Twenty nine

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When Soyoung heard the door crash open, she dropped her head on her shoulder and listened as all the men rushed into the living room where she was located. "Soyoung!" Yunho called.

He ran up to her and shook her shoulders so she pretended like she'd just woken up. "Y-Yunho?"

"What happened to you?" Huening Kai asked as he began untying the ropes, Lee know helping him.

"While we were in the car, he knocked us out." Soyoung explained "Once I woke up they started beating me."

"They didn't hurt your stomach did they?" Beomgyu asked as she stood up.

"No. They know about the baby and they know it's Seonghwa's so they refused to hurt me too much."

"Then where is Seonghwa?" Felix questioned, looking around.

"I think they kept him in the basement." She replied.

They all followed her to where Hwa was located. Once she set her eyes on him, she rushed over and began untying the thick ropes. "Are you okay?" She asked.

He stared down at her "he didn't hurt me that much, thanks to you."

"What do you mean?" She replied.

"Namjoon told me it was you who convinced him to not hurt me. How?"

"I can be pretty intimidating."

As soon as Hwa was released, he stood up and began searching Soyoung's body. "Are you all okay?"

Soyoung cupped his face, interrupting his search. "Were okay. Let's just get out of..."

He cut her off by pressing his lips on hers, forgetting about their audience. After the sudden surprise, Soyoung eventually eased into the kiss. Her eyes stayed close for a moment after they pulled apart. The others remained frozen. As if nothing had happened, he faced the other members who's mouths hung open. "Let's get out of here." He grabbed Soyoung's hands and led everyone out of the house and back home.

As soon as they got to the penthouse, Soyoung sat Seonghwa on the sofa and ran to get an ice pack, placing it on his bruised face. "What did he say to you?" Changbin asked Hwa.

"He wants to steal ATEEZ from me and he will stop at nothing to get that."

"He can't just do that. Can he?" Taehyun questioned.

Seonghwa nodded. "If he were to kill me then he would claim the title since I have no legitimate heirs."

"But what about the twins?" Seungmin chimed.

"We're not married."

"Then marry her." Chan said

The couple shot their heads in his direction "what?!" They shouted in sync and then looked at each other.

Soyoung broke eye contact with him. "That's ridiculous. It can't be hard for him to find a wife."

"But I want you." He uttered.

Their eyes met again. The blood rushed to Soyoung's cheeks as she scanned his serious expression before scoffing and standing up. "You're joking." She insisted "you can't marry me. I-I'm not the right person for you. Trust me."

Seonghwa mirrored her actions and stood up, grabbing her hands. "I don't care. If I'm crazy enough to allow myself to feel this way about you then I'm certainly insane for wanting to marry you."

"Are you calling me mental?"

"You are a bit."

She huffed and rolled her eyes

"How about Christmas. That way you can still fit in a dress." He suggested.

"You should get down on one knee." Wooyoung teased.

They had almost forgotten about the people surrounding them. "I'm not doing that."

Soyoung slid her foot under his, causing him to fall on his knees "oops" The boys behind her giggled.

Eventually giving in, he took a ring off his finger and held it upwards while gazing into Soyoung's unreadable eyes. "Lee Soyoung, will you marry me?"

When he called her fake last name, her heart shattered a little but she held herself together and forced a smiled. She had forbidden herself from enjoying the moment as he slipped the ring on her marriage finger. On the other hand she thought maybe this was meant to happen, Seonghwa was the person she was supposed to be with. That thought became dominant and she nodded her head in agreement "yes I will marry you."

Seonghwa got on both feet, wrapping his arms around her waist and picking her up while they span. He slowly put her down, their eyes refused to leave each other. "You're finally mine." He released a sigh of relief.

The boys crowded them with cheers as they began to celebrate. They popped open a bottle of champagne and brought out the beers meanwhile Soyoung had to drink orange juice. "I don't understand. My mum drank with me and I turned out perfect"

Seonghwa tapped her back whilst giving her a look of sympathy resulting in him receiving a death glare. He instantly removed his hand off her and chugged the rest of his beer. "So boss, who are you choosing as your best man?" Wooyoung winked.

"Hongjoong." He answered immediately, without looking in his direction. Wooyoung's face dropped.

Hongjoong sat back and laughed as his dongsaeng went into a strop. "What about you, Soyoung? Any bridesmaids in mind?" Jeongin asked.

Soyoung's mind became empty. She didn't have any friends, only seventeen. They were her family and she couldn't even invite them to her wedding. It destroyed her on the inside but she chose not to show it externally. "Not really."

"I can be a bridesmaid." Wooyoung chimed in.


Once again he went in a strop "why does nobody want me?" He whimpered to himself.

"Because I want you to walk me down the aisle." Soyoung announced to him.

Wooyoung instantly sat up and jumped into Soyoung's arms. "You will not regret this." He assured.

"You will regret this." Jongho added, quietly sipping his drink.

Soyoung ruffled his hair before he went back to his seat. As much as she appreciated them, she knew who she really wanted to send her off. Jeonghan.

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