going back to the bar.

Soyoung took a sip of the warm water before exhaling loudly. "I'm getting married tomorrow."

Mingyu choked on his drink while the others froze mid-action. Suddenly Dokyeom started to laugh and clap his hands, his face scrunching up. "Who the hell is crazy enough to marry you?!"  He wiped the smile off his face almost instantly "I'm being serious. You are pathological."

Soyoung clicked her tongue while giving him a dirty look along with a smirk. She cherished the banter they had. "Who's the lucky man?" Mingyu asked awkwardly.

She avoided their stares and fidgeted with her thumb ring "Seonghwa."

This time Soyoung got a drink spat in her face. It was Jeonghan next to her. He glared at his sister. "Out of anyone, you chose him?"

"Actually it's all for legal reasons. I don't actually like him." She lied to both them and herself.

"I'm guessing this means we're not invited to the wedding." Vernon guessed correctly.

She nodded "I wish you could be there." She turned to face Jeonghan "I wanted you to be the one to walk me down the isle."

Her twin was still glaring at her in disbelief. "First he gets you pregnant and now he's marrying you. This is ridiculous. You should be here with us, Soyoung. You finally got your family back but you're choosing them."

"I'm not choosing anyone."

"The reason you were with them was because of your mission and now it's over. So what's keeping you there." Jeonghan asked.

Soyoung stood up instantly. She didn't want to admit to her brother that she wanted to stay with them. "I didn't come here to be criticised. I came here for Kyungmin."

"I'll take you to her." Mingyu offered.

Soyoung felt bad for mentioning the marriage in front on Mingyu. They had once promised to be together forever yet that turned out to be false promises. They walked through the dark hallways of the former bar in silence. Mingyu had his hands in his trouser pockets and kept his head lowered. Soyoung could sense how upset he felt. "I'm sorry I didn't come and find you." She apologised.

He finally raised his head and put his attention on her. "Well it would have been nice to know you weren't dead." He joked but Soyoung didn't see it that way.

"I did think about you." She admitted "When Ko took advantage of me, it reminded me of when you used to say that I was the strongest person you knew. I held onto those words and kept fighting. But I was so focused on freeing mother that I didn't bother going to look for you all. I apologise"

Mingyu stopped in his tracks and faced a now idle Soyoung. "I grieved you but the moment I saw you at the ball, it felt like a light had re-lit itself. We used to be each other's everything but you moved on and so should I." He said "I don't want you feeling bad when you talk about how happy you are with Seonghwa around me. Back in the day it was rare to even crack a smile on your face but ever since you've been with them that's all you ever do. I also know you well enough to know that you're resisting your feelings. I want you to be happy...with him."

If Soyoung could get emotional she would have cried although her maternal hormones made that a little easier. She pulled Mingyu into a tight hug, breathing in his familiar scent. "You don't know how much that means to me." They pulled apart. "You will always have a special place in my heart as the person who made me feel love for the first time."

Mingyu gave her a friendly kiss on the head, which was easy for him due to his height. "And now it's time for you to do your thing."

She followed him into a smaller, dimmer room. The walls felt as if they were going to cave in on you. The stench of flesh and blood rotted their noses as they entered. Soyoung smirked when she saw that snarky, petite woman, tied up vulnerably in a torture chamber. She had cloth over the mouth causing her screams to come out muffled. "Are you staying to watch the show?" She asked Mingyu.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." He shut the door behind them and leaned against it as Soyoung approached her next victim.

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