Thirty three

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Soyoung's POV^^

That morning, my eyebrows creased as the ringing of my phone pulled me from my slumber. My hand travelled around the bed trying to locate the mobile, my eyes still closed. Eventually I sat up and began searching ordinarily. I found the phone under my pillow and answered immediately. "What?" My voice was husky and my eyelids weren't functioning.

"Sounds like you had a thrilling time last night, darling." Seonghwa's tone was chirpy.

My head hit the pillow as I rubbed my temples "I was up till 4am, you bastard."

I heard as he clicked his tongue "I hope you learnt a valuable lesson through this experience."

"The only thing I learnt was how to get puke out of white shirts!" I screamed down the phone. "I guess it became an advantage as I'm in a house filled with 8 half naked men."
There was silence for a moment, I smirked at my accomplishment of shutting him up. "Well it was lovely to talk to you but I have to try and pull four full grown men from your bed."

"You let them in my bed!"

"See you laterrrr...." I jarred.

I ended the call and threw my phone to the end of the bed. The next thing I knew there was a pillow launched at my head. "Why are you so loud every morning?" Mingi complained from his bed that was beside my own.

I threw the pillow back and laid on my hands so I was facing him, a pile of drool formed on his pillow while quiet snores resonated from him, ignoring my attack. That was until we heard the elevator door make its signature DING! Sound. We instantly sat up, our attention on each other "are we expecting someone?" I asked the half- asleep man.

"Not the I know of." He shrugged causing us to rush out of our room, through the kitchen and into the living room where the Elevator was located. He held a steady stance when we saw five girls holding bags of equipment, staring at us with wide eyes. Mingi exhaled loudly in relief "Oh, it's just you."

"You know these people?"

"Yeah, they are with SKZ." He shifted his attention to the now calm girls. They introduced themselves as ITZY "But what are you doing here?"

"Mr Park said you needed help getting ready for the wedding." A girl with Big eyes spoke, I soon found out her name was Yu-Na.

They held up the makeup boxes in their hands and smiled "we're going to glam you up." Yeji chirped.

I nodded slowly, a smile awkwardly planted on my lips. I grabbed Mingi's wrist. "Make yourself comfortable. I just need to sort the boys out, starting with this one."

I dragged Mingi into the hallway where the bedrooms were. "You get Hyunjin, Lee know, Felix and Jisung in Hwa's room and I'll sort out the others. Make sure they are wearing shirts." I patted his bare chest "you too."

Soon after, I barged into WooSan's room. The famous pair's legs were intertwined and their arms were twisted as they squeezed into one bed meanwhile Heuning and Taehyun shared the other, all of them only in their underwear. I tried nudging them but they just slapped my hands away and proceeded with their deep slumber so I snaked my grip around Taehyun's ankle and tried to pull him off but with Kai's weight too, they were too heavy. My next strategy was to scream at the top of my lungs until my throat was bone dry. They all covered their ears, San rolled off the bed a hit his head on the bed-side table meanwhile the others tried throwing things at me but failed. "Be quietttttt." Huening moaned.

"I'ts the the day of the wedding, get up!" I yelled, this causing Wooyoung to shoot up and regain his caffeinated character.

He stumbled out of the bed, tripping over San in the process. Eventually he wobbled over to me and placed his hands on my shoulders as he squinted his eyes, trying to focus his vision through the sleep in his eyes but he didn't say anything. She just stood there, sleeping. Standing up? I lightly pushed him causing him to fall back. I raided the closet and pulled out random hoodies and shorts and threw them at the boys. "Put these on. ITZY is here." I ordered "I'll order some hangover soup for you."

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