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In that moment, as I looked into his large eyes, I realised I had completely misunderstood him. My judgement was clouded by familiar stereotypes, that I had been warned of since a young age. I remained speechless at his response and watched quietly as he cleaned up, I didn't move a muscle. Finally, he leaned against the counter opposite me, each hand either side of me. His glare sent unexpected shivers down my spine. "From now on, I'm not going to disregard you." He stated. "Everything is going to change. You will be with me all the time as if you were in my inner circle."

I nodded. "I'll do everything I can to help."

He waved his index finger in front of my face causing my sight to become unfocused. "The only condition is keeping yourself out of danger." He warned.

I bit my lip and leaned closer to him. "But life's not fun without a little endangerment."

One again he grabbed my waist but this time he lifted me off the counter. He held my shoulders and lowered his head so he was eye-level with me. "That includes no more of your games." I responded with doe eyes until he eventually rolled his eyes and walked past me.


4 weeks had past. During that time I took the opportunity to form bonds with the members, although it was proven particularly hard to get close with Seonghwa. No matter what I did he avoided speaking more than a sentence to me, that didn't stop me. I began training with the others. It turns out they all specialised in different things. Jongho, Wooyoung and Seonghwa were stronger at fighting, Yunho and Mingi could aim well with a gun while Yeosang used other weapons such as knives and crossbows which I was fond of. And lastly San was talented in the technical aspects of things as well as combat.

I stormed into Seonghwa's office, slamming open the door. I received no reaction from him, he remained stationary as he worked on files. "What do you want Soyoung?"

I strutted up to him and slammed my hands on the desk. I finally mustered up the courage. "I need to speak to you."

Without moving his head, he replied "About what?"

"Do you know anything about the Ko family? Or maybe your father might know?" I asked.

He finally lifted his head up. "My father?"

"Yeah. I was hoping to talk to him. I heard he moved to japan."

He put his pen down and raised an eyebrow. "What's with the sudden interest in my father?"

Improvisation struck through. "I feel like it may have something to do with a previous client."

His attention focused back on his work "Then no."

I threw my hands in the air out of frustration. "Why not."

"The answer is no."

Fed up of his attitude towards me, I travelled around the desk and turned his chair, facing me. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer to me "Its been weeks and you still refuse to speak a full sentence to me." His response was to turn his face, I noticed his eyes had shut, his lips pressed together tightly and his hands balled into fists as his knuckles turned white. "Why? One minute you're willing to trust me and now you cant even look at me. Why?" I urged.

Eventually he faced me again, the tips of our noses almost touching. I felt as his breath became heavier. "I can't." He repeated, his eyes focused on my lips.

I placed my index finger under his chin and lifted it up causing his attention to focus on my eyes. I inched closer to him, staring at his plump lips while biting my own. "Maybe you're just scared."

After the lingering atmosphere, he held my cheeks and closed the space between us by crashing his lips onto mine. I thought I mistaken the sparks with shock. He grabbed my bottom and lifted me onto his lap while I wrapped my legs around his waist. I ran my hands through his hair as our breaths mixed together and our mouths moved in sync. Meanwhile, he stroked my waist as his lips travelled down my chin and onto my neck causing me to moan quietly. I lifted my head, giving him more access. We began assisting each other as we undressed. I unbuttoned his shirt without unlocking our lips until he resisted and released his contact. He struggled to take his eyes off my mouth. "We can't do this." He whispered, his voice husky and his chest expanding as he breathed heavily.

Honestly I had no clue what I was doing either, it was like I was possessed. I stroked my thumb over him plump lips. "Says who?" I replied. I streamed my hand down his sculpted abs while looking into his unfocused eyes.

His response was picking me up, my legs still wrapped around him, he pushed everything of his desk and gently laid me down while licking his lips. Once I put my head down he kissed me again but this time it was more passionate. A series of breathy moans escape our mouths unwillingly. He bit my lip as his mouth travelled down to my stomach. He unbuttoned my jeans while I helped him pull them off my legs along with my underwear.

My back arched and my head titled back as I felt his tongue pleasure me. I gripped the edge of the desk with one hand and clasped his hair in the other as his mouth moved unknowingly. I felt as my heart began to beat faster and my veins began to throb. After he finished I sat up and unbuckled his belt and pulled down his pants and underwear, his hard member showing. I hopped off the desk and fell to my knees, his hand caressing my hair.  I licked the end of his friend before I felt it hit the back of my throat, my gag reflex refused to respond. His moans filled the air.

Soon after he reached his climax into my mouth, he laid me back down on the desk and I opened my legs allowing him to slide inside me slowly, eventually thrusting faster. Sensation and pleasure filled my body. We switched positions, I was then on top. He removed my top and bra and began working with my breasts as I rode him until we both finished.

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