Thirty nine

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As I was parking the car, I had noticed Soyoung fell asleep. She must have been exhausted. While Yeosang went straight into the penthouse, he had been urging to leave us alone since my argument with Soyoung. I picked her up bridal-style, Although she was extremely heavy causing me to almost break my legs as I waiting for the elevator to reach my floor. I wobbled into my my bedroom and eventually placed her on the bed and pulled the cover over her shoulders. During that time, I admired her resulting in a smile creeping upon my lips. She was the only one who could make me do that, just by looking at her. I gifted her a peck on her head before leaving her to slumber peacefully.

Once I had shut the bedroom door, my anger came flooding back. I stormed into the living room where my dongsaeng's sat. Their once bright expressions turned colder as they read my face. None of us said anything for a while instil I fessed up "You kept a secret from me."

Yunho sat back and tried to reason with me "Hyung, we told her to be careful."

"But you know what she's like. If you point a gun in her direction, she will walk closer and placed her head on it. The girl craves danger." I replied.

"No, she doesn't. All she wanted was to help us and she did." San added, his tone serious.

"She got us the information quicker than we could." Hongjoong added. "Really, we should be thanking her."

I couldn't shake the fact they lied to me but I also understood. I wish they weren't always right about everything all the time. They seemed to notice my frustration "She's your wife now, Hyung." Jongho stated "just trust her."

I slumped down to the coffee table, which seems to be more of a chair these days, and buried my head in my hands "I do trust her."

"Then act like it." Joong said. "How do you think she feels being isolated when she's been active her whole life."

I looked up at my members, the tips of my fingers still lingered over my mouth. "I just don't want to lose her."

"None of us do." San added. "She's become a part of our family."

"She's even making us call her Noona." Yeosang whined.

"Who knows, maybe you will even learn to love her one day." Yunho shrugged but that comment stayed with me.

After all we were married and soon-to-be parents. And I know my feelings towards her were real but I couldn't bring myself to love without knowing she felt the same way.

Masquerade ball D-day
Soyoung's POV

Like many times before, I stood in front of the full length mirror that stood idly in the corner of Mingi and I's room. This time I was wearing my masquerade outfit. I wore a long black dress with many layers, the fabric over my breast were black flowers along with matching colour heels (The swelling in my feet kept resisting though. My hair was curled and tied back into a stylish ponytail. And lastly, of course I couldn't forget my gun and knives. A woman must always be prepared. I clutched my mask before meeting the boys in the living room, all of them elegantly dressed. 

Seonghwa grabbed my hand gently, refusing to meet my eyes and led my into the elevator with the others following behind. Things have been tense between the pair of us since our argument and since we were both stubborn pain in the asses, this issue hadn't been solved yet. Due to this, the drive to the event was quiet and awkward until Hongjoong spoke up "Do you all remember what you need to do." 

"Not. Do. Anything." I answered, my tone cold. Everyone's eyes shot on me. I looked back at them as if to ask what are you looking at?

I got caught off guard for a moment when Seonghwa took off his seatbelt and bent down so his hands were touching the floor of the minibus. At least that's what I thought. I tensed when I felt his hands travelling up my large dress, his fingers tracing my legs until he reached my thigh. Shit. His eyes met mine for the first time in two days, but I would rather him not since his dark stare bore into me as he unstrapped my thigh band that contained my weapons and brought it up to my face. "Do you have hearing difficulties?" His voice became passive. "We said NO retaliating." 

Ignoring him, I focused my attention on what was in front of me. He slammed the band on the floor, the clattering of the knives was the only thing to be heard as his stare burned through the side of my head. The boys looked at us, anticipating our next move. "Stop looking at me like that, Seonghwa." My gaze fixed on his "Like you're afraid of me."

His lips pressed together as he sighed "I'm not afraid of you, I'm afraid for you." 

"Then stop."

His hands balled into fists and his nostrils flared as he watched my still figure "For fuck sake, Soyoung! Just fucking listen for once in your god damn life. This isn't a game. This is a real life situation which can result in your death. You're not the same girl you were 5 months ago. You have things to live for now, so will you just let us keep you alive!"

I sat up and lean closer to him, my expression absent. "Do you know why I don't feel things?" He looked as if I just asked him to eat a slug. "Because if I have someone I love then I have someone else to fight for other than myself. I don't need that. So don't think for a second that I would blink an eye if I saw any one of you drop down dead."

My words hit me harder that I thought. Nothing that came out of my mouth was true. I thought I was ready to accept him so we could be happy together but the closer I get to him the more guilt swelled up inside me to the point where I felt like I was going to explode. My hormones were pressuring me to release tears as I spoke those lies but I resisted. I needed to protect him from the heart break he will feel when I leave, I didn't want him to hesitate to kill me the moment he finds out my secret. 

I leaned back into my original position, Seonghwa's gaze found it impossible to leave mine. "Now you're just lying to yourself." He spat, "When will you admit that you actually care and that you're not some robot anymore."

"You know nothing about me."

"Yes I do. I know that you're broken and your too scared to find out what happens when someone fixes you. That's why you keep pushing me away."

"I'm pushing you away to protect you."

"from what? You? What are you gonna do, Soyoung? Kill me? If so, please hurry up because I don't want to live another second if it means that you're going to keep shutting me out."

I groaned "Stop being so pathetic. You will be saying sorry when you get killed by your own brother."

Before he could speak again, he was cut off by a loud voice "WILL YOU TWO JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!" 

Everyone's eyes shot in Hongjoong's direction. "The pair of you need to get over yourselves. You will only end up hurting each other." Me and Hwa sunk into our seats as if we were toddlers having a strop."You're literally husband and wife with kids on the way and now you want to kill one another? Its ridiculous and petty. You're both exactly the same." 

"We are here, Boss." Our driver announced, cutting through the thick tension. 

That was our que to get out the car and act as if everything was perfectly fine. Seonghwa grabbed my arm and linked it through his as we entered the hall, His eyes remained darting forward "We are going to talk when we get home." he said, loud enough so only I could hear.

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