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Soyoung wanted to kill the man right at that moment but she knew deep down, she couldn't win.

"I'm guessing she was the one that told you to escape without her. I heard she can't even walk." Mr Ko teased.

Soyoung slapped his hand away and gazed at him, but in his eyes there was only corruption and dishonour. "Leave her out of this." She finally said.

"Oh no, she is more valuable than you are, but she has lived out her days. So, it leaves me with you. And if you disobey me, I will kill her while you watch. She will die so slow that you would feel the pain yourself. Don't underestimate me, it will only end up in a mess."

For the first time in forever, a tear steadily fell down her cheek. Though, her face remained idle.

In that moment, she knew she had lost.

No amount of skill could get her out of that situation, she was weak, fragile and could barely stand. All she wanted to do is curl up into a ball and cry herself to sleep, yet she remained stationary.

Mr Ko wiped her tear with his thumb and pouted incoherently. "I will take that as a yes." He stood up and offered Soyoung a hand... She reluctantly accepted.

The next thing she knew Soyoung was back in her boss' office. He was waving his hand jarringly in front of her face. Her eyes stung after she eventually blinked. Soon after, she had been handed a one-way train ticket to Seoul. "Are you expecting me to die?" She asked.

"You will receive a ticket back once you have completed your mission.." Mr Ko replied. "All of your stuff will be imported through the car as they can't get through security. When you get there, someone will pick you up and take you to your new apartment."

Soyoung rolled her eyes and exited the office, making her way to the infirmary. This is it She thought I'm going home.


After two days of preparation, it was finally time for Soyoung to leave for Seoul. She wore Black leather trousers with matching black boot-heels, A plain white over-sized shirt along with a denim jacket. Accessory wise... She wore small hoop earings as well as small studs on her seconds and as always she wore a silver thumb ring that read the initials Y.J.H, she never took it off. It was the only thing she had left of her family.

She braided her long, platinum, silky hair, picked up her suitcase and headed out the door. One last time, she looked back into her small apartment that held barely anything despite her closet that was full of knives, guns, bows, and many other weapons, all that were transported to Seoul hours before. Finally, she turned off the light, locked the door and then slid the key under the welcome mat.


As she sat in  her first-class train seat, her mind wondered endlessly. Her thoughts were once again her only company. She could still feel the tug at the back of her brain when she first saw that picture, she had heard his name many times before. Agencies all over the world had wanted to get rid of him, but never made a move. Even the FBI leaves him be.

Seonghwa was a powerful man, that only gave Soyoung goose bumps.

She was a nobody, just somebody who gets paid millions to kill a shady businessman, politician, gambler or the occasional cheater. But when it came to the mafia... she wasn't a nobody. As a result She took on the surname 'lee'. Because the moment Park Seonghwa heard Yoon, she'll be dead within a second.

She thought back to her plan, she wasn't sure if it was going to work. Mr Ko said that they kill anyone that witnesses their illegal activities, which is true. But all mafias do it for protection and to stay out of prison. Even so, if a mob is big enough they could have half the police force on their payroll, so they could get away with almost everything. Soyoung knew she was walking into a danger zone and those people were lethal but she had to constantly reminded herself that she was just as dangerous.

The hot summer air attacked Soyoung as she stepped off the train. She took off her jacket and soaked in the luxury of the sun. By the time she set foot in the station she was dripping with sweat, her hair stuck to her face and her trousers became sticky.

After collecting her luggage she scanned her surroundings for someone holding a sign up with her name on it. She wondered and waited several moments until she felt a strong hold on her

As if on instinct, Soyoung grabbed the unknown wrist, bent her back and flipped the stranger over her shoulder.

All of a sudden, dozens of people stopped in their steps and stared at Soyoung in shock. She looked around her and glared at all the foreigners that laid their eyes on her. She was interrupted by a loud groan. The man on the floor got her attention immediately, Soyoung grabbed him by his shirt and brought his face close to hers.

The man was tall and well built, He was pale and had no hair and looked in his mid-thirties. "Who are you?" She asked, not acknowledging the people staring at her.

"I-I'm Kim Songwoo, your guide. Mr Ko sent me." He stuttered.

Soyoung let him go and helped him stand up. At that moment, she had realised everyone around her was still gazing. "Don't you all have a train to catch?" She yelled.

In that instant, it was like someone pressed play on the station after pausing it for a few minutes. She turned to face Songwoo and apologised for inconvenience. I guess you could say she was paranoid.

Songwoo soon escorted her to the car. The longer she was in there the more her palms started sweating and her stomach started turning, within the next three hours she would either be dead or in serious trouble.

They stopped outside a tall, modern building, she was handed a set of keys with the label 'A13'. "That's your apartment. I will be here until you go back, so bring all your information to me and I will report back unless the commander phones you himself." Songwoo claimed.

"No, tell him not to ring me. Ever. They will most likely take my phone off me. If I need him I will call him, I have the number memorised. There is a possibility that I won't be allowed out too, so if I don't come back don't think too much into it." Soyoung instructed.

Songwoo bowed and said his goodbyes. Soyoung entered the building and started looking for her apartment. After almost 10 minutes of searching, she finally opened the door to her new home.

Instantly, she chucked her suitcase on the grey couch and ran up the stairs to find two duffel bags on the bed.

Excitedly, she opened them to see dozens of blades, several guns, a bow and arrows, nunchucks, a couple of explosives and many custom made gadgets she received from the agency.

Seeing her gear back in her hands made her feel more safe, even though she could still protect herself without them, They gave her a sense of comfort.

Soyoung put the bags under the bed leaving only a blade and pistol out. She placed the gun in the draw of the bed side table and the knife under a pillow.

Paranoia was a huge part of her life in case you couldn't tell.

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