
978 34 16

Alarmingly, Seonghwa waited for the elevator door to his penthouse. He rushed to the kitchen and then placed Soyoung on the white counters. He switched on the lights and began raiding the cupboards for a first aid kit. His actions fast forwarded as he heard her cough in the background. After grabbing the kit and placing it on the side next to the wounded stranger, Seonghwa removed the piece of cloth, wincing at the sore image. Ignoring the gory state, he took a cotton pad and soaked it in antiseptic and then placing it on the injury, cleaning it. Next, he got a pair of tweezers and began searching through the wound for a bullet. After pulling it out, he applied pressure on the cut and started stitching it up.

Eventually, he was dripping with sweat and his breathing got heavier. He slammed his hands on the counter out of exhaustion and buried his head in his hands. Seonghwa was at loss for actions or words. Slowly lifting his head up, Seonghwa glared at the stranger lying on his kitchen side. Her chest was still moving and her eyelids were fluttering.

'Thank god' He thought to himself. It wasn't that he cared much for the woman, all he wanted was information from her. Although he was curious about who 'Lee Soyoung' was. His plan was to keep her close, trusting her was not an option.

Seonghwa dragged himself to the living room and loosened all his muscles as he slumped down onto the black leather sofa. He was covered in blood and his clothes were torn. He took a deep breath and looked at the ceiling, reminiscing what had happened in the last three hours.


The next morning, Seonghwa had gotten up early, washed up and put on clean clothes. He walked into the kitchen ignoring all the blood that still stuck to the counters and started to make himself a coffee. While doing so, he heard light footsteps approaching him.

"So you're awake." He said, not turning around.

Soyoung stood there, her hair in tatters and her body covered in dry blood while her dress hung loosely off her shoulders. "Where am I?" she asked.

Seonghwa turned to face her, coffee in hand. "At my penthouse."

The shock in her face was noticeable. She attempted to grab the gun out of its holder that was wrapped around her thigh but failed as it was missing. She sighed and leaned against the wall.

"You've already covered my kitchen with blood, don't get in on my walls." Seonghwa warned.

Soyoung stood up straight in response. "What am I doing here?"

Seonghwa took a sip of his coffee and put in down. He walked closer to Soyoung, she kept walking backwards, avoiding him but was stopped by the wall. She had nowhere to back off to, though it didn't stop Seonghwa. He kept walking closer to her until there was barely and inch separating them, he put his right arm up against the wall next to Soyoung's face. He lowered his head so it was close to hers. "I'm the one that will be asking the questions."

Soyoung stood still, no reaction, no movement. She looked up at him with stubborn eyes. That only frustrated Seonghwa. "Who the hell are you?" He said, scanning her inch by inch. "Who trained you?"

All of a sudden, he felt her knee hit him straight in his member. Soyoung had slipped her foot under his, causing him to fall on his back. She sat on top of him, lowering her face over his, that was filled with rage. "I've told you already, I'm Lee Soyoung."

Instantly, Seonghwa grabs her thigh while lifting himself up, flipping her over. He was now on top of her, her thigh in his hand. "I think I need to teach you who the boss is." He said, inching his face closer to hers.

She just smiled "You are not my boss." Soyoung moved her leg tighter around his waist, forcing his pelvis to touch hers. She stroked his face and said "Unless you want me." she whispered with a smirk painted across her face.

Seonghwa gripped her hair and pulled her head back causing her back to arch, He put his lips close to her neck slowly leaving his breath to linger, sending shivers down Soyoung's spine. He then moved his mouth to her ear "I think I need to know what you can do first."

At that moment, he felt a sharp pinch in his side. Soyoung glared at him. She had gotten the blade out of his belt and held it to his hip. "You will be surprised." she teased. "I know what you do to people who cross your path wrongfully, So you can try and kill me. But I can guarantee you won't succeed."

Seonghwa chuckled, he grabbed the wrist of her hand that held the knife. As if she was letting him, he guided the blade over her face. He traced the knife over the large scar over her eye. "A blade like this one did this to you." He said. The smile on Soyoung's face crumbled until Seonghwa saw the same look on her face that he saw when he first met her. "Touchy subject?" He said sarcastically.

To his surprise, Soyoung grabbed the sharp blade with her other hand. It was as if it didn't affect her. The expression on her face was idle as the blood from her hand dripped on her cheek. "You're not going to kill me." She stated. "I think you need me, more than you know."

"You're right." Seonghwa replied, staring at the blood on her face "But I'm starting to think I need you for a much different reason than I thought." At that time, he had released his grip on the knife and stood up. He offered his hand out and Soyoung accepted. She then placed the knife in the sink, her hand still streaming with blood yet she didn't acknowledge it.

As if on cue the elevator doors to the penthouse had opened. Seonghwa's good friend Yunho had arrived. Yunho's face dropped when he witnessed the state of the kitchen. "What happened?" He asked, approaching the pair. He then laid his eyes on Soyoung "And what did you do to her?"

Seonghwa just rolled his eyes, ignoring his questions "What took you so long getting here?"

"Would you believe me if I say traffic?" Yunho asked, sarcastically. He walked around and started drinking the coffee Seonghwa had previously made. "By the way, San is moaning about you being late."

Seonghwa just stared at his friend in disbelief. "I honestly wonder why." He replied, his tone laced only in sarcasm.

On that note, Seonghwa grabbed his coat and headed out. Before he reached the elevator, Soyoung called. "Where the hell are you going?"

"Work." He replied.

"But what about me?" Soyoung asked.

"Get a plaster and stay put." He ordered without turning his back. Leaving Yunho and Soyoung alone.

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