Forty Seven

697 28 4

3rd person POV

Soyoung's leg was jogging up and down as she sat in the van with the members. She was nervous to see her children. They would have been 4 years old now. It killed her that she wasn't there for their first steps and words. She wanted wanted to be the one they called for in the middle of the night when they experience nightmares. She wanted to take them to the park and go on play dates with other children. The fact that they weren't gonna know who she was when she met them, hurt her.

Seonghwa noticed her nerves, so he placed his hand on her fidgety leg and gave her a reassuring smile. Soyoung still couldn't believe she was sitting next to him. She generally thought that he would have killed her, but the fact that he chose to forgive and trust her again. She knew she wasn't going to take that for vantage. She was now prepared to love him and care for him they way she wished she had all those years ago.

Seonghwa intertwined their fingers, "everything is going to be okay." He assured.

"But they don't know I am." She replied. "What if they hate me?"

"That's impossible. They have been waiting to meet you forever."

"What did you tell them about me?"

Seonghwa sighed. "If I'm being honest, I never spoke about you. None of us did. We couldn't bring ourselves to." He admitted, "when they asked about you, we just said that you had gone in a business trip."

"What are they like?" She became intrigued.

Seonghwa chuckled before answering, "Ji-soo is exactly like you. She loves sneaky games and is very sassy. Meanwhile Jae-Hwa is more of the kill-em-with-silence type..."

Soyoung gazed at him as he spoke mostly highly of the their children. Every time he was telling her about them, his smile refused to leave his lips. She could tell how much he loved them. Even the other boys chimed in on little stories, they all seemed really close. Soyoung felt more at ease when they were talking, it was making her less nervous.

She also used that time to give a better explanation about what happened, and her real life growing up with Seventeen. "I really want you all to meet them properly."

"They're your family. We would love to." Seonghwa replied.

Soyoung soaked in the familiarity of standing in the building elevator and when the doors opened she felt as if she was back home. Everything was the same, the only difference was that there were toys scattered in random places. "Daddyyy!" Two kids ran up to their father. He picked them up and they wrapped their small arms around his neck. Seonghwa chuckled at the affection from his kids.

Whereas Soyoung had frozen completely. She watched as Hwa put the kids down and stood behind them so they were facing her. The twins stared at her with tilted heads for a moment. "Are you a princess?" Ji-soo asked genuinely.

Soyoung was confused before realising she was still wearing her ball down. She just shook her head, still unable to move. Mingi shook her shoulders "Why isn't she talking? Is something wrong with her? Soyoung? Okay this weird."

Yeosang pushed her forward gently "Go and speak to them." He whispered.

With those words, Soyoung started walking up to the intrigued twins, and crouched down to their level. They were perfect in her eyes. They shared their father's black hair and big eyes. She placed a hand on each of their cheeks as her attention panned between them. Seonghwa noticed how nervous she was so he stood next to her. "This is your mother." He told them.

The twins gazed at her with wide eyes, "you're back?" Jea-Hwa asked.

A smile beamed on Soyoung's face "Yes. I'm sorry it took me so long to come back to you." She pulled the siblings into a hug, they were hesitant but first but soon eased into her embrace. "I missed you both so much."
Soyoung stood up straight after pulling away.

"Uncle Sannie told us you were badass." Jae-Hwa fought the air.

Everyone eyes moved in San's direction. He backed away a little "They kept asking."

"You could have used better words." Yeosang nudged him, causing San to rub his arm and pout.

"Are you gonna leave again?" Ji-soo asked, everyone focused on her.

Soyoung picked up her daughter and tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear as she sat in her arms, "I'm never leaving again." She kissed her on the forehead and ruffled Jae-Hwa's hair.

"Where is uncle Chan?" Seonghwa asked.

Jae-Hwa pointed to the sofa "he fell asleep when watching SpongeBob."

Soyoung put Ji-Soo down and walked over to where Bang Chan was having a meeting with slumber. She crouched down and began tapping his shoulder but the only response she received was a loud snore.

So she decided to slap his face...but not too hard. That resulted in Chan siting up quickly and groaning, his eyes were still closed. "Jae-Hwa, what have I told you about hitting people?"

"Chan?" Soyoung tried to get his attention.

He looked in her direction but didn't open his eyes. "I'm awake."

"No you're not."

He eventually opened his eyes to point at the person who spoke back to him "hey!....." he tone started stern but slowly drifted into silence. "Soyoung?"
He moved back a little and lowered his hand from her direction. "What are you doing here?"

Before Soyoung could answer, the twins jumped on him, bringing him back to reality. "Mummy back!" They squealed.

Seonghwa leaned over the back of the sofa and smiled at his friend, "She is." He agreed with the kids' comment.

After a lot of explaining, Chan hauled Soyoung into a deep hug "It's been hell without you here."

Apologies kept pouring out of Soyoung's mouth. She didn't have anything else to say. She was too grateful for their forgiveness. Soyoung spent hours getting to know the twins more and spending time with ATEEZ, she felt a sense of comfort that she hadn't felt for a long time. As the sun began to fall tired, Soyoung came to a realisation. "I need to go home." She said.

"You're leaving?" San asked.

"Of course not. My family are probably worried about me. I need to let them know what has happened." She explained.

"I'll take you." Seonghwa offered.

Soyoung nodded and gave the twins a tight hug before going into the elevator with Hwa. The ride downward took a while. Seonghwa turned to her and made her face him. "What are you doing?" She asked.

He didn't answer, instead his hands snaked around her neck and unclipped her necklace. He poured the rings that was hung around the chain onto his palm. He stuffed the chain into his pocket before taking Soyoung's hand in his own and slid the rings back were they belonged. "I never want you to take these off again. You are Park Soyoung, my wife."

Her eyes tracked his ring. "Did you ever take yours off?"

He shook his head, "I wasn't ready to give you up yet."

Soyoung took a moment to gaze into his eyes, the sudden memories they shared together came flooding back. "Thank you." She said. "For forgiving me although I still haven't forgave myself."

Seonghwa wrapped his arms around her and brought her head into his shoulder. "I love you."

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